RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Cellar Arena (Full Version)

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Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Cellar Arena (7/25/2008 22:28:53)

The bite of steel into flesh is something almost indescribably painful to experience when it cuts so deeply as to sever not only skin and muscle, but rather deep enough to flay apart layers of cartilage, veins, arteries, and bone. Were it merely a small extremity or a whole limb, it might even be possible to at least walk away and live with some measure of existence until old age crept along the spine with the inexorable march of time.

Such, however, did not appear to be as a sturdy longsword bit deep and tore through Flare's neck. Scarlet blood sprayed as it fell open-eyed, parted from the body in the most obviously fatal manner. As the newly deceased came to rest, everything seemed quite normal. Death was not unknown to any of the arenas of the Elemental Championships, far from it in fact. Yet this death...would prove somewhat different. All of the blood, save for what stained Remus' flesh and garb, began to bubble and hiss. From scarlet to ebon fluid, caustically rendering every aspect of the body to nothing more than a dark puddle that itself bubbled away into naught but the thinnest wisp of smoke.

When next Flare opens their eyes and feels about for their body, he will be in a room of one of the inn's of Bren. Whole, yet with a deep scar evident of being cut. Healed, but gone from the tournament for this year...and no one will be surprised or shocked to see him again.

ShadowSlash -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Cellar Arena (7/28/2008 12:54:38)

As Auron heard the result of his jet stream of water connect with the fire-woman, an explosion, the cat charged through the mist to Auron, a crackling sphere of blue-white energy materializing above it. The sphere stretched out a bit, then crashed down, aimed straight for Auron’s midriff. As the fire mage regained her footing, a large fireball streamed forward, then exploded into an inescapable burst of fire reaching 6 meters out.

Oh by the Water Lord… Auron was clearly not nimble on his feet enough to evade both attacks, and his staff would be of no use in countering an energy attack as it was made mainly of iron. He would have to rely on what he was best at – manipulating water. As tears welled up in his silvery eyes in frustration, he raised his arms, the rest of the water bursting from the ground, following his arms in a flat wall-like barrier. It rose up to the height of the top of his head, then arced slightly over his head and stopped there, defying gravity. As he did not have enough water to cover his back, this makeshift shield would have to do for the moment.

No sooner did the swirling mass of liquid rise when the streaking bolt of lightning struck, the energy crackling across the surface of the barrier, quickly dissipating into the water with a few threads of white energy appearing here and there, arcing back into the water. Auron had no time to react when the radius of small fireballs reached him, some colliding into the water shield and leaving puffs of steam where they hit. However, the last one in the barrage managed to get through a steamy hole another had left behind in the water, and flew into Auron’s side, singeing his robe, and burning some of his skin.

Auron had never felt the burn of fire, not in nine years. His only time had been when he was just a cub of one year, new to this strange world called Lore. Though surrounded by the great white dunes of smooth untouched snow and ice-cold waters, some lost adventurers had chosen to take notice of him and his “father”.
The sound of loud unending whistling wind assaults the men’s ears.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Their heavy boots disturb the smooth snowy expanse which has formed a hard icy shell over the soft snow underneath, leaving behind humongous footprints large enough for Auron and his playmates to crawl into. Holding strange burning pieces of flattened metal, they curse and kick away at the thick snow, jagged messy trails snaking across the land. The needle-like snow and blustering winds of the blizzard soon cover up these trails as if these men had never come to these lands, but they will leave their everlasting mark on Auron and the wolves, where neither snow nor wind can cover up their horrific acts.

“Look! Mother! There they are, coming towards us! What can they be?” A fluffy gray-and-white cub with twinkling curious eyes, Auron’s “brother” Caleb, barks to his mother.
The mother gets up, and squints to the direction Caleb is looking at. Suddenly, as she recognizes the still small figures in the distance, an expression of fear and hatred wash over her features.
She commands Caleb to call his sisters and brothers, and Auron to stick by his father’s side.

Auron is filled with dread. Maybe it is instinct. Maybe it is his still hidden aura spirit. But whatever it is, he knows these figures will not bode well. As he trots obediently to his father, the dark shaped figures come towards them closer and closer. Their cloaks and hoods flap violently in the wind, their details consumed by the rush of snow. Yet one thing can be seen clearly- they hold fiery weapons that flicker in the wind and still hold their burning power in the everburning metal.

They charge. Through the winds that threaten to blow them off their feet, through the frozen snow underneath their boots. Throwing fireball after fireball into the path before them, they clear the way of snow and ice, and they charge, straight at Father and his humanlike cub.

Father will not flee before these men. He is the alpha that will defend his family, and most importantly of all, his mysterious cub that had dropped from the northern lights. Father stands defensively, shielding his cub by standing right over him.

One holds a different weapon- a slim piece of wood with string strung through its ends, another slender piece of metal with its tip on fire, feathers stuck to the other end, nocked horizontally to the wood with the string. He carefully draws back the string… Auron does not know what it is. However, his father does. “Auron! Get away from-“
Moments pass in near slow motion. An angry flame is taking up all of his field of vision…getting closer…uncomfortable heat… He realizes it is a weapon, and dodges…falling over to the side.
But too late. Though the arrow never met its mark, the burning flames leaped to Auron’s unprotected skin, licking at his back hungrily.
Pain…as he has never felt it before. It burns, burns so much he cannot be sure if he is hurting anymore. His side goes numb, and yet the flames keep torturing him, greedily eating up what used to be some clothes. He cries for it to stop, but it is relentless. His vision is distorted by pained tears, blurring everything, until he doesn’t know which way is the enemy and which is his father. He sees a gray form, Father, rushing to douse the flames, piling snow on it. It finally stops, but now it stings. His whole side stings as if it were raw, as it probably is. But he is too pained to care now.

Father growls, curling his lip and baring his fangs. They have attacked his cub…they will pay. He leaps at the men…claws keen to rip flesh and taste blood…leaping…leaping… and a burning weapon is shoved roughly into his face. Father’s icy blue eyes widen in surprise…then in pain as he tries to stop his jump but only succeeds in burning his muzzle entirely in the flames. It voraciously eats at his fur, sizzling everything to black ash…then the sharp edge of the sword embeds itself between his eyes. For a moment, he is stiff- then he goes limp, hanging only by the sword which is still impaled in him. The man jerks it out, hot blood splattering against the pure white snow. Father falls, cushioned by the soft snow.

Auron regains some of his vision and his consciousness, and with it, the pain, but he does not care about it anymore. He throws himself at Father’s fallen body, the flames still licking at his forehead. He angrily throws snow over it, then gently wipes away the melted snow. “Father! Father!” He calls, but to no avail. Heavy sobs rock Auron’s small burned body back and forth, tears flowing freely from his eyes. The pain in his side is nothing compared to the pain he feels now at the loss of Father. He hears the men leaving in the distance, but nothing matters now. In a short while Mother will find him still crying, hugging the large body of Father. The warmth is slowly leaving Father’s fallen body…

He bit his lip in pain, both at the memory and the wound, fat droplets of tears quickly falling into the burn, easing the pain and extinguishing the small flames. He was about to bring some of the water-shield’s water to the wound, but noticed that there was a contaminant in it…flickering bursts of energy permeating the water. “You…..” Auron growled at both cat and woman, his hands working fast in the air, “molding” the contaminated water without touching it. He would have to unload the water of its energy…and the closest person to unload it into was… the fire-mage.

He pushed his left hand out with palm facing front, and the water rose like a wave, frothing at the top and crashing down towards the woman. “You will pay,” Auron vowed.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Cellar Arena (7/28/2008 17:27:57)

Slash landed gracefully, pivoting to face the young boy as water burst forth from the ground to shield him from her energy lance. The familiar's fur rippled as an electric charge ran through it, puffing out her fur and making her appear about twice the size she actually was. The lance expended itself in the boy's shield, the watery barrier containing the energy from reaching the ground somehow. It was likely the boy's doing, although for what reason he would do it was beyond Slash.

There was little enough time to contemplate such a thing though, for a moment later there was a hissing and crackling, all the warning Slash had before a ball of fire thrown by the fire mage soared in at her and the young boy, and exploded. There were only seconds to react, and on instinct alone Slash threw up a shield of energy in an attempt to protect herself from the expanding flames of the fireball.

The flames slammed into the water mage's shield, causing a hissing rush of steam that clouded Slash's vision even as the fire hit her shield a few feet farther away. The barrier crackled, held, held, held, and then buckled under the pressure of the flames, launching the cat into a bouning roll.

Slash recovered, skidding to her feet after a few yards. The familiar panted, her mouth dry, sides heaving. The fur on her left side was singed on the edges. She glanced between the fire mage and the water mage as the steam around them dissipated enough to allow sight. The boy gestured sending what was left of the energy-laced water at the fire mage. The cat felt a momentary flash of annoyance that the boy was redirecting her spell from its intended target, but it was quickly covered by the realization that if he was attacking the fire woman, he might not have any more water in reserve for a defense.

"I call upon the name of Lightning Incarnate!"Motes of blue, white, and yellow light began to gather in the air around Slash, dancing to some unseen pattern. "Let your vengance be felt by mine enemies!" The lights gathered together over above Slash, shaking themselves out into a long, slender shape like a coil of rope. ''Chakra's Chain, bind them in defeat!'' There was a final hissing crackle, and one end of the energy chain whipped out to entangle the water mage.

demonhunter -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Cellar Arena (7/29/2008 0:08:58)

As the mist and steam cleared, Graceella smiled for a moment. She had managed to clear enough that she could see the water user, and her feline ally... who seemed a little singed. Oops, Grace thought to herself, I'll have to apologise for that later...

There was no more time for thought as the water-wielder began directing his element. Water came towards her in a towering wave, and within it, she could see sparks of electricity. He must have used it to block the cat's attack, she realised, backing up towards the pillar. The left side of her back twinged in pain, and she growled angrily. There were some serious bruises back there, and possibly some not-so-serious ones too.

She couldn't use her left arm without serious pain, so her acrobatics training was useless now. She knew she only had two options: Run, or get electrocuted and soaked at the same time.

It was a no-brainer, really. She ran around the pillar as the water came crashing down, cursing in pain as she did so. When she reached the side of the pillar opposite where the water had come down, she stopped, keeping her back to the stone.

Her position meant she now had a view of something she had almost forgotten about: The burning haystack. The smoke it generated was becoming quite thick, and whilst most of it was up by the ceiling, some of it was starting to get low, obscuring vision and breathing ability alike. Still... the flames presented an interesting opportunity.

From the toe of Graceella's right boot, a thin line of flame travelled along the ground at high speed, towards the haystack. When it reached, it would spread and merge with the flames that already burned there, allowing her to control and use them.

Her intention was to seperate the flames from the hay, and send them hurtling towards the water user as a single large bolt of flame. The reason she didn't generate the flames herself was that doing so would cost her far too much energy, and this way, she could assualt from one direction, whilst concealing herself elsewhere: A useful tactical advantage.

Almost as an afterthought, she called out to the cat, throwing her voice so that it sounded as though it came from the pillar to the south east. "Better move, cat!"

ShadowSlash -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Cellar Arena (7/29/2008 10:05:09)

Noting that there were no cries of pain or sizzling coming from the area around the fire-woman, Auron assumed she had somehow escaped. However he had other things to worry about as the cat was also still alive and well. Glancing at it, he saw that its fur was singed on the edges. At least it’s been hit a little. No wound though…

Auron’s own burn was not much, as a small bit of water floated from his own body and stuck to the wound. It would not cause much pain…he hoped. I am at an incredible disadvantage here…water will not hurt lightning, and fire and water neutralize each other. The only way I can possibly hurt the cat would be with my staff… but how? Its lightning will travel through it to me… maybe if I can get one in quick enough…

From the corner of his eye he saw the cat, then heard its incantation. Knowing his end was probably not too far away, he was overcome with desperation. Oh, Water Lord…Please, I’m begging you… Save me… But begging would do nothing…or would it?

An idea flashed into his mind. His body was known to hold more water than a normal human, and normal humans were told to have massive amounts of water in their bodies. I can’t use all of it, but can I take some? Dots of energy were already gathering themselves over the cat, and twisting into some coil. Auron had no time to think, logically or not, anymore. He would have to trust his instincts.

Again he thought he heard an echo in his mind of the chants his wolven family and spirit had taught him, and the howls and words mixed to make the music from before. But this time the tune was a beautiful ethereal sounding tune somewhat like the mystical northern lights that Auron had fallen to Lore from. And this time the howls were not dissonant. They meshed together to create harmonious, beautiful music, a tune Auron had never heard before. It was beautiful in a way it could never have been made on Lore itself, yet it had been, right now.

It rang through his whole body, his chest vibrating more and more until suddenly, a thick coiling long dragonlike form burst from his chest, surrounded by a thin shell of water. Its feathery tail was connected to Auron’s chest still, and the long body of the dragon was made of multicolored lights, flashing different colors. It roared a deep roar that reverberated again and again through the arena, and a jet stream of Auron’s water burst from his throat to meet the energy chain, carrying the energy with it and spraying the water onto the cat.

Auron himself was wide eyed, having never experienced this before. It must be my “aura spirit”… But he could feel the effects of it drawing the water from his own body, and he became thirsty and tired, sucking in the misty water-filled air for support. He could only hope his aura spirit knew what it was doing.

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Cellar Arena (7/30/2008 10:50:52)

The fire woman shouted at Slash to move, and after what happened last time she attacked the water mage the familiar was mostly inclined to listen. Somehow the boy managed to pull together more water as, well, something, pushed its way out of his chest, and a stream of water battered aside the energy coil, absorbing a small section of it. The chain retracted, recoiling in the air above Slash to ready for another attack even as Slash began to move.

It wasn't quick enough though, the water stream clipped the leaping cat in the hindquarters, just as she was jumping to make her escape. The force of the blow spun Slash, sending her flying back to connect with the wall of the Arena with a sickening thud. The cat screamed, a horrible, wounded yowling, and the world hazed red and black for a moment as she landed in a heap on the ground at the base of the wall. The energy chain crackled, the coil loosening and landing on top of the familiar, hissing and snapping as her fur stood on end.

After a moment the coil, moving much more slowly than it had moments ago, began to tighten itself up again. Slash picked herself up slowly, hissing as she did so. Her front left leg had broken from the impact with the wall. The familiar panted heavily, holding the limb off the ground to avoid putting wieght on it. She was in trouble, deep trouble. It would be nearly impossible to dodge further attacks without all of her limbs. From this point forward, it was her or the boy, she needed to incapacitate him, or his next attack could very well kill her.

The cat rumbled a growl deep in her chest, one what was unlikely to be heard by the other competitors, and oen what was unlikely to actually intimidate them had they heard it. Still, it was a manifestation of her anger, anger that she poured into the energy chain. The coil crackled and hissed, lengthening and thickening as the spell enhanced its power and lethality. Slash screamed, a primal sound of hurt and fury both physically and telepathically as she hurled the enhanced energy chain out towards the young boy. It was now or never, with perhaps her very life resting on the result of this attack, she could only pray that the dice would favor her.

ShadowSlash -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Cellar Arena (8/1/2008 1:25:47)

Auron was pleased to see that the cat had been hit: a terrible screeching yowl emitted from the cat as it flew through the air and landed on a wall. It walked back to Auron carefully, avoiding one limb. Ah, I’ve broken its leg… now it can’t pounce around. He was about to lash out with the blade of his staff when he noticed the energy coil growing thicker.

The serpentine aura spirit still attached to his chest, he backed away, slowly at first. The opal-like serpent coiled its bright body around Auron’s midriff, resting its fierce head on his shoulder, as Auron wondered at how smooth and cool to the touch it felt. The shell of water contracted to become its scales, and it glimmered all the more brightly, rays of colored light traveling across its body.

Suddenly, as the cat threw the energy chain at him with a cry of rage, he attempted dodging it, since he did not want to try using any more of his own body water. He was tired enough already. Unfortunately, he was not quick enough. The tip of the crackling chain scraped his arm, and he was met with a jolt of electricity that left him paralyzed for a moment, wide eyed, unable to stop his hand from dropping the staff. It clattered to the ground. The moment of electricity had been short enough that he was able to recover, but he fell to the ground next to his staff.

The serpent angrily uncoiled itself from Auron’s heaving body, and tried to replicate the attack it had used before. But only a weak fountain of water spurted from its throat, just enough to reach the chain and take down a little of its length, Auron’s own body holding back its water. It snapped its jaws angrily, then turned to Auron, gently licking his arm.

Rescuing his breath, Auron reached out shakily for his staff, grasping it and using it as support for standing up. “You…little…devil…” He telepathically called the still contaminated water from the wave, pooling in the ground once again, and managed a grin as he felt it approaching closer and closer. Unfortunately his aura spirit recoiled when it felt the water coming closer as it couldn’t handle the impure water, so Auron lifted his left arm, held it parallel to the ground with his palm facing the cat, and uttered a single syllable. The wave rumbled and rose from the ground, shadowing the cat and threatening to drown it in the foaming water.

This spell completed, Auron breathed heavily, clutching to his staff as a walking stick and mouth open to gather more moist air. The spell had cost him far too much energy. The serpent was still there, but it could use no more of Auron’s water, and it curled around his midsection, bright eyes alert for any dangers.

Suddenly, it spoke. It rumbled into Auron’s mind, a deep ancient voice like a hearing a waterfall from the inside… “You, child. There is yet hope for you. I sense water, fresh water, somewhere here… it’s a little behind and to the left of you. You might be able to replenish your water there. Be careful of the cat. Hm…” Auron thought back, “Should I attempt one more strike against it before the water?” “Wise thought, young child.”

Following close behind the wave, as soon as it crashed down, he charged towards the cat, kept the water well away from him and lashed out with the staff’s blade to where he thought might the cat be. As soon as the swing was complete he used the momentum from it to jump out, then run desperately for the source of water. An unmoving fallen body greeted his eyes, the rather tall man whom he had seen a glimpse of in the beginning of the fight. He knelt down by it, inspecting it with piercing silver eyes. “Do you think it’s okay to steal water from this man? He may yet be alive.” Auron questioned to his aura spirit. “No use it being used by another competitor, and this one looks done for… rescue yourself. Absorb the water and give it to me... before my time is over. I must leave the material realm soon.”

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2008= Cellar Arena (8/1/2008 14:40:35)

Suddenly, out of the blue, or whatever the dominant colour was at the time, multi-coloured sprites appear, hovering down at rapid speeds to choice contestants - they then wiggle into their heads through their ears, making the fighters emit a glow most spectacular from their eyes, ears, mouths, and even noses...

Their bodies growing transparent, and thusly the strange lights taking over everything, making them impossible to see, the light (the contestants?) rise up slowly, finally exploding into a gazillion of little marvelous pieces.

The Lords had made their pick, their chosen champions would proceed to fight the Final battle of the Tournament...

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