=MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (Full Version)

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skydrite -> =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 3:27:20)

Hello everyone! I'm your new AQ GD ArchKnight and now is the time to ask me questions (Yay!). In case you don't know how these threads work then please check this out: Click!. I will edit in this color.

Limit is 15 questions per post but you can surely come back if you like. So let's start the fun! :D

oh and by the way, this thread will be open until 7/25/08.

Well, since I'm a new DF GD ArchKnight too, then this will be extended for another week. Thread will be open until 8/1/08.

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 3:28:49)

Hmm... A little late, huh? deleted your first post then came back with some questions?! clever! xD

1. Do you enjoy the new rights and authority?

I guess so

2. Who Aked you BTW?


3. What is the meaning of life?

It has no meaning probably

4. Is life all about cookies, waffles, and pies?

nope, but it will be fun if it is

Oh yes, first reply!


Rheannon -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 3:31:19)

What's your fave colour?
blue, a peaceful color

What was your best holiday?

Christmas for sure, lots of gifts!

Fave school subject?

Physical Education! wootz!

AQ, Dragon Fable or Mech Quest?

AQ is my favorite

How did you become an ArchKnight?

I was abducted asked

Last thing you ate?

a cookie, seriously

Any pets?

yep, 5 dogs and 3 cats

Fave animal?


Fave book/writer?

Interview with the Vampire/Anne Rice

Dullahan212 -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 3:33:10)

I saw you, you were just "helpful" a couple of days ago...now your an AK congratz...

Yeah, I was surprised too and thanks so much! :D

I can bake pastries and desert...which one do you like?

I'll have both!

"Gives Favourite Patry..."

woot! thanks. :P


AQ for life!

favourite uber in Aq?

I like Golden Axe

My Character under the avvy?(rate 1-10 [10 highest])

10! awesome character!

Can i come back for more question i gotta catch some Ys (not Zs)

sure, why not?

etching -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 3:42:23)

Hello, congrats on being an AK!

Thank you very much! :D

So are you working the 12AM-8AM shift?

I guess so, sometimes I just appear from nowhere at any time. xD

Cause GGD could use someone fulltime during those hours...

Don't worry, I'm always lurking. ;)

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 3:50:22)

Now that I have the first reply position, I'll be asking more!


1. Aww, you've killed my creativity! (does this even qualifies as a question?)

yeah :P

2. Is your old forum name "rre6666"?

yep, then became skywalker then Alexandrite! creative eh?

3. Do you want to know where I found it? ( http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=6870313&mpage=1&key= )

stalker! :o /joke

4. If life has no meaning, then why are we still here?

because we need to find out if life has a meaning

5. MtAK threads always gets really crazy and wild, right?

I'll find out soon!

6. Then why make this thread?

because I'm awesome!

7. AQ, DF, MQ, or AQW?


8. Pie, ice-cream, waffles, or fish? (Twig FTW!)

ice cream

9. Are we allowed to post more than 15 questions per post? (please say yes)

No! :P

No? Never mind. BTW, I'll be back...

sure thing.

Fishbone -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 3:51:31)

I saw you on the forums with words "helpful", but I had a feeling that you will become an AK, so congratz!!!

thanks! :D

Do you know me (on the forums)???

yeah, I see you quite a lot

Where do you live (country, not the number of the flat, LOL)???

Philippines, room number 666, telephone number is 000-000!

What's your favorite game (besides AQ)???

Runescape errr, I mean DF or MQ

AQ, DF, MQ or AQW???


Do you like cookies???


How is it to be an AK???

it feels good

Fave color (mine is blue)???

same here

Fave TV-show???

I don't have one. lol'z

See ya on the forums!!! ;)

see you!

*truthseeker* -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 3:57:32)

Rate the char under my avy...

eh, good but you should go to character ratings and advice if you want ratings :P

What do you think of my vids?


Do you like hamsters?

a bit, yep

Which AQ video maker do you like most?


Which movie do you like?

any Star wars movie

Which type of music do you like?

alternative and country!

Dude193 -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 4:01:45)

Congratz on the AK-ship! :D


So, do you know anyone with a ship named Ak? o_O

o.O no

Did you know that Anonymous is legion?


Waffles, pie, cake, or Ice cream cake? Choose wisely.

Pie ice cream!

Behind one of these doors is spam, and the other is a Bengal tiger. Which do you pick?

I'll pick a door to my bedroom!

What time is it where you live? (Its 4:00 here...)

It's 4:15 pm here

What update do you look forward to most?

The estate, hehe

Okay, got to go. But one last question...

uh huh

Do you liek my sig. :3

yeah, looks good!

Enjamin -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 4:04:36)



2.Is that your real character under your avvy?

it's a real character of mine but not my Main

3.Do you like the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

No comment :P

4.How about Necromancers?

I have nothing against them

5.Faverite color combination (black and blue)

green and yellow!

6. What do think about this?


7.Can you make me an AK? (pretty plz with Twig on top[:)]) (refer to question 9)

nu, sowwy! I'll report you to a Mod now. :P

8.Who is your faverite AK?


9.Would you make me an AK (lol[8D])

see number 7, hehehe!

10.Do you like Disturbed?

They're ok

11.Three Days Grace?

not really listened to them yet so no comment

12.Whats your faverite band?

The All American Rejects

13.<---Hey thats how old i am! (almost)

cool, if you're younger than that then.....

14.hmmmm....running out of questions

yay! ok

15.Last question......If some formite asked you 15 random questions and then on the 15th question said "OMGBBQZOMGSHOOPDAWOOP" and then started singing the fresh prince of bel-airs theme song......What would you do?

delete the whole post, woot!

Drakeh -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 4:06:20)




Thanks! [sm=bgtup.gif]

What is your favourite wepon, armour, shield, spell, misc item, pet and house?

UIK, Asgardian Plate, IronThorn, don't have a favorite spell, Head of Raydius Dragon, Zorbak and Darkovia Mansion Estate

What is your favourite colour? (mine is black)


Favouriti moglin?


My Character under the avvy?(rate 1-10,10 highest)

cool, a high leveled adventurer is always a 10 for me, hehe

Congratulation again

Thanks again!



Saojun -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 4:31:24)

Hi skywalker... Congrats! This is payback for the post in my MtAK thread (just joking) :P

Hello Saojun! It's Brilliancy's fault. xD

So how's it like since you've been AKed? Got used to them shiny new buttons yet?

not really used to it yet, honestly but I'm trying my best not to un-pin some stickies! lol'z

Hmm... That's all for now, I think. [:)]

thanks! [:D]

See you on the forums and on IRC, fellow cellmate! Bye for now and congrats again! [:)]

Thanks again and see you on IRC!

UZ -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 4:40:29)

Hello, Skywalker!

Hi UZ The Ebil!

Congratulations on becoming an AK! I congratulated you earlier, but you can always do it too times :)

yep and thanks a lot :D

What is your favourite board on AQ forums?

AQ GD and AQ Q/A

Do you like Zorbak?

yeah, what's not to like? lol

I seem to remember you having a Black Wartexx... Do you still have it?

I haz the Reaper's Toothpick!11eleven11!

Tolkien is the best, ain't he?

if you say so then yep. ;)

That's all I can think of now. Goodbye, and see you in the forums :)

see you and thanks for dropping by!

Minion of Poelala -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:06:24)

Hey Skywalker!:-D

Hello MoP!

Wow, so you finally made it.

yeah, though I didn't really think I would be an AK. xD

I remember we talked about being an AK a year ago, and none of us ever think we would make it. You prooved us wrong though[:D]

yeah, being an AK is really an unexpected event to me. I was really surprised when it happened

So how is it, and who AK'ed you?

feeling so happy and it was Scakk who kidnapped asked me

Is Shadow Dragon Blade really your dream weapon?:-P

yeah, you believe me right? xD

Who do you like the most; Zorbak or Poelala? hehe ohh and by the way your answer needs to include the letters "e", "l" and "a" ;-)

Poelala for sure! lol!

I catch you on MSN, take care, and once again congrats - it's truly well deserved!

thanks again and see you!

Ash The Phantom -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:12:52)

Congrats, Alexandrite!

Thanks, Ash The Phantom!

So, how do you like your AKship? Is it better than pie?

yeah, much better than pie!

If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?

an airplane, lul'z

oh-em-gee, kan i be a ak 2 plox? (Joke question, by the way. Feel free to answer however you want. XD)

nu! weelll riportz yu tu a Mod!! :P

So, Scakk is responsible for this, right? We should give him a present. X3

a present for kidnapping me?! :o

I'm tired. I wrote this at 5:10 in the morning. When did you answer? -_-

just a few minutes after you posted this, hehe!

Alright, I'm fresh out of questions. Again, congrats on the AKship and have a nice Day/Morning/Night/Whenever it is where you live.

Thanks again! and have fun!

O_o That was fast! This is my first MtAK post, too. ^_^

wow, I'm honored then! :D

Megadude57 -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:21:55)

Do you know how a magic 8-ball works? Because I don't.

you don't know?! shame because I don't know too! xD

Is it really magic?

it's a magic 8-ball then I guess it's really magical!

Do you have any pets?

yep, 5 dogs and 3 cats

What would be your dream job?

I don't have one. lul'z

If you rolled a dice what number would you want to be face-up?


What's your favorite color scheme?

blue?! o.O

wolfman_naruto -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:24:49)


Hello there!

Right we are friends

hello friend! :D

Congrats to be an ak you deserve it

thanks a lot!

Are you shock when you're an ak

yeah, very! until now I'm still shocked

do you know naruto my friends call me kyuubi


hope to see you on DF sub forums

I avoid DF boards because of Brilliancy! lol!


thanks again!

pm me if you want to chat


good luck

thank you so much!

mediaevaldragon -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:30:12)


hello mediae!

/me superdoopersnuggles

me supersnugs you!

Does public snuggling embarrass you?

hmm, maybe just a bit

I hope not because I like snuggling ^-^


Can't believe no one has asked yet... so I will >:P

oh noes!

What colour, shape, size, texture, material are your shackles?

I have shackles?! how come no one tells me about it yet?! :o

Do you like your OverLord? I like mine and she's better than yours :P

Yep and I have no comment on the second part, lul'z

/me cuddleticklesnuggles

/me snuggles!

Anyways, have heaps of fun and I'll see ya round skywalker ;D

I will surely have fun! thanks!

Now I'm gonna lurk and see how fast you answer this :P

I'm fast! hehe, see you around and second DF AK that posted here! :P

Legendary Blacksmith -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:37:45)

I'm baaack! And so are the questions!


1. I don't know you and MOP knew each other. For how long?

yeah and for quite some time now

2. Mages or warriors? Favorite sub-build? (eg: beastmage)

Warriors! Beastmaster Warriors ftw! wootz!

3. What is the secret of the universe and the number 42?

there iz nu secretz!

4. Ever encountered snow in July? *hint hint*

no, no snow here in my country :P

5. How fast can you solve a Rubik's Cube? In what method?

I haven't even tried solving one because I might go insane <.<

6. Favorite food? And do you cook?

spaghetti and no

7. What do you feel about the assassin in Granemor?

hmm, no comment about this yet

8. In what pitch and beat is Maurinelle's Melody?

I dunno, lul'z

9. Is there really a secret about the Mona Lisa?

Mona Lisa?! a secret?! *insert more clueless questions here* :P

More to come!


neil1954 -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:39:06)

Congrats Man BoL

oh, Thank you! wow, this is an easy one, thanks a bunch! :P

mooneeve -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:42:58)

Hiya so we got ourselves another AK!

ah, yep! :P

1. Why are you the sneevil they should be extinct?[8|]

I'm a sneevil because I'm a sneevil....

2. I you didn't know me before right?

I've seen you around!

3. Because if you did when I used to play DF a lot like a year ago I titled called myself a sneevil slayer...(must resit urge to slay)

so you're going to try to slay me?! haha! good luck with that!

4. If you could changed into a different monster so I wouldn't slay you which would you be? (not a sneevil or dragon I kill those fast)

a sneevildragon maybe?

Anyways see ya around the forums.[;)]

thanks and see you!

wolfman_naruto -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:52:50)

Hello again

hi again!

What's your favorite food?


Whats your favorite characters in naruto

gaara and neji!

Do you like pokemon?

not that much

Where do you live?


If Asia I live in Phillippines?

wow, me too! :D

How can I use IRC?

well, you can take a look at this thread: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=91

I have a problem on using it

wow, that's sad, hopefully by reading that thread I've given it will be alright! good luck!

I would just pm you if I have a question?


See you on the forums?

see you!

congrats again

thanks again!

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 5:55:21)

Yay! New Archie!

yay! archie?! wut?!

You were a helpful before, right?


2 ubers or 1 epic?

1 epic!

Square or Triangle?


Do You have any lucky numbers? Mine is my AQ level + my DF level + my MQ level + my AQW level = 138!

mine is 13! :P

Which one gives You most un-luck? Broken Mirror or Black cat?

none so far...

Me congratulates You![:D]

/me thanks you! :D

Oh, I forgot! Are You a sneevil or do You just like them?[;)]

I'm a sneevil! :o

Mysterious Wanderer -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 6:38:55)

whats you favorite in-game class?


How does it feel being an archknight?

feeling good!

is your character good or evil?

eh, I guess I'm neutral

whats your favorite pass time?

playing any AE games

how did you become an archknight?

I was kidnapped! asked

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/18/2008 6:50:24)


Thanks a lot!

Always somewhere near the q&a eh? [:)]

kind of. xD

That's it, just a congrats [:)]

wow nice, another easy one! Thanks nosey123! :D

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