Martial Artist Class (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Martial Artist Class (6/5/2008 4:36:54)

[image][/image]Martial Artist Class[image][/image]
Location: Travel Map -> Martial Artist
Requirement: Level 30; Level 10 Fighter

O-Ebi-Sama: You must first be a Level 10 Fighter to begin Martial Arts training.
O-Ebi-Sama: Find Blackhawke on the second floor of the Inn in Battleon to train as a Fighter, then return here once you have reached Level 10 as a Fighter! Good Luck!
  • Home

    «Scene: A peaceful plains. In the distance, you can see mountains with a small building. At any time, you can skip the introduction»

    In the eastern mountains there is a hidden temple where it is said the greatest martial arts masters all began their training. Your journey there with a guide, who has sworn you to secrecy...

    «The screen zooms in to the building, and then back to the base of the mountain»

    Lady Akai: We have come to the hidden temple. You may say it is not hidden very well on the side of a mountain, but it can only be seen by someone who is deserving of the knowledge held within.
    Lady Akai: You will not be able to enter the temple unless you are wearing the White Gi. I have one for you...

    SHOP: Martial Artist 1
  • White Gi

    Lady Akai: Now, put it on and show me you have the inner power to continue!
  • !!!

    1 BATTLE
    Lady Akai

    Lady Akai: You have begun. You must make your way to the Temple. First, descend into the valley below, cross the river and scale the mountain's steps. You will encounter a final test before you can enter the Temple.
    Lady Akai: I an confident that you will become a Martial Arts master as long as you can enter the temple. First you will train in the Crouching Frogzard school.
    Lady Akai: Once you have achieved rank 5, you can choose to specialize in 4 othe schools:
    Lady Akai: Goog's Claw, Slithering Sneak, Fist of the Troll Club, or Dragon's Breath schools!
  • Go!

    «Full heal after the third battle*»
    *The waterfall is enchanted and heals you completely!

    1 BATTLE
    Temple Guardian (100)
    «Even if you die, the quest continues»

    Temple Guardian: My! You have shown great talent. Allow me to teach you the first ability of the Crouching Frogzard school of Martial Arts -- the Claw Slash!!
  • Wow!
    Class Level Up!
    You have begun your quest to become a Martial Arts master!
    Once you reach level 5, you will even be able to specialize in 4 other schools of martial arts!!
    Level 1

    Temple Guardian: Now, try again, using your new technique! You tired me out in that last battle, so take it easy on me this time.*winks*
  • Fight!

    1 BATTLE
    Temple Guardian (30)

    Temple Guardian: Hmmmm...Excellent. You may enter the temple. The Master awaits....
    «Scene: A peaceful plains. In the distance, you can see mountains with a small building. At any time, you can skip the introduction»
    In the eastern mountains there is a hidden temple where it is said the greatest martial arts masters all began their training. Your journey there with a guide, who has sworn you to secrecy...

    «The screen zooms in to the building»

    Dadric: Congratulations on entering my temple! Few have passed the test that you have to reach me and begin training in the Martial Arts!
  • Quest!
  • What is a Martial Artist?
      Dadric: The Martial Arts are a vast collection of knowledge pertaining to fighting methods and defensive tactics going back thousands of years.
      Dadric: A Martial Artist is someone who studies Martial Arts. But the true meaning of being a Martial Artist depends on the person practicing the arts.
      Dadric: A Martial Artist must use their skills only when necessary-- When negotiaion and reasoning can no longer defend the innocent ot one's self, you must call upon the Martial Arts.
  • Dadric's Shop
  • Back to Town
      «If your class is not Martial Artist»

      Dadric: Allow me to restore your title of Martial Artist.
    • Restore Martial Artist title
    • Back
      Dadric: You may now call yourself a Martial Artist!
    • Back
    Dadric: Go on missions for me and bring order to the once-peaceful valley below. Many gangs of lawless fighters must be stopped! Defeat a gang and I will teach you another skill of Crouching Frogzard school.
  • Go on a mission
  • Not right now
      Quest Accepted!
      Help make this valley safe from bandits and Master Dadric will teach you a new skill in the Crouching Frogzard school of Martial Arts!
    • Go!
    Between each battle:
      Enemy Defeated!
      Consider resting to regain some mana and health before you continue!
    • Rest Now
      **3 Rests Remaining.
    • Continue
    Stat Roll!
    You have been tracking this monster for days! Do you have enough strength left to make a quick attack on the enemy before it gets away?!
    Difficulty: 50 / 55 / 60 / 60
    Stat Used: Strength
      «On failure»

      Boss escaped!
      The gang's boss got away, and will surely build up his gang's forces soon! Do not give up now, though-- Just try to stop another gang so that you can learn a new skill!
    • Try again!
    • Give up...
    1 BATTLE
    Rusky Bakflipp (40) / Mrs. Butterworth (40) / Wang-Chung (48) / Man in Very Dark Clothing (48)

    Class Level Up!
    You have learned a new ability! Your Martial Arts power is greater than ever before!
    Level 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

    «After Reaching Martial Artist level 5»
      «If not a Guardian»

      Dadric: Although you may continue training, you must become a Guardian to use the advanced skills of the Gogg Claw, Slithering Sneak, Fist of the Troll Club and Dragon's Breath schools.
    • Continue
    • Become a Guardian
  • Learn Gogg Claw style
  • Learn Slithering Sneak style
  • Learn Fist of the Troll Club style
  • Learn Dragon's Breath style
  • Frogzard Style Shop
    **«As Above»
  • Back to Town

    Thanks to icydarkstary, Fei, Hedning1390 and Duskie. Boss link correction thanks to Windy
    Random monsters!

  • Ianthe -> RE: Martial Artist Class (6/5/2008 9:37:49)

    Martial Artist Class
    Gogg Claw Style

    Lady Akai: To learn the first move of the Gogg Claw Style, you must seek out my school!
  • Go on a mission!
  • Not right now
      Quest Accepted!
      Search out the Gogg Claw School in the Northlands to prove your worth!
    • Go!
    Between each battle:
      Enemy Defeated!
      Consider resting to regain some mana and health before you continue!
    • Rest Now
      **1 Rests Remaining.
    • Continue
    Class Level Up!
    You have learned a new ability!
    Your Martial Arts power is greater than ever before!
    Level 6

    Lady Akai: Welcome to my dojo. Here you will learn the secrets of the Gogg Claw school of Martial Arts!
  • Quest
  • What is Gogg Claw School?
      Lady Akai: The frozen northlands are home to many fearsome creatures, but none more respected than the gogg family.
      Lady Akai: Slow and lumbering, the gogg devotes itself to lightning fast ambushes against unwary foes. From this example grew the Gogg Claw form of martial arts.
      Lady Akai: Focusing on rapid flurries of punches and kicks, the form can deliver massive amounts of damage in short amounts of time, but at the cost of the ability to defend oneself well.
      Lady Akai: The ultimate expression of this form, a technique called Hundred-Claw Strike, delivers a slew of punches and kicks to an opponent.

  • Lady Akai's Shop
  • Back to Tow
      «If your class is not Martial Artist»

      Lady Akai: Allow me to restore your title of Martial Artist.
    • Restore Martial Artist title
    • Back
      Lady Akai: You may now call yourself a Martial Artist!
    • Back

    Lady Akai: Go on missions for me and bring order to the serene northlands. Many gangs of lawless fighters must be stopped! Defeat a gang and I will teach you another skill of the Gogg Claw school.
  • Go on a mission!
  • Not right now.
      Quest Accepted!
      Help make the Northlands safe from bandits and Master Akai will teach you a new skill in the Gogg Claw school of Martial Arts!
    • Go!
    Between each battle:
      Enemy Defeated!
      Consider resting to regain some mana and health before you continue!
    • Rest Now
      **3 Rests Remaining.
    • Continue
    Tackle Monster!
    You have been tracking this monster for days! Do you have enough strength left to make a quick attack on the enemy before it gets away?!

    Difficulty: 70 / 75 / 80 / 80
    Stat Used: Strength
      On failure:

      Boss escaped!
      The gang's boss got away, and will surely build up his gang's forces soon! Do not give up now, though-- Just try to stop another gang so that you can learn a new skill!
    • Try again!
    • Give up...
    1 BATTLE
    Mr. Stick (60) / Fran San Frisco (60) / John Dumbo (68) / Wings Hauser (68)
    Class Level Up!
    You have learned a new ability!
    Your Martial Arts power is greater than ever before!
    Level 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

    Thanks to icydarkstary, Fei, and Hedning1390. Boss link correction thanks to Windy
    Random monsters!

  • Ianthe -> RE: Martial Artist Class (6/5/2008 11:00:08)

    Martial Artist Class
    Slithering Sneak Style

    Drayson: To learn the first move of the Slithering Sneak Style, you must seek out my school!
  • Go on a mission!
  • Not right now
      Quest Accepted!
      Search out the Slithering Sneak School in the Skraeling Desert to prove your worth!
    • Go!
    Between each battle:
      Enemy Defeated!
      Consider resting to regain some mana and health before you continue!
    • Rest Now
      **1 Rests Remaining.
    • Continue
    Class Level Up!
    You have learned a new ability!
    Your Martial Arts power is greater than ever before!
    Level 6

    Drayson: Welcome to my dojo. Here you will learn the secrets of the Slithering Sneak school of Martial Arts!
  • Quest
  • What is Slithering Sneak school?
      Drayson: The deadly sneak, the venomous master of evasion. Those who would brave Skraeling Desert would do best to avoid this beast.
      Drayson: The Yenghal call the desert home, and know the dangers of the sneak. It is no surprise that they developed the Slithering Sneak form, stressing defense, evasion, and counter attacks.
      Drayson: The ultimate expression of this form, a technique called Poison Fang, takes this emulation further, delivering a dose of poison into an opponent.
  • Drayson's Shop
  • Back to Town


    Drayson: Go on missions for me and bring order to this quiet desert region. Many gangs of lawless fighters must be stopped! Defeat a gang and I will teach you another skill of the Slithering Sneak school.
  • Go on a mission!
  • Not right now.
      Quest Accepted!
      Help make the Skraeling Desert safe from bandits and Master Drayson will teach you a new skill in the Slithering Sneak school of Martial Arts!
    • Go!
    Between each battle:
      Enemy Defeated!
      Consider resting to regain some mana and health before you continue!
    • Rest Now
      **3 Rests Remaining.
    • Continue
    Tackle Monster!
    You have been tracking this monster for days! Are you quick enough to catch it before it escapes?
    Difficulty: 70 / 75 / 80 / 80
    Stat Used: Dexterity
      «On failure»

      Boss escaped!
      The gang's boss got away, and will surely build up his gang's forces soon! Do not give up now, though-- Just try to stop another gang so that you can learn a new skill!
    • Try again!
    • Give up...
    1 BATTLE
    Greenlips Williams (60) / Viper (60) / P. Noots (68) / Waaaaaah (68)
    Class Level Up!
    You have learned a new ability!
    Your Martial Arts power is greater than ever before!
    Level 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

    Thanks to icydarkstary, Fei, and Hedning1390. Level 8/9 monsters from Stephen Nix. Boss link correction thanks to Windy
    Random monsters!

  • Ianthe -> RE: Martial Artist Class (6/5/2008 11:52:32)

    Martial Artist Class
    Fist of the Troll Club Style

    Boog: To learn the first move of the Fist of the Troll Club Style, you must seek out my school!
  • Go on a mission!
  • Not right now
      Quest Accepted!
      Search out the Fist of the Troll Club School in the Augerthorne Forest to prove your worth!
    • Go!
    Between each battle:
      Enemy Defeated!
      Consider resting to regain some mana and health before you continue!
    • Rest Now
      **1 Rests Remaining.
    • Continue

    Class Level Up!
    You have learned a new ability!
    Your Martial Arts power is greater than ever before!
    Level 6

    Boog: Welcome to my dojo. Here you will learn the secrets of the Fist of the Troll Club school of Martial Arts!
  • Quest
  • What is this style all about?
      Boog: The orcs of Augerthorne long observed, and warred with their troll neighbors and rivals, and from these centuries of war and study came a respect--
      Boog: --that grew into the martial artists among the orcs developing the Fist of the Troll Club form of martial art.
      Boog: Like the mighty club wielded by a troll, this form stresses using a single punch or kick to deliver massive damage. Unforunately, this massive damage comes at the cost of accuracy.
      Boog: The ultimate expression of this form, a technique called Stunning Fist, can deliver a punch so brutal it actually has a chance to temporarily paralyze an opponent.
  • Boog's Shop
  • Back to Town


    Boog: Go on missions for me and bring order to Augerthorne Forest. Many gangs of lawless fighters must be stopped! Defeat a gang and I will teach you another skill of the Fist of the Troll Club school.
  • Go on a mission!
  • Not right now.
      Quest Accepted!
      Help make the Augerthorne Forest safe from bandits and Master Boog will teach you a new skill in the Fist of the Troll Club school of Martial Arts!
    • Go!
    Between each battle:
      Enemy Defeated!
      Consider resting to regain some mana and health before you continue!
    • Rest Now
      **3 Rests Remaining.
    • Continue
    Tackle Monster!
    You have been tracking this monster for days! Do you have enough strength left to make a quick attack on the enemy before it gets away?!
    Difficulty: 70/75/80/80
    Stat Used: Strength
      «On failure»

      Boss escaped!
      The gang's boss got away, and will surely build up his gang's forces soon! Do not give up now, though-- Just try to stop another gang so that you can learn a new skill!
    • Try again!
    • Give up...
    1 BATTLE
    Lizz Arden (50) / Cher Thepain (48) / Thick-Skin Charlie (60) / Buck Dodgers (68)

    Class Level Up!
    You have learned a new ability!
    Your Martial Arts power is greater than ever before!
    Level 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

    Thanks to icydarkstary, Fei, and Hedning1390. Boss link correction thanks to Windy
    Random monsters!

  • Ianthe -> RE: Martial Artist Class (6/5/2008 12:32:32)

    Martial Artist Class
    Dragon's Breath Style

    O-Ebi-Sama: To learn the first move of the Dragon’s Breath Style, you must seek out my school!
  • Go on a mission!
  • Not right now
      Quest Accepted!
      Search out the Dragon’s Breath Style School in the Dragonspine Mountains to prove your worth!
    • Go!
    Between each battle:
      Enemy Defeated!
      Consider resting to regain some mana and health before you continue!
    • Rest Now
      **1 Rests Remaining.
    • Continue

    Class Level Up!
    You have learned a new ability!
    Your Martial Arts power is greater than ever before!
    Level 6

    O-Ebi-Sama: Welcome to my dojo. Here you will learn the secrets of the Dragon’s Breath Style school of Martial Arts!
  • Quest
  • What is this style all about?
      O-Ebi-Sama: Dragons are perhaps the most feared, respected, and revered of all of Lore's creatures.
      O-Ebi-Sama: It is no wonder, then, that in the Dragonstone Mountains, one of the oldest forms of martial arts was developed to emulate these beings: the Dragon Breath form.
      O-Ebi-Sama: Unlike the other forms, which focus on perfection of the body, Dragon Breath form focuses on perfection of the spirit. It stresses the channeling of ones chi for use as offense and defense.
      O-Ebi-Sama: The ultimate expression of this form, Chi Onslaught, delivers a flurry of chi-enhanced physical blows with a massive blast of pure chi energy at the end.
  • O-Ebi-Sama's Shop
  • Back to Town


    O-Ebi-Sama: Go on missions for me and bring order to Dragonspine Mountains. Many gangs of lawless fighters must be stopped! Defeat a gang and I will teach you another skill of the Dragon’s Breath Style school.
  • Go on a mission!
  • Not right now.
      Quest Accepted!
      Help make the Dragonspine Mountains safe from bandits and Master O-Ebi-Sama will teach you a new skill in the Dragon’s Breath Style school of Martial Arts!
    • Go!
    Between each battle:
      Enemy Defeated!
      Consider resting to regain some mana and health before you continue!
    • Rest Now
      **3 Rests Remaining.
    • Continue
    Tackle Monster!
    You have been tracking this monster for days! Do you have enough strength of spirit left to make a quick attack?!
    Difficulty: 70/75/80/80
    Stat Used: Charisma
      On failure:

      Boss escaped!
      The gang's boss got away, and will surely build up his gang's forces soon! Do not give up now, though-- Just try to stop another gang so that you can learn a new skill!
    • Try again!
    • Give up...
    1 BATTLE
    Bo Bu Bai (60) / Flo LeMo (60) / Floppy-Ears Jackson (68) / Skip Upperlip (68)
    Class Level Up!
    You have learned a new ability!
    Your Martial Arts power is greater than ever before!
    Level 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

    Thanks to icydarkstary, Fei, and Hedning1390. Boss link correction thanks to Windy
    Random monsters!

  • Ianthe -> RE: Martial Artist Class (9/6/2009 0:11:04)

    «All five trainers are standing in the Guardian Arena»

    Drayson: It is good to see you here!
    Lady Akai: So you have come to take part in the Martial Arts Tournament! How interesting...
    Boog: Har har har... THIS should be something to see!
    O-Ebi-Sama: Do not make light of this, Boog-san. It is a challenge most respectable.
    Dadric: So what do you say? Will you battle through 6 opponents to see if your martial arts training helps you come out the winner??
  • Enter the Tournament!
  • Train in A New School
  • Dadric's Shop
  • Lady Akai's Shop
  • Drayson's Shop
  • O-Ebi-Sama's Shop
  • Boog's Shop
  • Restore Martial Artist Class
  • Back to Town

  • Train in A New School

    Dadric: To train in another school of martial arts, we need to lower your class level back to 5. Then you may choose a different school to specialize in. You will lose the top five abilities of your current Gi.
    Dadric: Then you will be able to choose a different school and will have to buy and train a new Gi. Do you still want to do this?
  • No-- Not today!
    «Back to the beginning menu»
  • Yes! I will train more!
    «Your Martial Artist Class level is set to 5. You return to the style selection screen»
  • Enter the Tournament!

    O-Ebi-Sama: Very good!! We wish you luck!
  • Fight!

    «Full heal after battles #1, #3, and #5»1 BATTLE: Bruised Lee (85)

    Dadric: Congratulations-- You are the champion of the tournament! Your martial arts training has made you a true master!
  • Enter the Tournament Again!
  • Train in A New School
  • Dadric's Shop
  • Lady Akai's Shop
  • Drayson's Shop
  • O-Ebi-Sama's Shop
  • Boog's Shop
  • Restore Martial Artist Class
  • Back to Town

  • Page: [1]

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