Madness... and Poetry (Full Version)

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jerenda -> Madness... and Poetry (7/14/2008 20:26:29)

Comments go here, please.

Priceless- Written for my great-grandfather's death..

War- Self-explanitory.

Volcano- Death, but hope as well.

The Mage- This poem is dedicated to Icareforcows, who liked the name Raistlin.

What is Magic?- This was meant to be for English...somehow what she was asking for morphed into this. She said it was good, but I still got a C. *tears*

A Single Raindrop- This particular poem I wrote in fifth grade for a writing contest. It was chosen, and I am now a published author! Looking back I know that I have written better ones, but this one meant a lot back then. I must have been a strange child.

Remember Me- A long time ago I left abruptly, taking just enough time to write this poem. My farewell.

Lead Me Through The Night- A song written for a special friend of mine.

Nobody and Somebody- My poem, Somebody, was inspired by the poem to the right, Emily Dickenson's Nobody.

The Phoenix- This is for Eliac.

Oh... Just Some Guy- A soppy love sonnet I wrote for English class. I hereby declare that I hate iambic pentameter.

Catch me!- Believe it or not, the person speaking is Arden, and she's speaking to Tai. Not a clue what happened. ((Arden and Tai are characters in Heaven's Wrath.))

Never Say Die- A very contradictory poem. Meant to be a duet, I believe.

Free- Love song. Not sure what the point is, but I like the beat. ^_^

Prove to me- This was written from the wrong point of view. I'm not the person talking.

Dreams with Wings- Spontaneously collabed with Clyde E. He's the darker blue, I'm the lighter one.

Day to Day- The dashes either mean "hold that note for one beat" or "rise/fall a note but hold the same word". Extended dashes means hold it for an appropriate amount of time. The stage directions- well, you can figure those out. ^_^

Left me- This is meant to be said in stacatto- short, abrupt syllables. It's about death and hope. Same principle as Volcano, but changed and lengthened.

Serenity- This is a simple song I sing when I need to calm down. For best results, sing during the night. ^_^ The dashes mean the same as in Day to Day. Name thanks to ~Shade~.

Walking in Darkness, Writing in Sun- Yay for contradictions! If you get it, please tell me. I'd like to know I'm not completely ambiguous. The italicized line I'm thinking of changing- suggestions appreciated.

Tranquility- Take this one slow, and don't be decieved by the title. Inspiration... song reference thanks to Eukara.

Night Found Poem- "Found Poem" just means that we read through Night by Eli Weasel and took lines from it and turned them into poetry. Excuse the weird coding- it looks way cooler in Word. I'll get a picture of the good coding up eventually. ^_^


I didn’t cry.
I didn’t cry when Grandfather died.
I’ve cried for cats on the side of the road,
For birds frozen in winter,
For bees squashed by careless passersby.
I’ve cried for a hurt,
For my best friend’s sadness,
For moving far far away.
I’ve cried for many things-
But not for Grandpa.

Now he is gone, and I have nothing left.
Nothing left but memories,
And a little wooden block
With my name.
A tiny replica of my name, with a hollow space
For my pencil.
The last thing he made before he left
Me for good.
There is nothing left.
Nothing but me and the pain
In a cold lonely void.

That light brown name of mine
Immortalized in wood.
If you sold it,
Except as firewood.
Priceless still,
For that piece of wood
Means the world to me.

Rough as his hand,
Weathered and worn when he held me.
Smooth as his love
For a wayward child.
Packed brim to brim
With his heart and soul;
A beacon of hope
For generations yet to come.

You’d think
After a while
You’d run out of tears.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/14/2008 20:28:38)


Walking home
Lost in victory
Longing for their loved ones
Sorrowing for their dead

Family all around
A warmth in the cold
Light in the darkness

Bombs falling
Families sticking together
Soldiers going off to fight
Coming home after a battle


Magma- rivers of it-
A river of fire, rolling downhill
Mountains- erupting in flame
A flame to end all life
Plants- scorched to death
A death of no return
Silence- then
A bird twittering in the darkness
Bringing hope of a new life

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/14/2008 20:36:55)

The Mage

There once was a boy
That I met on a game
He gave me a wave
I was never the same

His hair was black
His eyes were too
Unless they were
The deepest blue

He looked at my tale
I glanced at his, true,
And found there was
Something more I could do.

His story was good
He made few mistakes
And so I helped
Him take the cake

We made a few threads
Then bound them to one
That is how
Our friendship begun

I care for cows-
What a funny name!-
And Jerenda the Wizard
Have played a game.

A game of love and sorrow
A game of crimson dice
A game of fire crackers
A game of mice and ice.

A game it was,
A game it shall be
Unless someone takes
A step, you see.

What have I done?
What will you do?
I do not know-
Nor, I think, do you.

One thing’s for sure;
Hearts never lie.
We made a friend
Both you and I.

Raistlin the mage,
You should always know
That the lady of rose
Will help you grow.

Just call my name
When you face a foe
Whose weak point
You do not know

A real-life warrior
Or demons deep
I’ll be with you
When you sleep.

Peace, my friend, and may we meet again.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/14/2008 20:38:52)

What is Magic?

What is Magic?
What is wonder, beauty, gentleness, peace?
Is Magic concealed in meandering streams or softly lapping ponds?
Is it hidden in the crash of the ocean,
Or the boom of thunder on the horizon?
Is there power in the flight of a butterfly?
Can a doomed experiment hold hidden success?

What is Magic?
Is there a spell in the grand finale
Of an orchestra?
Do spell weavers live in quiet dreams?
Is Magic the desire of our ever-hidden souls?
Is Magic finally living
As you wanted all your life?
Is it spells and wands and potion books?
Is it the quiet
Hope of love?
The song of joy
What do you think?

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/14/2008 20:44:08)

A Single Raindrop

A single raindrop,
Born from the blue,
Slides down,
Faster and faster,
On a mountain of air,
Till finally; plop!
It disappears,
Into an ocean,
Of sea-green and blue.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/14/2008 20:45:31)

Remember Me

Sometimes we cannot say
What makes our life-blood slow
Sometimes hearts just cannot hold
The things that we must know
But you stood by me until now
You were a faithful friend
Now again must I ask
A favor at the end.

Keep my legend alive and true.
Hold it in your heart.
Tell all who come to walk this way
What it means to stand apart.
Be brave and strong, hold till the end,
And you shall never fall.
Let my heart, my burning love
Be with you over all.

Let all who pass leave changed again
Stronger, braver, a true friend.
Tell of love and endless hope
And courage until the end.
If you always walk the higher road
Hold up your living light
I need another line, and so
Never give up: never end the fight.

Never let my memory fade;
Keep me with you forever and a day.
There are some who say
That hope will never win.
They are wrong, that much I know.
And so do you.

There are some battles that cannot be fought.
There are some wars that cannot be won.
Have the power to know which is which.
Be strong enough to know right from wrong.

Never forget. I am the lady of the rose, and the rose shall never fade in your heart.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/14/2008 21:15:17)

Lead Me Through The Night

Look at the skies, tell me what do you see
Show me the beauty, help me get free.
Darkness is falling and I am struck blind
If you're searching for hands please take mine

Just where you're going, I really don't know
How will we get there? Which way will we go?
The answers to these will come in good time
There exists only your hand in mine

Lead me through the night
For I have lost my sight
Lead me through the night
Until the morning's light...comes again.

How can you know what it's costing me to
Just hold your hand and believe in you?
At any time you could lead me astray
I would not know if I lost the way

These hidden fears are assaulting me-
I almost let go, almost went free,
But I know your strength, and I know your heart
And I know we should not be apart...

Lead me through the night
For I have lost my sight
Lead me through the night
Until the morning's light...comes again.

So I'm following you
Through paths I do not know
Trusting in your wisdom,
Knowing you won't let go!

Faith and dreams both slip away
So does hope for light of day
Dark I see and dark's my mind,
I am struggling in a bind!

But in my ear, so warm and soft
I hear a whisper of bright love
You hand becomes a line of hope
That I'll never let go of!

Lead me through the night
For I have lost my sight
Lead me through the night
Until the morning's-

Lead me through the-
Lead me through the-
Lead me through the night!

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/14/2008 21:16:56)

Nobody and Somebody


I’m Nobody!
Who are you?
Are you Nobody too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell-they’d banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody
How public-like a Frog!
To tell your name, the livelong June
To an admiring Bog!
By: Emily Dickenson


I’m Somebody!
Or am I?
Are any of us real?
The person that you meet-
Is he really that mean?
Maybe his stern exterior,
Hides a breaking heart.
Do you really know,
Your best friend in the world?
Or are we lost,
And found again,
And lost forevermore?
I’m Somebody!
Or am I?
Are any of us real?

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/14/2008 21:54:48)

The Phoenix

Turning above the clouds.
Laughing at the earth-bound ones.

The Phoenix flies
On wings of molten silk,
Elegance made flesh,
Flashing fire out into the sky.

Above it, the burning orb of sunshine.
Below it, the vast expanse of grass.
But for her radiant beauty,
Nothing- nothing exists to draw the eye.

But the Phoenix is failing,
Her years growing long-
Tired, she sinks to the grassy floor,
Lighting up the sky.

One last blaze of beauty,
One last flash of fire,
One last display of elegance,
One last turn, no higher.

Flames consume it, shattering
The hollow bones, the skin
That held the Phoenix in the air
For a thousand years or more.

Not the once-great Phoenix
Is but a memory
And all that’s left are ashes-
Ashes, and the grassy sea.

But wait- hope lives on!
The slightest ray of light:
A tiny motion can be seen
From the dust-gray ashes.

A shake- a shudder-
The pile moves, so slowly-

She rises, eyes as piercing as the stars,
Wings bursting into flame,
As she lifts off from the ground.

With a shriek of proud defiance
The Phoenix leaves her nest.
Ashes no more, but born anew,
The beauty is tenfold.

She soars into the sunset,
A speck of flame on flame,
And I feel my heartbeat falter-
There goes sunlight, all untamed.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/15/2008 18:14:27)

Oh... Just Some Guy

Oh, do I love him? I believe it's true
My love for him is stronger than a stone
Oh, do I love him? Truly, p'rhaps I do
My heart is soaring up on wings alone
His smile's so sweet I fear that I will weep
His beauty, magic has not e'er been matched
And when he dances, sweeps me off my feet
By his unwav'ring charm, my heart's been snatched
Yet hearts speak falsely, they are known to lie
So, blinded, do I walk a foolish path?
My mind says wrong, my heart says right, oh my!
Which way, of all, has light? What have I grasped?

Shadows are dimming, now I know what's true
I know he loves me, and I love him too.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/15/2008 18:15:47)

Catch me!

Catch me! 'Cuz I'm fallin'
Falling faster than the eye
Falling deeper than the ocean
Longer than the bright blue sky

Catch me! 'Cuz I'm cryin'
And I simply cannot stop
My tears could fill the heavens
And I think my heart will stop.

Catch me! There is no response
And when I turn around to see
The love that used to hold me tight
Has fallen deep into the sea

And I hear a voice that's screaming
Full of tears and full of pain
And I realize that I'm burning
Burning hot, despite the rain

Catch me! I cry out
But you will not ever hear
For even though I whisper "Catch me!"
It is you who needs me near.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/15/2008 18:17:27)

Never Say Die

I feel like I’m falling-
But my legs still hold me up.

My torn heart is breaking-
Shattering into dust.

The world, once so bright,
Has lost its glow
Who in all the world
Could hold me now?

[musical interlude]

So maybe the world is grey,
So what if there is no hope?
Who said I could give up?
What right do I have to die?

Like a phoenix from the ashes (I’m getting up)
I’m casting off the grey (I’m too stubborn)
I’m not afraid, I’ll face life smiling (To just give in)

And I will laugh,
And I will cry,
And I will never-
Ever- never say die!

My spirit’s free
I can just be me
I’ll just ignore
Those mocking eyes-

[music stops suddenly with a sound like breaking glass, and into the silence you hear...]

So what if my heart is breaking?
Who cares if I’m a shattered mess?
So inside there’s naught but sadness-
I can't let that bring me down!

[music restarts]

So I will laugh,
And I will cry,
And I will lift my head
And never-




Say... die...

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/15/2008 18:18:37)


Out there,
A dreamer is waiting.

I can’t wait,
I can’t stop
My eyes from always looking.

And someday
I’ll find
The dreamer for me.

The time will come, I know it will-
Soon I can go.
I’ll search him out, oh heart be still-
Soon I can go.

Time keeps
On passing
Nothing will stay the same.

There’s so much
To do now,
Will it ever pass away?

I’m waiting,
Searching for a way.

The time will come, I know it will-
Soon I can go.
I’ll search him out, oh heart be still-
Soon I can go.

Dreams fall,
Dark calls,
Peace and security.

Above me
The stars shine
In the blanket of dark night.

I’m watching,
For my time will come.

The time will come, I know it will-
Soon I can go.
I’ll search him out, oh heart be still-
Soon I… can… go…

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/15/2008 18:19:48)

Prove to me

Prove to me
Prove that you're human.
Prove that you’ll fail. That you’d stop. That you can.

Prove it to me.
I need to know what you are-
Because sometimes… I wonder.

You push yourself so hard.
Effort never stops pouring out of you
And then… I wonder. Are you paying in blood?

No one can do what you do. It’s impossible.
No one can keep going and going and never stop, never fail.
Never give in.

So, prove to me.
Prove that you’re human.
You can be human, can’t you?
For me.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/15/2008 18:23:52)

Dreams with Wings
Featuring Clyde

A dream- a way-
a chance to fail.
A giver's portion,
a writer's tale

A breath- a beat-
a way to fight.
A begger's chance,
an angel's flight.

The dreams and more are falling down-
Perchance a hero can be found?
Lost amidst the rocky tors
There I sleep and I adore.

There's silence and a deathly linger.
I try to search, but can't quite finger.
It seems so close and yet so far.
Like a friend I know, but on a star.

My heart is burning, yet no cry.
Desire pierces - tell me why?
To the sky I watch and flee.
To fly wingless? I agree...

My eyes are seeking, I cannot see blind.
Hatred burns on - I am confined.
And as I find the last piece.
There it is, my passion deceased.

Sky envelops, peaceful dark,
a life worth living, an overboastful bark.
Chaos and peace clash and combine
and to this last note, I courteously decline...

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/15/2008 18:26:30)

Day by Day

[Sad, despairing]
Every day each day by day
I wake up and look away.
‘Cause every day each day by day
I’m meltin’ all my life away

[Rising in power and strength]
But I won’t fall in with the crowd
And I won’t let my head be bowed
‘Cause I know just what’s asked of me
And I will do it well you see

Day-by-da-a-a-a-y [scaling down]
Day-by-da-a-a-a-y [scaling lower]

All around me I see those
Who dress up in fancy clothes
They will never understand
Why with them I do not stand

But what they do not re-ealize
Is what they see within my eyes
Can reach out and touch their heart
Givin’ them a brand-new start [hold, slow]

[Fast, rockin’]
Day to night, night to day
I am waitin’ for the day
And I’ll be ready with my song
When it comes it won’t be long

Day-by-da-a-a-a-y [scaling down]
Day-by-da-a-a-a-y [scaling lower]

Sli-ping past me e-vry da-ay
Pa-inted faces lo-ok a-way

Masks of gold and si-ilver
Make their voices blend
Running like the ri-iver
Turning ‘round the bend

A sudden weight u-pon my head
I look around to see
The masks with gold embla-azoned
Have found their way to me!

And the fa-aceless peo-ple
Pa-ss me-- by-y
Heart-less, home-less,
None will truly try!

[Music slows, calmer now]

Every day each day by day
I wake up and look away
‘Cause nothing i-is really there
My heart is burning without air!

Oxygen is running short
Can I keep the spark of hope?
Only time will truly tell
Will I win or will I fail?

Hidden battles fought and won
Dreams of the real glowing sun
Fighting to get free and try
Every day to make a way!

Day-by-da-a-a-a-y [scaling down]
Day-by-da-a-a-a-y [scaling lower]

[Slow now, patient]
I—can wa-it to si-ing
And I--- can ho-old it in
‘Cause so-ome time a-along the wa-ay
My time will come
My time will come
My time—will—come-----------

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/17/2008 15:19:25)

Left Me

You left me without saying good bye.
I may never see you again.
Where have you gone? And tell me true-
Why can I not follow you?

It’s been two days
Since you left me
I have not drawn breath since then.
And through my tears
I see your face
Swimming in the air.

You left me without saying good bye.
I may never see you again.
Whatever posess you to
Leave me all alone?

It’s been a week
I think I can breathe.
My heart begins to beat again.
I must be strong!
Yet I am so weak.
How can this go on?

You left me without saying goodbye.
I may never see you again.
Where have you gone? And tell me true-
Why can I not follow you?

A month has passed,
I’m calming down.
I think that I can see the way.
I’m pressing on.
I must be strong.
I must ignore the pain.

You left me without saying goodbye.
I may never see you again.
Whatever could posses you to
Leave me all alone?

The coolest night air
Enters my mind.
With the ice comes clarity.
The pain is gone
Leaving new hope-
I know I can move on.

You left me without saying goodbye.
Perhaps someday we will meet again.
I’m moving on- yet I won’t forget
The pain… and then the hope.

Breath in the peace of the cool night air.
Clear certainity i-i-is there.
It opens the mind and brightens the sight
With the da-arkness o-of the night.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (7/28/2008 14:10:37)

Walking in Darkness, Writing in Sun.

I walk through the dark on a lone summer's day
The sun is above but it cannot hold sway.
The wind in the eaves it just passes me by,
And I can feel myself wanting to cry.

Can there be something to let the tears go?
Open my eyes and release the flow?
How in the world could there be such a thing
Daring to enter where darkness is king?

Pen goes to paper and words start to run
I start to breathe deeper, feel the bright sun.
Dark thoughts and feelings across the page swim
Telling the secrets of my soul within.

A storm passes quickly into the night
My mind enters darkness, ignoring the light.
Brilliant silver tells ancient tales
While the noon sun across the sky trails.

The wait out the night, my Angel and Smoke
Brother and sister, clinging to hope.
Casting off shadows their spirits grow strong
Fighting the darkness in more ways than one.

The sun's finished baking my head and my arm-
I wrap up my story, protect it from harm.
Dwelling on feelings as deep as the sea
I wonder how darkness and light came to be.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (9/27/2008 21:27:15)


Dreams are lifting on,
Flowing ever strong,
Spirit sails on wings of silk
Soul is fleeting- shifting- gone.

May I not return.
May I, ever seeking, burn.
May I never break your heart
And, I fleeing, never turn.

Sleep brings paradise
Sanctuary from your eyes
Searching, ever searching, striving to understand
The tears within my lives.

Magic pouring through,
Wonders ever new,
Dreaming, winging, laughing song-
Mixing up the false with true.

Agonizing pain
Burns and sears in vain.
Searching soul in pointless hope
Suffused with darkest rain.

You are so innocent.
So peaceful, and so heaven-sent
How can I twist your world this way?
There’s such confused intent.

It’s bad enough that I don’t know
Who I really am
Without engaging you in this,
This deathless, ageless mess.

Oh, how I wish to tell you-
How I want to say-
But what goes on within my heart
Won’t stand the light of day.

So trapped in twisted torment,
I walk the lonely skies.
Perhaps one day I’ll find my peace
Perhaps it won’t be lies.

jerenda -> RE: Madness... and Poetry (3/24/2009 18:48:09)

Night Found Poem*
*Note: These are lines borrowed from Night, by Elie Weasel, not my creation
**NoteNote: The poem flows better if you make the screen smaller... connects the lines. ^_^

In the air, the smell of burning flesh.
Everyone around us was weeping.

Abandoned by the whole world.

My soul had been devoured by a black flame.
Don’t cry, little brother.

The snow under my feet turned red.

Where is merciful God, where is He?

Keep your anger, your hate, for another day.
Never shall I forget.

Why should I sanctify His name?

He threw himself on me like a wild beast
What was there to thank Him for?

Babies! Children, thrown into the flames

Where is merciful God, where is He?

This is where—hanging here from this gallows…
And His was the face of an angel in distress.

Deep inside me, I felt a great void opening.

The Kapos were beating us again,
but I no longer felt the pain.

Nothing between the lashes of the whip.

Where is merciful God, where is He?

I was alone, terribly alone
in a world without God

without love.

Don’t stop, don’t think, run!
All around me, a dance of death.

You are too skinny, too weak…

Where is merciful God, where is He?

And yet…

A fragment…
of a Beethoven concerto.
Never had I heard such a beautiful sound.
In such silence.
His soul had become the bow.
His whole being was gliding over the strings.
He played that which he would never play again…

Oh, God of kindness…


It is time.
Master of the Universe…
Let us make up.

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