Ianthe -> Randomizing Curse (7/14/2008 22:23:28)
Randomizing Curse Also see other Scrambler Spells ( Beam, Light, Ray, Beacon) and Randomizing Spells ( Beam, Blight, Ray). Level: 54 Price: 8,000 1,108 Gold Sellback: 4,000 738 Gold Location: Edge of Extinction / Necromancer Class Shop Element: Darkness MP Cost: 99 Hits: 1 Element: Darkness Type: Magic Damage: 0-0 plus 0% Stats BTH: +23% plus Stats Effect: If the attack connects, your enemy's Elemental Modifiers (Fire/Water/etc.) are randomly reassigned. Unlisted modifiers (Void/ElementX/etc.) are unaffected. Also, if the attack connects, your the monster deals 110% Base, Random, and Stat Damage. Multiple applications of Randomizing Spells stack. This effect is not applied if your opponent is frozen. Darkness-Element monsters, and monsters with 0% or less Darkness Modifier are immune to this effect. DESCRIPTION An accurate spell that scrambles the basic element defenses of your foe, however it cannot affect enemies of the Darkness realm or those who do not take damage from Darkness and it raises your enemy's offence! [image]http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z240/nmehta3/th_randomizer.png[/image] Picture from ssjgoku5. Stats from Kalanyr (via master of dead).