RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (Full Version)

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Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:02:37)

Isn’t it?

Aren’t it all just games you play
in your restless minds?
As you wonder if you’ll stay
or move your big behinds.

Aren’t it all just stories you tell
when talking to your kin?
How you shout and how you yell
to stop their every sin.

Isn’t it all just make-believe?
Isn’t it all just a game?
How you come and how you leave.
It’s a bloody shame.

You crafted my world to your liking.
And look what it became!
You can’t even go out hiking!
A really bloody shame.

So leave this world you infidels!
Never to return.
Go hide inside your bloody shells!
Or feel my godly burn.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:02:47)


How can life not be deceiving?
How can this world be truly true?
If we continue believing
in love between me and you.

How can the world not stop turning?
How can we keep on the boxing glove?
How can the fire remain burning?
When we loose faith in true love.

Nothing is easy
or straight ahead.
No joke is just cheesy
no bed just a bed.

So to find the true meaning of this life
you’ll need to look beyond.
Beyond reason, beyond strife,
beyond everything you know and fond.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:02:56)

The glory of war

Times of war arise!
Take out the drums!
Call the old,
call the wise!
And start the battle hums!

Prepare the army!
Gather the magic of old!
Start the musical tunes!
And behold!

Begin the battle marches!
Sing about the enemy!
About death and slaughter!
Bring an end to serenity!

We aim to be the highest star
the eternal kingdom!
So follow me into the war!
The war for wisdom!

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:28:02)


It was a couple of nights ago
… Midnight.
It was dark on the patio
… No light.

But I suddenly woke up,
from a noise from beneath.
In the kitchen fell a cup.
And I heard the shuffling of feet

Drowsy I grabbed my mobile phone
And called the police.
Burglars in my home!
Come and help me, please!

I put slippers on my feet
And grab a stick from beneath my bed
Search for a lighter in my sheet
Which I knew I had

I torched the stick.
And grinned inside,
I was sick
of waiting in fright.

I laughed and walked,
Down the stairs.
I noticed they talked.
About pitch dark prayers.

They didn’t see me
until it was to late.
My house was burglar free
but they hadn’t escaped.

I waited outside
my half burned down house.
For the police to arrive
damn me and my flaws

This was the story of my arrest.
This was how I ended up here.
I fought like a tiger, got caught like the rest.
The reason seems pretty clear.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:28:16)

I wait for you

In the end,
the bitter end.
After fighting has commenced.
I wait for you.

During the fight,
the fearsome fight.
During times of peace and fright.
I wait for you.

During my life,
My boring life.
With my boring kids and my boring wife.
I wait for you.

‘Cause you are salvation,
in a life I never had.
A life without continuation,
a life waiting for you, Death.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:28:31)

The land of serenity

Slowly the time passes
dripping into a sea of infinity.
Passing the landmasses
of serenity.

With lord peace
as sturdy leader.
And lady grace
as the great healer.

Both live in a silent castle,
which gives not even a sound.
Without anger and never a hassle.
No one rushing around.

There they sit in a silent room,
the lady and the lord.
Illuminated by the suns peaceful gloom.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:28:41)

The stainless steel window

Looking to life
through a stainless steel window.
To google and hives,
to fake online lives,
and people with multiple wives.
Glad with my stainless steel window.

Glad with it’s safety,
glad with it’s strength.
My stainless steel window,
protecting to the end.

And if you search for safety,
from this maddening place,
get behind my stainless steel window.
And laugh them in the face.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:28:55)

Writer’s block

I’m staring at the empty paper,
lying in front of me.
While my thoughts shift
(yet again)
to my poem-to-be.

Thinking about empty canyons
a poetic view.
About everything I think to know,
everything I knew.

But the paper will not fill,
no ink starts to flow.
The thoughts seize coming
as nothing refuses to go.

Slowly I start realising.
To my own shock,
the reason I can’t continue writing,
is called writer's block.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:29:07)


He gazed at his work,
satisfied to say the very least.
He felt a smile cross his face.
Pleased the results of his little feast.

As before him on a blood covered table,
neatly categorized by shape and size.
Lay the parts of a former human being,
a nose, her toes and one bloody eye
no longer used for seeing,
no longer used for fleeing
no longer used at all.

Slowly he lies down his knife,
his bloody, rusty tool.
Another ruined life,
one less blabbering fool.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:29:17)

A new life

Water falling out of heavens roof,
upon my smiling head.
I will never, ever loose,
for I just lost all I had.

I sold my house,
and ditched my car.
Gave away my rolex,
(which may be the best by far)

I threw away my money,
divorced my cheating wife,
and if you think I’m stupid

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:29:27)

Hello you

Hello you,
in the night,
shining lonely,
shining bright.

You’re the first,
you’re the last.
You appear slowly,
you vanish fast.

Please will you
be my guide?
And lead me through
the lonely night?

Please will you,
be my friend?
and make your shining
never end?

Yes hello you,
in the night.
Shining lonely,
shining bright.

Well hello,
lonely star.
All alone
yet the brightest by far.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:29:36)

Hey there mister bumblebee.

Hey look, a bumblebee!
Soaring through the sky,
yelling out: “fly with me!
I promise to not go high!”

And so we soar,
through the sky.
A little higher ever more,
a little higher still we fly.

“Please mister bumblebee,
I am getting scared.
Is this really necessary?
For I am not prepared.”

And I looked to mister bumblebee,
as he did the same.
He smiled and laughed evilly,
and told my cries to be in vane.

As I was falling to the ground,
and I knew my death to be soon,
I heard the crashing sound,
of another lazy afternoon.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:29:45)


You are not an actor,
yet the only thing you do is act.
You laugh and nod and say your fine
but you aren’t, for a matter of fact.

You would tell them the truth,
if they just once paid attention.
You would say with what you’re bothered
and they would offer their protection.

But they don’t listen when you tell them,
how you really feel.
As you are but a mere baby
so what you say cannot be real.

And sometimes you could kill them
twist their necks or make them fall.
But be just a little patient
they’re your parents after all.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:29:53)

The cool Autumn day.

The sounds of battle fill the air
on a cool Autumn day.
People yelling, weapons shooting
and death all around.
God, I love this sound!
I’m home!

The smell of decay fills my nose,
On this cool Autumn day.
People bleeding, things exploding.
The feeling of constant hell.
God, I love this smell!
I’m home!

The images of war fill my eyes,
on this cool Autumn day.
Children dying thin or thick
a man impaled on a walking stick
and every second another terrifying click.
I think I might be sick.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:30:02)

Just one dollar

You only cause me trouble
you make me kinda sad
You hurt me deep inside
with all the stuff you said

But I won’t be a bother
no longer will I stay
Just lend me one more dollar
and I’ll be on my way

a dollar for the bus
I’ll ride number two
I don’t care where it goes
as long as it takes me far away from you.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:46:24)


There are many different grades of people,
yet all are easy to recognise.
See for yourself
And realise.

You have the shy, the watchers.
The ones that don’t really participate,
the ones that look and listen
that smell and know
But don’t have anything to show.

Then you have the egoistic.
Who live only for themselves.
Who take and insult,
laugh and take some more,
Nobody they’ll bow for.

Mostly followed by the followers,
who copy whatever they see.
They take and laugh
yet still pretend to care
they don’t ever treat you fair.
They shoot an evil glare
pretend not to care.
It’s a lie

Then you have the jokers
Who think everything’s a laugh
your fear to fly,
a bloody eye,
messed up hair dye
whatever it takes to laugh.

Now I’m sure I’ve forgotten about twenty other kinds,
the tattletales, the talkers,
the runners and the walkers,
the sexists and the dying,
the truthfully lying,
the eternally enjoying
the downright annoying
and maybe even more.

So take a moment for yourself
and look at the world around.
See how people interact,
how they walk, how they talk, how they sound.

And think how you yourself classify,
what you can’t and what you can,
and use that information
to become a better man.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:46:51)

I’ll stick to what I know.

There are many possibilities
when it comes to life’s necessities
but whatever you choose, be it fast or be it slow
I’ll just stick to what I know.

So you have found a quicker route
to get from a to be
Well congratulations my dear friend
but that route is not for me

I know I could go faster
and be quicker to arrive
but I rather be safe and take the long route
that’s how I live my life.

So the next time you want to tell me
“Come on, change this or this or that”
I hope you’ll just remember
a tiny bit of what I said.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:47:08)

Oh mister De'Mole

Let me tell you about a morning not too long ago,
when the roofs where covered in a tiny layer of snow.
There, outside in the freezing cold,
stood a little girl, not even that old.

Her hair was black and messy
yet with her look surprisingly sassy.
She stood before the bank of silver-Ville
in her hands a yellow bill.

And she laughed and she sighed,
and she walked right inside.
Through the large wooden door,
decorated with birds and bees and so many more,
past the guard big and strong,
who greeted her: “Howya do’ng?”
Through the hall and up the stair,
holding onto her cuddle bear.

When she finally arrived at her goal,
the office, of mister De’Mole.
She waited a while, then a while more,
at this point she almost got bored.
When out of the blue, or better the black
she felt a hand clutch onto her back.

“Hey there little girl, your not supposed to go there. “
A woman told her with a glare,
but the girl had figured that out a while before
when seeing the guard, out by the door.

Yet she couldn’t walk off
that’d be impolite.
She first had to give De’Mole a little fright.

Now let me quickly tell you about mister De’Mole,
as a child he was already quite the hand full.
His dearest passion, his reason for life,
didn’t consist of his family or wife.
No he spend his time getting as rich as he could
richer then most people actually should.

He could make a house out of money and still have just enough left
to insure and protect it from any kind of theft.
He was so smelly and so fat
I could fit twice in the brown leather belt he back then had.

Now you might be thinking: “Well mister storyteller, what does this have too do with a little girl holding a bill?”
And for the people that didn’t think I’d get there, trust me I will.
But then I first have to tell you what’s on that yellow piece of molten wood,
that this little girl thinks it is so good.

On that bill is a number, ten digits long
a number even larger then the days I am young.
Some have speculated what the number actually says,
a date, a time or a phone number perhaps.
But this number is much darker, it’s origin more obscure,
it’s the price De’Mole has to pay for the ultimate cure.


Now this girl isn’t as young as she appears to be,
she’s actually older then both you and me.
This girl is the servant of great lady day
and thus isn’t expected to just stand there and stay.

The earlier woman, secretary of mister De’Mole.
She had but one goal.
To keep visitors out of his room,
the meeting would commence all that soon.

Yet the girl walked in giving her not even a second look,
she wondered how this was handled in the book.
So she dived in her purse and fiddled around
until she heard a familiar sound,
it was the voice of mister De’Mole
playing his strict fatherly role.
Happy about a job well done honestly thinking her efforts would suffice
she walked away to get some vanilla flavoured ice.


“I will not give you what you want
you little annoying rant!
Trying to scam me for all I’m worth,
I don’t believe a single word!

You do not work for lady day,
there is absolutely no possible way.
So get out while you still can
before I call one of my men.”

Angry he yelled at the little girl,
who gave her dress an extra swirl.
She grinned and smiled and broke into laughter
but said the following thereafter:

“Oh mister De’Mole you low hearted fool,
you give me a reason to get out my tool.
If only you’d listened to what it is I say
maybe then I wouldn’t have to take you away.

So you won’t pay the money?
You think this’ a scam?
Are you laughing yet?
‘Cause damn well I am!”

After saying this she again burst into laughter,
a sound cramped in my ears from years thereon after.
She took out a device to small to clearly see
which she pressed on quickly.

Mister De’Mole started to gargle and scream
coming from his ear was a little trace of steam,
first he turned red, then he turned blue,
before he started to sweat as if he had the Asian flue.
He fell from his chair while clenching his neck
and struggled a while before the final crack,
after that I heard no more,
as the little girl walked out the door
down the stairs and trough the hall
past the guard which she greeted calm.
Through the wooden doors onto the street
where she mysteriously disappeared.

Never again have I heard of her or lady day,
and I hope that’ll always stay.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:47:18)


Well… It’s now or never,
since I can’t live forever,
I can’t do whatever
I want.

And if you’d rather,
I could take you farther,
go that tad bit harder,
just for you.

We could run together,
through wind and weather,
that’d be so much better.
Don’t you agree?

So come on my darling why don’t you run along?
I could sing you a song,
we’ll never go wrong!
Please… For me?

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:47:28)

Bull Crap

Never before in my life.
(and in that of many others)
Have I seen a collection of so much utter bull crap
cramped together in one.

One could take just a bit of this bull crap,
many, many times
without ever getting near the bottom
Never, ever at all.

This one thing
(it shall remain unnamed)
Contains, when compared, more bull crap then a pile of bull crap,
of roughly the same size.

Now I’m not someone that finds something bull crap very fast,
in fact, I might be the least bull crappy person I know.
But the amount of bull crap within this one little thing.
It really makes me angry!

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:47:42)

Well How's Your Life?

My life?
It’s wonderful!
Everything I want,
I have plentiful.

I fill my days doing whatever the hell I want,
without suffering from consequence.
I wake up around noon
every single day!
One could say I live my life the wealthy way.

My job pays well,
my friends think I’m cool,
anything I want
I can get without even leaving the pool.

I’m actually just at this mall too walk around,
this chicken costume and plate with free samples I just found.
Please don’t pay attention too my smell or my old run down shoes,
I’m getting inspiration for my next album:
“The poor man’s blues”.

Yep… Everything is great,
now please don’t ask me why I even care,
but do you have some change too spare?

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:47:56)


Slowly my life is falling,
into an endless pit.
Everything I have, and had,
appears to slowly slip away.

Filling my head.
Crawling around my brain
like a spider in its web,
it's more than I can take.

I feel the moment nearing,
the moment I will break.
Everything annoys me,
to the point I'll seize to take.

I'll give you one last suggestion,
find a cell and lock me up.
Have no mercy

ask no question,
hide the key

and run away!

Because I promise.
No, I swear,
though you might survive my rage
you will not survive my care.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:48:14)

The honest liar

These are the words of an honest liar,
pay attention, and watch close.
Who knows, you might learn something
about life and how it goes.

Let me start off with the truth,
everything I say is a lie.
I don’t have a car, no pool…
No wife.

Honestly I can’t complain,
the job pays pretty well
although I loose a fortune
on suits, shoes and gel.

My days I fill with talking
you’re never too old too run a good scam,
some people find it indecent.
Though this is just the way I am

I have but one favour too ask you,
my dear, beloved, friend.
Please save me from myself
and let this madness end.

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:48:27)

The music

Listen to the music!
To the notes, going up,

going down.
Filling you with ecstasy,
embedding you with fear.
Flowing down the spectrum of emotions
those emotions all of us hold so dear.

Can you hear the violins screeching?
The trumpets and the basses calling out their dark loud cries.

Can you feel the sadness
as on stage, a lover dies.

We are mere subjects
to the sounds and sights at hand.
We are but the puppets
following the composers will.

There is no real reason to cry
when the other lover too proceeds to die.
but still…

Mistermafio -> RE: Mistermafio's Poetry (6/26/2008 4:48:55)

Those lonely winter days.

The wind bashes against the window,
quickly followed by the beat of rain.
______ tik
As I feel that dreaded pain.

The clock breaks the silence,
yet again that awful sound:

Still I sit here, alone, astound.

My hand reaches out for and object
it feels heavy, the metal cold,
_______ bang

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