Kindheart Mirror (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Kindheart Mirror (6/20/2008 0:26:02)

Kindheart Mirror

Also see Trueheart Mirror, Braveheart Mirror, Nobleheart Mirror, and Pureheart Mirror.

Level: 20
Price: 1,500 55
Sellback: 450 750 27
Location: The Final Battle ; Devourer Saga Items Shop
Element: Neutral

Melee: +3
Ranged: +3
Magic: +3

Fire: -2%
Water: -2%
Wind: -2%
Ice: -2%
Earth: -2%
Energy: -2%
Light: -2%
Darkness: -2%

NOTE: The shield may not be working properly!
  • When you are hit (regardless of whether the hit connects), the shield adjusts the Damage you receive based on your Good/Evil Alignment. A is your Alignment, disregarding whether it is positive or negative.
      •If your Alignment is positive, the attack deals {1 - (A/1.7 rounded off)/2 } * 100% Base, Random and Stat damage*.
      •If your Alignment is negative, the attack deals {1 + (A/1.7 rounded off)/2 } * 100% Base, Random and Stat damage**.
      •Rate: (A/3.4)% (rounded down)

      *The shield senses the purity of your spirit and absorbs a portion of the incoming damage!
      **The shield senses the taint within your spirit and magnifies the damage you receive!
  • When you are hit (regardless of whether the hit connects), the shield adjusts its Element Modifiers based on your Good/Evil Alignment. A is your Alignment, disregarding whether it is positive or negative.
      •If your Alignment is positive, the shield gains -2% to the element by which you were just hit.
      •If your Alignment is negative, the shield gains +2% to the element by which you were just hit.
      •The shield can shift a maximum of two times.
      •Rate: (A/0.17)% (rounded down)
    This artifact aids only the pure of heart, and betrays those with evil intentions!


    Image and stats from ssjgoku5. Effects from Reyn Roadstorm. Corrections from fenmeisterkronos and Shadowy Mist.

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