RE: Group MtAK! Five AKs for the price of one! (Full Version)

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Corrupted Paladin -> RE: Group MtAK! Five AKs for the price of one! (7/16/2008 20:29:37)

Sorry, this is iChar only property!
heehee I'm in iChar's property!

1. Hey! *Snugglepoucehugglesmoochespunchslap*

2. *Late* Congratzulations on an AK!
Uh, thanks?

3. Is it fun? I know, I know... AK=Fun=Responsibilities...
Very little fun, nowadays, what with everyone hating me more >_>

4. But you make a fun AK! :D

5. By "iChar", does that mean Pokemon?
Actually, it doesn't. But Swordhunter (sharpshwatacular <3) made it that way XD

If yes,
5.5 Chimchar or Charmander?

6. Which style of art you like?

8. Where did number 7 go?
It's after nine, with your system.

9. Huh?
You heard me.

7. Here I am!

10. Press my red button... please?
... No.

11. What happened?
Nothing, I didn't press it.

12. Oh no! That wasn't suppose to happen! Planet Smuzokayashockamanatoyor in the galaxy Polotizakinmalashavalavadingdong was suppose to explode! (Thank DragonMaster V)

7817645913780924. How many questions did I ask? I lost count...
This is numer 13.

14. Oh

15. Well... bye!

Cristal -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/16/2008 21:22:13)


Sexy can I?
Sure, learn proper grammar first.

I hate tennis, but heart nicky. Is this logical?
Of course :)

I want a hug, gimme one maybe?

2 hugs?
*hugs again*
/me hugs Crystal with an IRC alias command.

A kiss?
Taken, sorry ;]
Too young for ya, old person :P.

A hershey kiss?
I'll buy one for you and put it in express mail.

89*[31\[sqrt(73)*sqrt(89)+7]-3*2.14] = ?
It rounds to -540. If you want specifics, -539.88599355204979540837646086581
I agree with the person above me :D

That is all
Sure sure. As you were.

I edited this post with my non existant powerz!!! ~TL

ianto -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/16/2008 22:27:43)

Ah, it's that special time again...
Of course.
What special time?! Where?

1) List any of my aliases you know. If you don't know any, lie.
Rezu is the only one I was told I was allowed to name XD
Vilgax, Huma Kavula, The Amazing Tiger Shark
Yeah, Rezu...

2)Do you love the beach?
Only at night.
not really, but bon fires are fun
Don't really go to the beach here, but yeah.

2)Are you bad at numbering questions?
We have numbers now¿!
In a round-about way.

3)I still need to play you sometime on Xbox Live, Avery...
Yeah, we do.
Avery...that name is different from my name...

4)If I remember right, Nicky once made a video tutorial. She has a very nice voice :D
I never got that one D:<
I did too. And I'm willing to bet it's because of my Australian accent.

5)Are you happy I'm avoiding random questions...for now?
See above
Yeah, happy happy. That's me.

6)Are you happy I didn't give you a math problem like Crystal?
Eh, it was fairly easy.
Math is Power!
I didn't actually solve it anyway ;P

7)Are you happy in general.
Not really.
Right now, yeah. Cause it's the weekend.

8)Are you happy? And if you know it, clap your hands.
*clap clap*

9)Is the number of greets you're in on IRC a sign of wittiness?
Hahah, sure. Or if you're stupid. Depends on the greet.
I wouldn't know
Well, I'm in none. So no. :P

10) Give me any useless piece of trivia you know.
Hitler was a vegatarian, and studied art in school.
Otters have the thickest fur of all mammals, about 1 million hairs per square inch!
Phenylethylamine, which quickens your pulse like when you are in love, is also found in chocolate.

11)Best artist who isn't around anymore? Artist from here, to be exact...
Was always partial to Leiphen
Yeah, Lux was pretty good.

12)I might be falling for a girl in California, and I'm in New York. Helpful advice?
Give it your best shot, man. There's not much advice for something like that. You may or may not make it, to be perfectly honest. Get ready for long plane or train rides, if you ever go to see her, and be read for long distance charges. Unless you use Skype :P
Long distance relationships=Not a great idea. Just my opinion of course since it seems that they very rarely work out, though California is nice, a bit hot now, but nice. If you're serious, an old enough to be on your own, I say go to California or have her come to you, take a chance. Even if it goes poorly you can't say you never tried. Regret is the worst thing in the me on that one, an it never goes away...
Not good at advice giving :P

Enjoy answering whatever embarrassing, mind twisting, and otherwise inane questions.
Also, I want to say again, Nicky has a nice voice. Really.And if there was no video tut, then she has a nice voice in my mind :D
Some of the Crew once talked on Skype, though I doubt you were there for that xD
Mind voices are fun!
If you want, I can record me saying a sentence so that you know it was me :P. But thank you! :P And yeah, I have made video tuts before.

Clyde -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/17/2008 4:12:05)

Ewwwwwww AKs D:
Ewwwww Posters ¦P
Ewwwwwww formites
Ewwwwwww $+ wwwwwww $+ wwww, It's Clyde (mIRC scripters should understand that one :P).

Nah I'm just kidding <3 for you all and cookies. ;P
Oreo's are tasty
Only if they're of the mint variety, Rev.
Cookies are teh yummy :)

Sooo why am I here and what am I supposed to be doing?
Questions only you can answer
I don't know.. We have pretty good accommodation to your left hand side, but the jail cells...

Shouldn't you be in bed!? >:/
I woke up 3 hours ago D:
Dude, it's 6:30pm.

Why did the chicken cross the road?
There was a new take out place
To get away from the Colonel.
To get to the other side. are. the. One! No?
Maybe. Probably.
Ch-yah :D

Guys I'm N, don't tell Jecht. Sssssh D:<
*tells Jecht*

I'm going to crash at your place tonight I hope you don't mind?
Join the rest of the gang!
Sure, you can get my bed, I'll sleep on the couch :D
No space :P.

God it's like 4:30AM why the heck am I talking to you guys?
it's fun
Parce que.

You know my title in l33t means "May Poet of the Month" what does yours mean?
I'm old and troubling
That I'm addicted to "Shake It!" by Metro Station
That I'm an ArchStrumming Knightess.

Guys/Gals, what's up with kids these days posting Math questions? O.o
Math, ftw!
Math is awesome. And why are all the Gallery AKs good at it?! That's odd O.O
Because, we learn how to extract mathematical facts from art. Shhh.

If Grafh is a Sheep and I am a Snake, what are your guys Chin./Jap. Zodiac signs?
Horse D:<
I'm a pig. Oink oink.

Nickeh, u iChar, Rev, Vampey, Personhater. :O Did I forget anyone?
I can't remember
Mind blank.

When will you ever call, are you ever going to visit me? ;_;
Not really
I just can't after last night! ;_;
Probably not :P

Lol Seekrat Questian: Haha, made ya look. XD
I saw nothing!
I see nothing there D:<
But there is nothing!

Alright I'm done being weird. Congrats to all you successfully cool AKs. I'm on IRC if you ever want to talk. Much <3 ;-;
Thanks and later :)

Mo -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/17/2008 10:00:20)

So, won't bother asking much, it would ruin my dial-up anyways :(

1.How do you feel about people asking questions that have already been answered?
Heehee more fun things to answer!
I like qwestonz D:<
Questions are pretty fun.

2.Why doesn't Reverndwyrm ever go to IRC?
I tried it once....I'm very shy
Rev should at least come to #aqdaas D:
#aqdaas is teh pwn.

That's a great hat, not very masculine though, pity...
Yeah. Really. :)

4.Pie or bacon?
Bacon Pie
Pie'd Bacon.
= Pieorbacon.


SufferMe -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/17/2008 16:58:15)

Good day.
Bonjour :)
Five ak's for the price of one eh?
Yeah, we're not THAT cheap...
Si, senor.
What if i only want one? Do i still have to take the other four?
Yeah, sorry. We can't be separated.
Ummm... guitarra?
Or can i take 3?
We're a pack. Also, if you buy us you get a free lava lamp!
No D:
What? It's a good deal...
Cyas :)

DoodMan -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/18/2008 2:10:10)

Wow... I guess I was gone a long time. I don't ever remember Adam being an AK.
Yeah, it was a long time :(
Yeah you were probably mia, when that happened. I'm actualy staff now too...yay!

Is Sacred Spirals still up?
Hand drawn stuff right? Not sure.

Was was the extension on that site? I remember it was weird... like .tr or something.
.tr? Odd..
I reposted the Sacred Spirals in hand-drawn. The site is still up though I lost alot of files an as of yet have been too lazy to fix it, .tk by the way.

Are you still doing hexes?
but of course, I had a perfume company use the Heart Hex as a label for one of their fragrences, woot!

Do I get an awesome guitarist Hex?
If you'd like one

How's Jenn? I haven't talked to her since I quit using IMVU.
Not sure who Jenn is¿ Do you mean Cricket¿ If so she's doing well, she just started working on graphics for one of those myriad pet sites and she's loving it.

Jeezum Crow! Do you even remember me?
Who could forget you mate! Stop by a bit more though

Avery, you're not online right now! D:
I guess I have to ask you questions here then.
Pretty much.

*steals a line of Avery's question-answer space*


I still need to visit you for the sole purpose of taking another picture with tiaras. You down?
Heck yes, man. That'd be pimp.

Are we still going to a DragonForce concert next time they're on tour?
Through the fire and flames we carry onnnnnnn *EPIC SOLO*... Yeah. Two lines. Sorry Avery.
Nicky, go away. And yes, we are. We need to. Even if they only play drunk >_>

Full stop or period?
Full stop.
Table Tennis or Ping-Pong?
Table tennis :)
Relax. Don't do it.
Why? I like relaxing. Without relaxing I wouldn't be answering these questions :P
WinRAR or WinZip?
Neither, I'm on a Mac.
Kenny FTRW.

Hugo. You spelled your alias wrong in the first post.

That's it.

Personater.... yeeeah....
I have no idea who you are.

Okay these questions are for everyone.

Have you heard my music? (Gallery in Multimedia)
Of course.
No sorry I'm lazy
Yes, I have :D

Do you like it?
Love it.
I probably will
It's the best, I listen to it while playing CoD4 and Halo and Skate..

Did you download any of my songs?
Not yet :P
Look to the future
All of them.

The upper end of a straight ladder is leaning against the vertical side of a building, with its lower end on a horizontal sidewalk. To the consternation of the painter standing on it, the upper end is slipping down the wall at a constant rate of 2 feet/sec. The lower end is, therefore, sliding along the sidewalk. Having had a course in the Calculus, the painter is, of course, interested in how fast the lower end is moving. If the ladder is 29 feet long, how fast is the lower end moving when the upper end is 20 feet above the ground?
Don't you need to know how tall the building is? *hasn't had a Calculus course*
2 feet per second¿! I have no idea really
... I just woke up, I'll pass.

Joe was driving on the highway. A car ahead of him was driving far below the speed limit so he decided to pass. In the first second he gained 5m on the car and as he accelerated he gained 1.5 times as much distance in each second as he had the second before. If there was 30m between Joe and the car he was passing, then how long did it take him to pass?
That's exactly why I take my derigible
About 3 and a half seconds?

If a turntable rotates through 720 degrees in one second, how many revolutions does it make in one minute?
Round turntable = 120. Two revolutions a second?
I concur
Nicky got it :]

Art On! ~Wyrm

Matozan -> RE: Group MtAK! Five AKs for the price of one! (7/18/2008 8:13:55)

lolz back
lols kay
well obviously you guys are to smart to fall from my last post
Of course!
so Im gonna ask more complicated questions
Uh oh.
*braces self*
what do you guys do while your trapped in your cells?
Mostly we try to find a way out, but don't tell our Moderators. We're going full on Prison Break style. Shhh.
play mechquest?
No time! See above.
so why only AArtists?
So that we won't fall like, 5 pages behind people posting :P

so like 5 aks for the price of one? so does that means you guys are for sale :)
Looks like it.
lolz looks like everyone wantz to buy you so I guess you should start a bid!
Maybe :P
I start the bid at 1 dollar =D
Come on, we're worth more than that.
no? 2 dollars?
fine >.<
I dont need you! *leaves room*




wait a second.............

Nothing! I swear!
heheheh kidding just kidding ;D
Suuure :P
lolz I guess thats about it D= (wow im so cheap)
Cheap cheap.
Il be back when you guys (and girl) gets lonely in your cells again
Alright.. Come back soon :P
buh bye!
Byes :)

*truthseeker* -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/18/2008 9:33:31)

Is iChar still doing rating?
I would much rather you use a shop instead of me, because I do them when I feel I have time. Which is very rare nowadays. ~iChar

Davosaur -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/18/2008 12:12:54)

I just read one of you are June piggies >.> looks like im not the only one :P
April > June. Fact.
do you guys know the Navier-Stokes Equations? its very interesting here it is:
gotta love aerodynamics and fluid dynamics <3
I'm... confused.
do any of you like aeroplanes? .... designing them is funner CATIA v5 r17 <3
Confused again :P
now that was just .. weird......
Yeah :P
kthxbai hahahaha i stole I-chars 7 letters!! muahahahahahah


Spam is bad!
Bad spam.
that was the demon not me >.>
sure it was
That's what they all say..

fav interests....
A lot of things :P

A rope rests on two platforms which are both inclined at an angle è (which you are free to pick), as shown. The rope has uniform mass density, and its coeffciient of friction with the platforms is 1. The system has left-right symmetry. What is the largest possible fraction of the rope that does not touch the platforms? What angle è allows this maximum value? < this ones pretty easy .... >.> <.<

*5|>4/\/\ |)[-/\/\0/\/ breaks I-ban Hammer "hahaha grafh has nothing to ban me with now"!*

Math! AARRGGHHH!!! *runs away screaming*
... Nope, done with math.
Same here x3

i swear that is not me....

Malagrond -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/18/2008 17:19:51)

hehe. These are to everyone btw.

1. Do you remember me from my days of GFXing? o.0
Yep :)
erm...I plead the fifth

2. Have you played my game? =D Which the hosting just expired for ='( But will be back soon =D
Nope.. Never told me about it!
I do not recall doing so.
not yet

3. What does the word "NOMable" mean to you? o.0
That's what I yell at my dog: No Mable, bad dog!

4. If you could ask yourself any question and get the answer (without even knowing it consciously), what would you ask?
Uh.. No idea :P
The question of life, the universe, and everything. I already know the answer to that question, it's 42. I just don't know the question that that answer belongs to.
'For the love of all that is holy, WHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY¿! *I already know what I'm refering too, but that's between me and myself ;)*

5. I'm srsly out of questions D=

6. Oh wait, nvm =D
That's not really a question

7. Those last two weren't really questions, were they? =P
Nah, not really.

8. What is your favorite kind of cheese (if any)? o.0 Mine is Asiago (I eat it in cubes/pieces, not shredded hehe =] )
Cheddar :D
swiss and parmesean

9. Is Grafh a mean person to work with? =O lol
Nah, he's cool.
Not at all. He's really cool :]

10. Do you like your chocolate milk with or without chocolate? hehe XP
With? XD
Do I have much of a choice?
That's like saying do you like breathing without air¿!

11. Mmk, now I'm srsly out of questions. =P Lol, byez ^_^ *waves + distributes hugs*
Alrighty, later *huggles*


EragonZZZZ -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/18/2008 17:55:58)

Questions for all :3
Goody your name?
Wyrm your quest?
To seek the holy grail. Wait, no.
To seek the holy grail.
To seek...aww they beat me...

And if you're going to ask the swallow question: An african or european swallow? :P
If you're going to ask what my favourite colour is: Blue. No wait! Orange!

Can you code at all? (code as in program)
Yeah, but not like hardcore notepad coding.
Nothing in notepad, but I'm decently okay.
hahahaha bwa ha ha ha lol lol rofl heehee ha ha ha ha

Would you rather be a skilled coder and a decent artist or a decent coder and a skilled artist? (serious question is serious)
Probably.. Ugh, both work but probably the latter one.
Latter one. :P

LOLcats...Yay, nay, or kill it with fire?
Yay, they're funny occasionally.
Eh. I'm a Charmander, I pick the last one.
I have no idea what you are talking about

Can it be hug time nao? :O
nope, I don't do hugs

Do you know who I am? (generic question is largely generic)
No, of course no- Of course I know who you are!


Bais :)
Art On!

< Message was possibly edited by Nicky -- 7/18/2008 17:58:31 >

Tormenter -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/18/2008 18:17:06)

Favorite food chain?
Maccas.. Though probably the unhealthy choice.
Miguel's Jr.

Favorite 'nub' from the art/multimedia forums(gets hopeful)
You! :P. But nah, I don't know.
No favourites here.
Who can choose

Favorite FPS game?
Don't really play FPS.
Call of Duty 4.
Doom! or Halo2

Favorite type of game?
Adventure Fantasy RPG
Toss up between FPSs and RPGs.
RPG's, hack-n-slash(think Chaos Legions), fantasy(Primal or Fable), and horror(Silent Hill, nuff said!)

Digimon or pokemon?
Pokemon! D:<
Do I really have to answer that? Pokemon.
Pokemon ftw

Pikachu vs Bulbasaur....
Pikachu would probably win.
Bulbasaur, a much more versitile pokemon to be sure

American Idol; ay or nay
Ay. Kind of boring at times though.
AArrrgh *cough* *dies*

Richie -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/21/2008 10:56:02)

Hiya Richie!

Questions for n.e.1.
We have an AK called n.e.1? Oh, I get it now :D

Favorite TV show?
Not sure.. At the moment it's probably One Tree Hill or the comedy Friends. Overall, I have no idea.
Don't watch TV anymore. Too busy with the internet.
I don't watch TV, though I do buy DVD's of tv shows. Right now it's Naruto and Avatar

Favorite Color?
Sky blue.
Purple or Black

Favorite Game?
Adventure RPGs/Action.. Too many to choose from, ya know? :P
RTSs, FPSs, and RPGs.

Favorite Season?
Autumn, which is when my birthday is! Well, it's Spring for all you northern-territory people, but Spring is cool too.
Winter. When my birthday is.
Spring or Fall

Favorite Sport?
Baseball. If you count extreme sports then skateboarding.

Favorite Food?
Asian is always nice. If not, then junk food works :D
Asian is awesome. And not just the people ;D

Favorite Element?
Haven't really given that much thought, so no idea actually...

Who's your hero?
Same as above :P
Sometimes my mother, sometimes other people.
Tim Burton

Level 70? :D


Have you ever stole something?
I stole a coloured pencil from the Textiles classroom because I didn't have a pink pencil. Shh.
Too many things to list. But shush. Don't do it, you'll get caught., no

That's it.
Alrighty, see ya!

I'm done but I'll be back with more questions.

Bye ^_^

Davosaur -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/21/2008 12:28:29)


that was weird......
That was.. :P

destruction of earth or destruction of your favorite possession
Favourite possession, as you can always replace it if it isn't a life.
I vote for Earth, we need that Bypass!

pah i think everyone's fav possession is earth cmon.. who wouldn't like a PLANET??
I don't own the planet, though.
No one owns the planet, it's impossible.
well this one is infested with soft, pink, and easily squished pests of some kind

Mars or Venus?
Both work. Mars is cool because it's closer to earth than Venus I suppose.
Venus is far to hot, I prefer the cold

conscious death or unconscious death?
Unconscious, as long as my friends and family know what happened to me.
Neither, I'm going to live forever.
You have to be alive to die

dull blade or sharp blade?
Sharp, more uses.
Dull causes more pain.
Cudgel anyone¿

789.. Not really, cause 8 is still alive. See? 8 8 8. triplets!

fav #
Never really had a preference.
¿ Is bird a number¿

dl sc or/and guardianship?
Well, I have a DA and Guardianship, yeah.
I have DA and Guardianship.'
All of the above

Most websites are cool.
They're all good.

admin or mod
Don't make me choose! Haha.
All of them. I win.
Deffinitely Grafh! *looks over shoulder* Right, that's what I'm supposed to say, right¿!

if someone offered you a job as a AE Artist what would your reaction be?
I'd think they had made a mistake- I can't draw or design those kinds of things for my life.
I'd die. A little bit.
WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, AAArrrgh, *thwwwpt* *tick* *tick* *whir* *gurgle*

fusion or fission?
Fission goes into itself

microbiology or bioengineering
Either? XD

human soldiers or biological warfare
Either again :P
Neither. War isn't needed.
War, what is it good for¿ I say a surgical strike before your enemy even knows you exist is the best method

lasers guns or laser swords
Swords! Because lightsabers can reflect laser guns.
What Nicky said.
Swords, guns are for losers who can't use a blade

adobe ,corel or imageline
Adobe and Corel Painter

firefox,opera,safari,IE or other?
Firefox for me :)

computer ram and processor speed?
RAM: 3GB, Processor: 2.2GHz.
RAM: 1GB, Processor: 1.5GHz.
Depends on which seat I'm in

kill or be killed?
Be killed if it's for a good cause.

murder or self defense?
Self defense, I don't think I could bring myself to kill someone intentionally.
Both again

robots or bioandriods?
Aren't they like, the same?


i saw a very weird commercial while watching tv it was *** marriage and relationships with ROBOTS
Well, it's an ad :P

Cool, though I detest commercials

what was your reaction?
See above XD

Uh, ok

do you think this should be allowed?
Advertisements can get more crazy than that :P


thats it for now... i guess
Okies, seeya!

Bye bye

Dynasti -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/22/2008 5:17:12)

Hey dyn ^_^
Whoo, Dyn.
Thought I'd come here to meet these newfangled AK thingies. Since..lyke, I be'z nub.
Oh yeah. I have no idea who you are. Nup. At all :P.
Dude, you were here when I got AK D:<
How many AK's does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Just one. But if you are talking about the rest of them it'll take about ten.
All five of us. One to screw in the lightbulb, the other four to appluad to make the first one feel better.
Can I help?
Sure thing :D
NO D:<
Can said light bulb be used to glow above my head allowing for a radiation of artificial light signifying the materialization of an idea within this artistically blocked head of mine?
But.. it's my lightbulb that is used to glow above my head allowing for a radiation of artificial light signifying the materialization of an idea within this artistically blocked head of mine! D:<
What Nicky said >_>
If so, can you do it now, plox?
*screws lightbulb onto her head*
If a tree falls in the forest, do you hear it?
If you're there, yah.
How about now?
Nope.. Am I deaf?
Did you know some genius figured out that 2 = 1..? But..failed to notice that he TOTALLY divided by 0, which is against the laws of math?
Genius? Pffft. :P
It's against the laws of Eucledian math, nub. Not math in general. Get it right.
What's the meaning of life?
Never given it much thought.
Live until the day you die.
What if Grafh were watching us?
To serve Grafh! :O
How do you know me? D:
IRC? Not sure. Yeah.
Through Dylan, I'm sure.
Cause. The bond that binds you to us is too strong. XD
To ask us questions.
If I eat you, does that make me a cannibal?
How much does a block of cheese cost in the state of Michigan when it is being purchased from a recently divorced cheese man at 3 A.M. on Halloween in a monkey suit?
As much as that man wants to sell it for :P
If Spongebob were real, would you hang with him?
Probably not :P
Yeah, he seems like he'd be cool if he wasn't limited by children's show limits.
If I had a "Master Ball" right now, could I "capture" you and add you to my "Pokedex"?
Sure, you'd just have to give me a species name :P
NO D:<
Quotation marks make everything superzomgawesome don't they?
But seriously..could I just use an Ultra Ball..? I only have one Master Ball, you know.
You can't catch Nicky's with an Ultra Ball.. Just doesn't work. Oh, and go win a Master Ball from the lottery thing.
NO D:<
Favorite Book?
Hover Car Racer by Matthew Reily
1984 by George Orwell is up there.
Favorite Movie?
No idea. But according to popular demand it will be the Dark Knight once I watch it.
It will be, Nicky. Go see it. Oh, and mine is Dark Knight.
Favorite Cheese?
Favorite Popsicle?
Frozen kind.
Favorite brand of pencil sharpener?
X-ACTO... The brand that made me my battery powered one cause I'm too lazy for normal ones.
One that works.
Have you ever shot a man just to watch him die?
Yeah, in Reno. How's you know? >_> <_<
If not..I suggest it. But..I'm going to sleep nao. Kthnxbai. /me leaves
Well, I guess I shouldn't be worried seeing as I'm not a man.. Buh bye! /me waves

ll_BLACKPANTHER_ll -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/22/2008 5:42:38)

maybe I should try confuzling all of you....
We're AKs- we don't get confused.
Yup, we don't get confused.

what's the equilibrium for 2.34-14 x ▒ + ¥=║/ º + ⌐ ?
I'm already confused!
Okay, I take that back.
I can already disprove that as a question, there's a degree sign just sitting behind a division sign. That's not a question. I don't get confused.

yeah...don't worry...about it. I don't know the answer to it either...I don't even know if that was a question..:/
Well it has a question mark, so yes!
Sneaky :P

why am I even here? I should be in mIRC!!
Ok then, flee young mortal
Oh arr ell why?
why ay arr ell why.

anywhoo...*looks down and kicks dirt..*...uh....*scratches back of the head*
Talapia is yummy
Pan fried salmon.
Talapia IS yummy!!

What would happen if Chuck Norris didn't exist?
Cheech would have never had his amazing career in Walker: Texas Ranger!
Not much difference...
We wouldn't have the world as we know it. Like, seriously. If anyone famous died, the whold world would be different. Just saying.

Do you think Brad Pitt will be the new Chuck Norris?
Not in a million years! Why do you disgrace Chuck Norris so? D:<

Did you know CNN means "Chuck Norris Network"?

Yeah, I saw him on TV once....I blacked out..the last thing I remember seeing was a shoe comin' out of the screen...never watched any of his shows since...has that ever happen to any of you?
Nope, he only slings underwear through my tv....odd...
Rev, he wants your body.

What would happen if you throw a rock at a stone?
That depends on your aim
If you hit it, it will either rebound off the stone or the stone you throw it at will bounce.
The world with collide with itself.

me neither...

Anyway, why does everyone say "bye" at the end of their posts?
Ask them...
Because they decide to.
Because... ummm... ORANGE D:<

you know what? I'mma be different..What do you think?
If you wish.

So...have you seen that one episode of Star Wars where Captain Uno destroyed the Helium Tampon Spaceship with a single stroke of his light sabre?
¿! ~_^!¿
I.. Don't recall doing so.
... it spelled sabre or saber?
Saber for me. Lightsaber.

hmm..must be saber since sabre has a red line under it..
Sure thing.
Maybe. Or your using the American English dictionary on FF

anyway, neither..

Firefox is a cool browser....let's you know if you spelled something wrong...don't you think so?
nope, but I'm biassed
I have Firefox too :)
Opera :D

so...i'm running out of stupid questions to ask...
Good.. I mean, uhhhh... otehnoes?

hey, guess what?

there's no such thing as stupid questions, they always say...but I think I just proved it wrong, right?
Uh, yeah.
Probably not.

Crap! someone just broke into my house! what's the number for nine one one?!
What's a house¿
I don't know, ask the operator.
Pound on the numbers until you get it!


you know..there's an alternative for fighting..

like what? you ask?
Not.. really.
I didn't ask D:<

like getting the heck out of here!!

*runs out of the room...comes back in seconds later.* Naw, just kidding.
Player :P

But can you imagine if I was like that?
Not really
Same here.
Probably not.


Alright, I think it's about time for me to

Hello, everybody.
Hey :P

Mr. Safety -> RE: Group MtAK! Five AKs for the price of one! (7/25/2008 3:45:43)

Five AKs for the price of one eh?
It seems as such.
Yup, I'm selling them. Wait... *counts* I guess I'm selling myself too.

I'll give ya 59 cents for them
Come on.. We're worth more than that, ya know.

So you actually have a Person as an AK?
It seems as such again :P

You must pick teh weirdest people for AKs 0.0
Geez, thanks ;)

Pop Quiz!

Just Kidding :P
Ah. Cool.
That's what I thought.

You got an F- anyway
What? I'm a good student!

So which AK does the cleaning and which AK does the garden XD
Well, iChar does the garden. And the cleaning.. iChar again.
Yeah >_>

I'm serious!
As am I :P
Yeah, we are.

Pop Quiz! What's the calculation of PI
3.1428.. and that's all I've memorized :P
No, Nicky. 3.14159


You failed
Oh. Hmmkays.

Behold the awesome power of my... (Dun dun duhhhh)
Of yourrr...

HAM Radio?!?!?!?

I like ham
Me too.
Ham is delicious.

Who doesn't like ham?
Not me. But it's by far inferior to lamb.
I dunno. Commies?

How do you get those upside down ?s?

Heehee trade secret¿!¿!
l33t h4x

When I say bye, you are banned from saying Bye, Goodbye, Bais, Cya, See ya, Seeya, S33ya, S3eya, Se3ya or G'bye (As we say in Australia)
I live in Australia too.. I find myself saying "Later" a lot though :P
I know a way around it.


ShadowSlash -> RE: Group MtAK! Five AKs for the price of one! (7/25/2008 7:47:14)

Oh my. Big sale goin on here, no?


Joo know dis nubz rite hear?
Not really, lol
Kinda :D

Thought so.

(personator's private space!) You still use the sig i made for you? XD

Thought so.

Well too bad for you, the exam...begins.... Now!

*tick* *tick* *tick*
Good thing I test well >_>

Favorite Group?
They Might be Giants, with Ween in a close second
TMBG like Rev said, been listening to a lot of Coheed, so that could be second.

First Concert?
KROQ Weenieroast, 1998
TMBG when I was 11.

Weapon of choice when a overgrown pig charges into your 23rd-story house?
Flamethrowing chainsaw earwigs!
Desert Eagle.

What do you use for imagination fuel when you have artist block?
unleaded imagoline
I've moved onto bio imagoline. I'm helping the evironment.

Any other creative activities other than Digital/Multimedia Arts?
I write.

grey matter: Cortex ed. v3.8
Windows XP Home Edition.

French Toast?

Which would you take...

Cow: Meat or Milk?
Can't we have both¿ Mmmm meat milk
Milked meat?

Duck: Feet or Fur?
Ducks don't have fur silly
Furry feet :d

Shackles: Metal or Fuzz?
I like my birthday/AKversary fuzzies. We only get those two days out of the year v_v

Grafh: Awesomely artistic imagination or the power to rule?
Nicew to have both isn't it¿!
Yeah, i can haz both?

You: Wonderfulness or Just-Plain-Awesomeness? ;P (or Ego?)
See above
Both :D

The test is over! You may relax now. :D
I passed D:<

Wait, one more serious question. How many hours do you spend on the forums daily, if not daily, how much time do you spend on the forums? (this one) Within that time, how much of it is AKing?
around two hours a day or so on the forums and the predominant amount of time is in The Gallery. I never stop AKing!
I spend so much time on the forums, that I stopped keeping track. And usually every minute that I'm on the forums, I'm AKing. Since I don't leave the Gallery or DFpedia.

How much of it is plotting your ingenious escape?
We can escape now¿
You're funny. You think we can escape? D:

Well, that's all folks. May I also have my complimentary snugglebai?
Nope but I'll give you an: Art On!



PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: Group MtAK! Five AKs for the price of one! (7/25/2008 8:46:55)

can i b ak plzzzz?//?/ [:(]
Ask Grafh, be sure to send Grafh ALOT of pm's though, just in case, teehee
O.o PCoD in the gallery? Perhaps we can clip all the art together now!!!
You're right, Perso!

+ ur face = pie in face

Yummy too
Munch'd also.

Want some pie and cookies? :D
How about a pie flavouired cookie cake truffle¿
I already munch'd them..
I om nom'd the cookies already D:<

'Cause I ate them all.

Ok fine. You each get THREE cookies, which are tradeable for a pie. After that, you can't trade the pie back.
*takes all the cookies and hides*
O.o more cookies!!

/me snuggles the creative AKs :o o:

can i haz tietl Kreateev plzzzzzzz????// :(((((((((((((((((((((((((( [:(][:(]
you need to use more smilies
Isn't the post already a work of art?
Rev is right. Not enough smilies.

If a cow is dancing on a Monday and the mice are yellow, how many cups would it take to mail Mount Rushmore to a bear eating five scones and a laughing brick?
Of course this equation is dependant on a loose flowing variable, based on timed incriments of deviled cricket chirps, resonated off of a half consumed can of pepsi. With out this important piece of the puzzle who can say¿
More or less.
Rev is good at fake math :o

WRONG. The answer was of course 43.
Silly me, rather obvious now that you point it out!
You sure that's the answer?
42 D:<

If you could have a- g2gkthxbai
Art On!
Draw your swords! Art on!

Vixolus -> RE: Group MtAK! Five AKs for the price of one! (7/25/2008 10:33:01)

What to say, what to say...

Do you use any type of art maker (Paint, GIMP, PS, etc.)
Well technically those are just the tools of the Art Maker, but yes
Photoshop CS2 to be exact.

Got Milk? Or Got Orange Juice?
I prefer Milk juice, though it's quite tricky to juice milk
Orange juice is win :D

Giraffes or Elephants?
Elephants, but with giraffe spots!

iChar, do you like the costume Therries/Swenn/Althorne gave you (Don't know who) on ROFL?

Since your name is iChar, do you only have one eye?
Sure. I'm a pirate. KE-ARG D:<

Do you just become an AK for helping people and following the rules?
There's actually an extensive exam followed by a lengthy initiation
That doesn't even begin to describe it.
You guys forgot to mention the constant floggings for two weeks after you're offered the position.

Favorite... Pet Animal!?
My squaking, ringtailed, bat-turtle
My soul-sniffing dog.
My kitty. His name is Igby. And he let's me hold him however I want, so long as I'm petting him. Because he's lazy.

Evil bunnies take over the world.. what do you do?
Take my throne as emporer of the world once my bunny army is finished...of course
Move to a world without bunnies.
Eat them all. OM NOM.

What if the evil bunnies had... sharpened carrots?!
Sharpened carrots¿! Now that's rediculous
Not really.

Uh.. thats it for now.. i guess.. so yeah bye.
Art On!

mastin2 -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/25/2008 16:39:07)

1: Ah, much better. 'Cause I'm too lazy and don't have the time, I am not an approved artist. So now I can post here, just ask you the regular round of questions from me! :)

2: I apologize for not give you all your editing colors. Under normal circumstances, it'd be easy. But that was BEFORE they removed the 'quote original' button, so, yea, if I tried, it'd just be a wild guess...
I am, however, leaving plenty of space for all of you!

Yay, space. Outer space?

3: Alright, now to some more real questions...

That isn't a question.
Do they start now?

4: Do you dislike people asking you questions you've answered already? (such as "do you like pie?" dozens of times in the same thread)

Yes. Personally, I do.
Eh. Questions are fun.

5: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

Read above.
Eh. Questions are fun.

6: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

Look at the answer above this.
Eh. Questions are fun.

7: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

Eh. Questions are fun.

8: Do yo--okay, okay! I'll stop! :P

Yay :) My telekenetic powers of influence did cause you to stop!
Eh. Questions are fun. Oh, you're done?

9: Do you dislike people using internet/leetspeek? Such as tlking lk ths?


10: What are your opinions on people re-responding to your response? (Like 'em, hate 'em, ignore them, etc.)

Depends on some key factors, such as the price of eggs in China, the cost for oil, and the random numbers produced by a RNG with problems.
What Perso said. But usually the answer comes out to be: KIWF.

11: Well, you may have been AK's for years, but...still...Congrats! (Does anyone NOT say that?)

Thanks, and yes.
Year. Not yearS :P
And yeah, I don't get congrats anymore.

12: I've seen four in one mod threads before...but I think you people just topped it off with the most in one thread ever...

There should have been more, but nope...
We could've had one more, but I blame Grafh.

13: Do you prefer random questions (Like say 5+10-100*3/0+2*5=?), or quite organized ones?

Not really.
That problem doesn't exsist. You can't divide by zero. And I don't care either way.

14: Well, that's about it. Any other questions that I'd want to ask are probably already--or will be--said. So, yea, see ya!

Cool, see ya!


LightningIsMyName -> RE: MtAK? AGAIN?! Yeah, hi. (7/28/2008 9:23:38)


I know most of you (I think :D) - let's see

VampierHSS - I know you for a long time, You were here since I joined the forums
iChar - Know you since about 2 months before you were AK :D
Nicky - Olah! Seen you around a lot =)
Reverendwyrm - haven't seen you to much, yet I know your works - they are truly amazing =)

Personator - Hello, I can't remember seeing you, although the name sounds familiar. can you remind me where were you active? (sorry, I'm a bit senile :D)
Generally, more in the MQ sections, but now here as well :)

Favourite Book you read?
1984 is up at the top. Along with Catcher in the Rye.

Links to your DeviantArt pages?
Don't have one. Pretty sure that's it.

Any chance of seeing your first posted works (art)? this should be interesting =)
They are up in my thread >.>
Ask Kenny.

Art Programs you are using? (If it's traditional art, which type?)
Flash Basic 8 :O, GIMP.
Flash CS3, Photoshop CS2, C4D, and ArtRage now.

Where are you from? (Country). I know Nicky is from Australia, but I have no idea about the rest of you.
I'm from the UIA. United Idiots of America :D

Bye [;)]

2k2ewyn -> RE: Group MtAK! Five AKs for the price of one! (7/28/2008 10:02:04)

Do I hear a song coming up?


But then again, the purple chicken did eat the pumpkin.
Having fun saying random things?
Again? Crap >_>

/me shoots
/me sets 2k on fire.

O, rly? There seems to be more.
Not bai D:<


How many Tootsie Pops does it take to get to the center of a lick?
More or less.
Three.... thousand.

Am I random?
It seems that way.
Huh? Who are you again? The sand claw'd brigadier?

Why yes, I am a flying computer. Thanks for asking!
No, no. Sand claw'd brigadier.

I iz so happy.
You should be.

I gonna go see The Dark Knight soon.
Saw it. It's technically not that great of a movie. But, from a consumer stand point, it's pretty good.

I haz high speed until Thursday
I always has high speed.

I haz got you!
No u hazent!!!

Nickeh? What's it like in the future? I mean, things must have changed in a day!

Chareh! Are you a yumberry?

Wyrmeh! Do you know any dragons that know you?

HSSeh! If I give you attention, will you turnme into a vampier like you?

Personateh! Are you my best enemy or my worst friend? Wait...
Hehe, best enemy seems to have more of an honerable ring to it.

Well, I can't think of anymore questions. Ever.

Oh, wait. One more question.

Is RAWRZ a bubblejuicecandy?

Ok, the monkey chickens are a toothrednewfie, so I have to go gobbleeatmunch them.

Hm... *yayinterrogationofrandomquestionsisoverbyehellobeatlessongyaymusicsnugs*
You two are weird >_>

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