(AQ) Mourning - A Story for Lkeas (Full Version)

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Sir Gnome -> (AQ) Mourning - A Story for Lkeas (6/29/2008 12:24:26)

A bell tolled, breaking the silence that has settled over the congregation. Not one felt like talking; the overwhelming feeling of sorrow filled them all, and this transcended mere words. The great hall of the Meduse was completely filled, and still there were many many more waiting at the door, wanting to pay their regards to the one who lay there, unmoving upon the stone altar, under her gossamer veil.

The service itself had been well spoken, as well as could be expected when the minister was so personally affected as in this case. Many had been surprised to see the Loremaster himself speak thus, wondering who he was to speak for the dead, and to carry the religious mantle, though the quiet few standing at the back of the hall, wearing the pendants of those who seek the real truth, knew full well that Falerin was the best man to speak.

Those who had gathered for this rite hailed from many different lands. The people of the Meduse were strong in numbers here, having fought along the Prophetess' side in ages past, but numerous also were the other Paxians, and many others beside. Nearly all of the Truthseekers were gathered there, to pay their dues to one who had been amongst the greatest of their kind. Many a famous face from the eastern continent could be seen amongst the crowds, as the name of the Prophetess has spread far during her lifetime, and had now spread even further with her death.

As the bell fell silent, all those around the coffin moved away, and opened up a path amongst themselves to the back of the Hall, where the Sea Door awaited. As the body was lowered in to the Marble coffin, and that itself began its final procession towards the door, a solitary sobbing broke out in the crowd. This gave rise to more and more, until there were few dry eyes in the hall. None could believe that such a great figure has fallen, not even those who knew what dangers she had been facing in her work. As the coffin pierced the final barrier, and passed into the depths of the Sea, as all the most respected of the clan had done at the end of their own lives, each person there in the hall said their own silent goodbye to one who had been their friend and guide through many things - Lkeas, the Prophetess.

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