RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (Full Version)

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Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/14/2008 19:34:44)

Oh, thanks. And dragon about the post you made about who your competing against. Incase you didn't check (probably did but anyways) its Mitto, you, and I.

dragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/14/2008 19:37:50)

Ah, I'm aware Nightly, I was actually referring to last year's EC, in which Ged and I competed in the same arena.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/14/2008 19:58:50)

:p I know... I get bored. Old rps are good reading material sometimes

Varin -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/14/2008 20:15:17)

Name: Remus Uresti

Element of Participation: Wind

Class, if applicable: No classification that fits.

First Post

(Optional from this point on)
Vital Statistics:
Male, human, approximately twenty-five years of age at best guess.
Remus is six foot three inches and a toned two hundred and thirty pounds. He can be seen to carry himself with confidence and composure. Built tall, he knows he can be an imposing presence, though, he attempts not to loom in polite society. His eyes are an intense fog-over-the-water gray. Remus' shoulder length sunset-red hair is pulled back and gathered at the back of his neck in a tooled leather clasp; most of the top of his hair and head are covered by a green leather skullcap.

Remus' left hip bears a visibly standard bastard sword, capped off with a pommel of tapered steel. Slung across his back is a wooden, steel-framed heater shield. Hung on his right hip is a one handed axe, balanced with a spike on the reverse. A plain leather belt holds up his leggings, with two small sacks about the size of a fist hanging down from the back at either side.
He is outfitted in a gleaming suit of chain mail armor which rests over top of a padded doublet. A pair of hunter-green leggings and stout, turned-down leather boots finish his worn clothing. A carved figurine of a falcon in a dive hangs as a necklace between his chain mail and his doublet. Fingerless leather gloves connected to forearm bracers complete the defensive armaments, with his upper biceps covered by the sleeve of the chain mail. Each of the bracers have small, indistinct carvings on them, when seen closely, they resemble nothing but the broken scribbles of a child's first interaction with charcoal.

Secondary physical description for reference's sake:
Remus towers over the average person, standing 6'3", yet is comfortable with his size. Somehow, without slouching, he manages to make his a warm presence to most. A tattoo transforms his left eye into the caricature of a bird of prey's eye, complete with a half-mask of circling feathers, leaving no natural eyebrow on that half of his face. His tattoo gives off a rake-hell attitude about himself that he rarely, if ever, shows in a public forum. His strong, square jaw along with a mouth more accustomed to smiles than frowns seems to dissipate the harshness of his tattoo into a comical foil, something akin to calling a rotund man, "slim". His eyes can be seen to drink in everything around him, never at rest, always moving, flittering about like the eyes of his carved necklace.

Background: Arrived in town the day of the EC. No known contact with any other contestants prior to stepping into the arena. No available background.

(Edited in for first post)

Beebote -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/14/2008 20:30:49)

Yay! 'Tis the Barking Bee's first EC! I wanted in on this last year but missed the drop-offs. So here be my first EC hopeful and potentially a future 'returning champion':

Name: Djaak Hiirst
Element of Participation: Wind
Class, if applicible: Aeromancer
< Djaak Hiirst: First Post>

Vital Statistics: 5' 11", 165 lbs, Medium frame
Weaponry: He carries six identical, perfectly weighted, 5" ivory-handled throwing knives on his belt.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/14/2008 20:45:38)

Did all of the people who like wind just wake up? Ha ha. Good luck to you all.

DWeird -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/14/2008 23:44:29)


DWeird, only seven? My guys going for a full house.

Anyway, this is going to be so much fun, no matter what happens.

In the Finals, I meant. Sorry for being unclear on that. ^-^


Anyway... Hopefully, these are only two of the mass of people who always wait for the semi-last moment to join. :D

C'mon now, don't by shy!

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 2:58:50)

Hey, DWeird, if you let my character live, I'll give ya this fresh corpse I just... found :P <_<

TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 6:49:02)

Just so that nobody has any doubts about this, it is exceedingly difficult to actually KILL Selah, even if she just stood there and did nothing to stop you. So, fair warning has now been given.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 10:06:45)

Im probably going to join, but Im not able to get a bio up at this very moment. I will edit this post hopefully later today with a bio.


Name: Cale Mercer aka N3344
Age: ??
Height: 6'0
Weight: 220
Element: Earth
Class: Earth Morpher(Kind of like Sandman from spider man but better)

Appearance: Cale has short, dark, brown hair and greenish white eyes. Relatively average build that doesnt prevent him from moving. Wears light padded armor on the chest and legs, but other then that he just has a dirty white t-shirt, a cliched cloak, and some regular medeval shoes(Or whatever era this takes place). Oh and he does wear pants as well.

Weapons: None, basically uses his body.

Personaility: Insane muderer with no remorse for anything he does. He doesnt really talk much, but when he laughs, he has a very maniacal laugh.

First Post:

Ok, just want to let people know that Cale uses the earth to fuse with his body(again like sandman from spiderman), meaning that he can create any kind of "weapon" or spikes on his body. I dont want you guys to think I will be cheating when he sprouts some spike on his back or something. He can also use a variety of earth magic, but doesnt really use them much.

Well, this is going to be exciting and I cannot wait till tommorow!

The Dragon Knight -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 11:21:50)

Well, slap me with a trout and call me TDK, if it isn't N3344. This could be interesting.

Muse -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 11:43:25)

*thwap* Take that you, TDK.

And in response to the comment on page 10 about whether or not to keep abilities close to your chest: in the end it doesn't matter, as this is judged by RPing skill and has little to do with what your character can do. So it's up to you whether or not you 'hold back', as long as you RP to the best of your ability.


Geez. I'm starting to sound like an ARPer.

Biophysicist -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 12:59:21)

Hardly surprising, that. *points at some text few pixels below Muse's name* Now if I would start to sound like an ARPer, that would be.

I'm trying to remember, did N3344 ever make ARPer or not? (And I'm sorry if that sounds like an insult, it's not. Darn, I say that to much...)

Ralor -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 14:12:25)

He's an rp tutor. It's a better title.

N3344 -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 15:03:11)

TDK[:)]: I havent seen you in a while. Maybe we can go against each other if we are in the same arena. Hopefully we'll both make it in the finals and we could fight there. But none the less, its good to see you.

Arya: No, Im not a ARPer. Its ok though, I dont mind. Oh and dont worry, I didnt see that as an insult haha.

Ralor: Haha yea, I do have the RP Tutor title, but I honestly shouldnt. Im a very very very very lazy tutor. I need to get back in the RPA. Maybe if the EC shows me that I can manage my time well enough, I can perm. come back.

Well guys, Im very excited for tommorow. Should be interesting to see all the fights and what not. Oh and I posted my bio.

jerenda -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 20:53:32)

Oh, it starts tommorow? *rereads intro post* Imagine that, it starts tommorow... Hey, I'm up for a Spectator's thread. I'd even use it, 'cause I'm too chicken to take part in the actual EC. [;)] (I hate combat... in RL and RP. ^_^)

Hey N3344! *waves* I figured you were dead. [;)]

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 21:13:55)

ACK! You forget about me!

Ronin thats bout 5ish ALOT of people who want it :P 4 more than neccesary ha ha. So can we have one paweety please??

Cheeseliker -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 22:36:41)

I'm pretty sure this many or more people posted interest in a spectator thread as well, and look what happened to that....

Just saying, if there is one this year, you guys who said you'd use it better use it.

xaxtoo -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/15/2008 23:01:41)

Name: Karddicj

Element of Participation: Darkness

Class: Outcast

<Insert First Post Here>

So I don't have to do it in my first post.
Brief Physical Description:
Karddicj is clothed in a dark material which more or less is attached to himself in the shape of a fixed but form-fitting exoskeleton, so it may be more accurate to say that's his hide. His body is completely enclosed by it except for symmetrical rectangular holes across his chest until the beginnings of the abdomen. These things reflect his weirdly looking front torso color and gives off a faint glowing blueish light. The exoskeleton creates a natural triangular helmet for his face covering the top and the back of the head. His face peers out from it in an eerie white. His legs are bow looking and sometimes resemble the rear legs of an animal and sometimes human due to a shifting knee.

Ralor -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/16/2008 0:12:48)

Looks like we won't know where we're gonna be till this thing starts.

Ryu Viranesh -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/16/2008 10:50:48)

Name: Seyrinth Mountlock
Element of Participation: Ice
Race: Tundra Dwarf
Class, if applicible: BattleRager

(Optional from this point on)
Vital Statistics: I.e. height, weight, frame, etc, etc...: 3'9" tall, weighs 225lbs, Sturdy, Slower.
Weaponry: (Though optional, this is a plus for reference sake) Spiked/Ridged Armor(includes a helmet with a spike on it), Strength, Ice Forming/Shaping magic, and a small bit of ice control magic.
Secondary physical description for reference's sake: He has a beird and hair that is white as snow, some very muscular arms legs and a torso(that you never see due to the armor), and has piercing light blue steellike eyes.
Background: Lost in Translation, literally, I can't translate it.

cmgaugler -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/16/2008 13:23:08)

What the hey- wasn't going to join, but I was in the last...what...two, three Elemental Championships [?], it would be a shame to break the chain now.

I'll be using James, same as always, and this time will stick to my element rather dutifully save for the occasional non-elemental attack. Enjoy.

Name: James C. Gardineir
Element of Participation: Light
Race: Guardian of Lore, a special being created by Death from the energy of the universe to preserve the balance of the world.
Class, if applicible: Paladin.
<Edit in a link to your first post here, since that is where you ought to be describing your character> ....Suuree...

Vital Statistics: Height: 6'2" Weight 200lbs Frame: Moderate build, but extremely agile at need
Weaponry: Longsword, golden suit of armor, huge allottment of magical spells, cooking knife only used at utmost need.
Secondary physical description for reference's sake: Golden warrior with longsword strappedd to back, pouches (full of herbs and what-not) and a knife strapped tight to his side, very agile and strong, huge amount of mana from which to form his spells. He also has a connection with his Guardian Angel, a virtue of being a Guardian of Lore, which gives him almost unlimited power.

...The thing is, I don't believe in restricting a character's potential strenght just for the fear of godmodding. I do believe, however, that power comes with a consequence- something one must endure or loss to balance out the power drawn- for James, his potential power is unstoppable, dwarfing almost everyone in the EC. ...or everyone. But in his ultimate form, he would face "godmodding" consequences...certain death for example. And since he has a lot of work yet to do, you've no worries about that. Just thought I should make it clear- I'm not using too much power. He would drop out before that.

Background: After almost destroying the world and not-as-almost killing millions of innocent people through a overrunning insecticoid holocaust, James has wandered Lore, searching not only for the power to destroy the Nia-Robani, the insect threat that almost destroyed the world, and cast down the tyrannys of Huang on earth and Crios in hell, (basically, liberate the world from the hands of the gods; cast them down to save their subjects), but he has as well searched desperately for his own inner peace of mind and a family to call his own. After years and years of searching, he has finally found his family in the form of Celena, Demek, and Min Shadowsong, but will his joy and peace survive the coming storm; the end of his journey and the redeanment of his soul? (...Find out, next time schizophrenia..^_^)

*Flies away* That should be sufficient. Call if I missed somethin'.


Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/16/2008 17:51:21)

Drop-off time!!!!! Woot woot!!! So um, do you need some help Ronin?

Ralor -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/16/2008 18:33:07)

He probably just had a meeting again today. I expect that we'll have it either by the end of the day or early in the morning tomorrow but don't quote me on that.

Nightly -> RE: =Elemental Championships= OOC 2008 (Applications Phase) (7/16/2008 18:42:33)

Okay. I hope not tommorow though. I wont have to much time :P

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