RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (Full Version)

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master DL power -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 22:56:13)

how does it feel to be an archsupersayian
It feels powerful. :)
what do you think of the DF house release
I'm indifferent. I bought a house, but didn't bother to decorate it.
favorite color
Vle or Red. Both are nice.
artix or cysero
galanoth or warlic
thanks for your time[:)]
huggles goodbye?[:)]

45cman -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/18/2008 23:05:19)

I do not say congratulations,I say:Welcome To The Impending DOOM That IS:My Torture Chamber of DOOM(Which means Congratulations!)

Answer for me this,if :D+:(+:/=???


You have seen the burning daystar right?Well then again,Alac has you kept in the deep,dark,prison cell always so I don't expect to hear that you have seen it.


Wii would like to play.What about you?
I don't own a Wii.

Biskits or Cheese?Or both?
Biskits with Cheesen. :O

Like my sig?

Baker -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 1:37:40)

/me ends The Game, playing Lil' Bow Wow's "Game Over"
The Game is NEVER over!
Give some character ratings and advice on that! D:<
The rater you are requesting is feeling indifferent at the moment. Please try again later.

Have fun, TG. ;)
Bye Bb!

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 2:16:33)


Cookies or Cakes
Both are good.

Choco tastes funny

What is your fave. Game Console
I don't own a game console, nor do I wish to purchase one. Waste of money if you ask me.
Fave AE game
AQ, MQ, and DF. :D
Fave game
AQ, MQ, and DF. :D
Bwes but before we go let's shout Bob:

Pink_Star -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 4:52:58)

Hi, The Game!
Congrats on being a DF CR&A Mod!
I'm not a Mod. I'm an AK. ;)
Which would you spend more time in? AQ/DF?
AQ CR&A was my first home, so I have loyalties to it. I think that's all the questions I'll answer from you.
Make me a Mod, plssss!

Thanks for answering my questions!

Happy Moding! Bye!

mestregc -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 6:02:31)

First of all,congrats on being an AK and welcome to forum(if you werent there much time).

Second,I wanna be AK too...well everyone getting AK is strange but i wanna be AK undeppending of any things ill need to do to be 1.
I became an AK a few months ago actually.

third,whats ur favorite artix entertainment game?

fourth,I like your avatar.
Thanks! A good friend made it for me. :) Also, I won't be answering any more questions from you.

fifth,do you know why did staff invited you to be AK?If so, why?

sixth,u seem to be cool.

seventh,im fan of all DF AKs,so im ur fan no matter i know you or not.

eight and last,I wanna know what I need to do to be AK,do I just wait for my time or I need to do sumthing like an questionary about the section I get invited to?Im desperately wanting to be AK.

Edit:why dont u answered the last 4?I dunno O_O.

The Ducksta -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 7:33:56)

Gratz on the AKness.
Do you like being an AK?
It's fun. I get to meet all the other awesome AKs/SoO/KoO/Mods, etc.
Pirates or Ninjas? (Or more to the point, Ninjas or Ninjas? [:D])
Ninjas ftw!
What do you plan on doing now that you're all AK-ey?
I have been AKing AQ CR&A for a few months now. I plan to instill the same draconian attitude into DF CR&A.
Lastly... um... um...
Almost there!

puffmonk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 9:49:03)

knomffup si eman ym :p read that
Foreign languages are not permitted on these forums without translation. As such, your questions end here.
trams rouy evoba eht daer dluoc ouy fi( lol)

would you like your shackles loosened ?

if yes, the answer is no, if no they will be tightened immediately untill your hands must be amputated


who would win ss4 goku or ss4 vegeta :p

!iab iab

supermarioitalia -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 10:46:55)

It's good to see another AK joining the forums!
Great! Anyone in particular you are talking about?
Favourite AE game?
Favourite moglin?
Twig is interesting, despite only being half Moglin.
Favourite food?
Chinese, Italian, Mexican.
How did you feel at first when you discovered you became an AK?
I couldn't stop smiling.
Thank you for your time and congratulations!

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 11:00:26)

Hey there!
You may not know me, but I know you! At least, I do now :p
Anyway, congratz on your ALship.
My what? O.o
Whoops! I meant AK. [:D]
Ah, thanks!
Me now turns to robotic robot.
/me pours water on the robot

slaya55 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 12:51:23)

Hey slaya55!
have you ever seen me around?
Can't say I have.
what do you think of aqw?
I was around for a round of testing. it has a lot of potential.
i see your name is the game, do you like triple h?
what do you think of the scavenger hunt
Indifferent since I haven't done it.
Steak ftw!
bye, for now [sm=evilking.gif]

puffmonk -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 13:54:21)

btw : the above was not a foreign language, it was just written backwards in english o.0
That is also a foreign language, as is elite speak.

:P who does all ur base belong to?

if you answer this next one right you get a cookie

why does it happen?

p.s its part of the words to a song

edit: oks then sowwy o.0

archie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 15:14:59)

Congratz on the new position...
I like the CR&A. Now its your turn to wield the great spam-stopping staff of doom...
I wield a similar Spam-Stopping Sword of Doom in AQ CR&A.
I dont suppose you play a game known only as 'The Game'. if so i should tell you that i just lost the game.. (if you think about the game, you lose the game. If you dont think of it then you're winning, but you dont know it..)
anyway, some questions..
favourite book/author (do you like horrowitz/ darren shan?)
My favorite Book's The Catcher in the Rye.
music? nickelback? chilli peppers?
Rap and Hip-Hop.
anyway, not much more but,
cake or pie??

White Lazer Man -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 16:48:08)

Congratz dude!
So you like Avatar, too, huh? I love that show, never got the time to watch it after Book 2 came out, can't wait to see Sozin's Comet tonight!
Indeed. 2 hour finale. :)
Since you've seen Avatar, what element would you say you are? WATER FTW! (Lol, I stealded your editin color [:D]
I think you need to get your eyes checked. I would probably choose water as well, after seeing what Katara can do.
So, what was your reaction when you became a mod?
I couldn't stop smiling.
Ummm, that's all I can think of, anyways, bai bye!
/me waves bye

kingofgames01 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 17:32:55)

yo, yo. whad up, dogg. or is that game?
man. number three. you new AKs cant escape me. MUHHAHAHA!
have you seen me around?
can't say i have. That's usually a good sign coming from an AK. ;)
wich do you perfer? AQ/DF/MQ/AQW?
Rather pointless question if you ask me. All games are best in their respective way.
do you know any good gold farming quests in DF aside from lymcrest laberinth, surewould forest bounty hunting, and zhoom's quests?
I'm not a big DF player. Sorry.
if so, wich quests?
/me points toward above answer
congrats on the AKship!
(i asked saojun this too) would you please put in a good word in with the other AKs for me?
Sorry, but asking to become an AK is the best way to ensure you that you will never become an AK at all.
oh, yeah. wich do you perfer? ninja or pirate?
Ninja ftw!
do you like my sig?

dragon ice -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 18:42:11)

finaly archknighted congratz and click the link in my sig if you have time
and time for torcher
you banned me before correct
fav song
not much torcher
thats it and congrats again
and please if you have time click the link and comment
1: AKs cannot ban people, so I doubt that. 2: I've never even seen you around, or I don't remember, which is usually a good sign coming from an AK. ;)

caser5 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/19/2008 19:00:40)

what would you do if you sprained your buttock?
I would get it fixed somehow.
what you do if a mole named george came up form the ground farted your face and died?
I'd go mole hunting.
have you ever pooped your pants?
Nope, thank goodness.
playstation or monkey?
would you say yes if the voice of mr. hankey asked you out?
Any voice asking me out coming from a Mister creeps me out.

Dev -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/20/2008 0:01:12)

TG! Mah RC homedawg! /me sweethungrypouncetacklehugglecluensuggleninja-piratestyle^1337troutbackflipsnugattackassaultlycookiegivingfrontfliphandspringjumpsnugpouncingtigerattack<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 snuggles The Game
/me bops Dev
So, how do those Shackles fit? (don't blame me! Mediaevaldragon made me!)
They fit just fine! No Mods, they don't need tightening. >:O
Hmm....I know a lot about you....any siblings?
Like Instant Noodles?
Of course!
Lakers or Lakers or Celtics?
I'd go with either Lakers or Lakers.
Hmm.....what else is there? Life is good, I trust?
Life is decent.
/me destroys TG's shackles and throws them on his (non)-existant sibling
How'd you like the Avatar finale?
It was really nice.
Gooden Lucken, as they say in Germany (=P or else in the germany in my world)
Bye! Go do more ratings lazybone!

Killerheadache -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/20/2008 3:02:15)

ehcadeahrelliK si eman ym Translation: My name is I am going to pwn you. jk.
John Cena, Big Show, or Mark Henry?
John Cena, even though I think he's overrated.
*pwns Triple H*
/me bops Killerheadache

starshooter124 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/20/2008 11:27:45)

Hello The Game its me Starshooter124.
Remember me from MQ Q&A?
Are you a haha AK or a ***** AK?
The latter.
Are you nice?
Depends on your view of nice.
Are you a hobo?
Nope. :)
Do you know me at all?
I don't recognize you.
Do you like vampires?
Werewolf > vampire D:<
Thats all. Good luck!
~Star the vampire~
~The Game

tone40 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/20/2008 18:31:10)

Hi The Game I only got one question Whats your favorite weapon in MQ
Shining Electron Sniper is nice. :)

Moglin Crazed09 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/20/2008 20:38:26)

Cool!An AK who likes Dragon Ball Z!-Also- Conrgatz

swenson -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/21/2008 2:35:52)

1. Hallo. (wait, does this count as a question? Oh well, now there's a question here.)
Hi swenson!
2. Shackles fitting well?
Indeed, they are.
3. NO TOLKIEN? Not ever?!! Have you at least watched the LotR movies (although they don't scarcely do justice to the books... pretty good as far as book-to-movie adaptions go, though)?
I've watched a few LoTR movies. I have to agree. Books > Movies
4. If you were trapped on a desert island with nothing but a fork, a two-inch piece of string, and a stick, how would you escape?
I'd re-read Lord of the Flies.
5. Mac or PC?
I don't have a Mac, so PC.
6. You are sitting in the front row of the movie theater watching <insert name of movie> when suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you spy a ninja sneaking into the theater (theatre? whatever). S/he is obviously coming to kill you. What do you do?
I'd hire a Pirate and watch them fight to the death.
7. (forgot to mention it, but you only have a half-eaten carton of popcorn, a can of Coke, and a box of Runts at hand)
8. Is it better to be immortal, but have to watch everyone you love die, or short-lived, and never have to go to a funeral? Or is it better to ignore such hypothetical questions and thank God that such a choice will never arise?
I think the reason humans were put on this earth is to die eventually. Being immortal would defeat the purpose of living so I'd choose a short-life. The pain of losing a loved one is greater than death itself and in some cases provokes suicidal thoughts. Not a fun way to live. Besides, if I die sooner, I won't have to worry about worldy issues.
9. Write/Read much?
10. What if there was no such thing as a hypothetical question?
Then this question wouldn't exist.
11. Why is the word gullible printed at the bottom of this page?
Because you made it so.
12. What would happen if an unstoppable force met an immovable object?
They would have to change their names.
13. If you have an infinite number of marbles and you number them all (presuming it's possible, which it's not), and you give every other marble to your friend, how many marbles did you give away and how many do you have left? If you take back the marbles from your friend (how rude) and give him/her all of them numbered above 4, how many did you give away and how many do you have left? And if you steal all of those marbles back and give the same long-suffering friend all of the marbles, how many did you give away and how many do you have left?
I would have given away an infinite amount of marbles and I would still have an infinite amount of marbles because by definition, infinite cannot be defined as a number.
14. So infinity minus infinity can equal infinity, four, and zero. Creepy, no?
One would have to assume infinity ended in order to do any subtracting to come to a numerical solution; however, this is not the case.
15. OK, enough existential questions. Or whatever they're called. Bye. I may be back later with more... on another page, of course, me being a good little girl who always follows directions... [sm=costumed-smiley-066.gif] *puts on halo*

starshooter124 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/21/2008 9:34:02)

LOL The Game Its me again =].
1.If a tree fell down in the middle of the forest and no one was around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Of course it makes a sound. Just because one is not around to hear something doesn't mean the sound doesn't exist.
2.Whats your favorite DBZ or DBGT character?
Goku, Gohan(Only when he fought Cell), Vegeat, and Pan.
3. Do you like the phrase "ITS OVER 9000!!!"?
Classic Vegeta. XD
4.Do you think im annoying?
Not at all.
5.Whats your favorite snack?
Nachos is nice.
6. Do you have a crush on a different mod or AK?
You mean do I have a crush on someone I haven't even seen?
7.Will you be my friend?
Why not?
8. Just remember, If you make me an AK or give me the helpful or creative tag, ill kill you.[:)] (lol jkjk)
It's frowned upon by the Moderation to mention any hint of title seeking.
9. whats your favorite smiley?
I don't use real smilies. I use the non-image ones like >:O
10 whats your biggest secret evah?
If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret.
11. Can you give me a question to put in 11?
I see you already have a question in this slot.
12 buh bye for now The Game!
See ya!
~Star the vampire~

Ultimate DeathKnight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: The Game (7/21/2008 11:02:39)

Hello, Thegame!

Congrats on becoming an AK!

Do you like my house? ID: 23162383
Honestly, I didn't check it out. I'm sure it's better than my house though. After all, my house is empty.

Are you a DF Addict?
I hardly play.

Do you prefer Real Music or Rap?
The term 'Real Music' is relative.

Which Armor in game is your favourite?
I normally use my Warrior's default armor.

Too lazy to switch. Besides, I think Warrior is more practical overall with its dual and triple attacks. Granted, I rarely use any other armor.

Who is your Favourite NPC?

Do you have an unquenchable desire to pwn Ash Dragonblade until he becomes Ash N00blade?
Is there are difference in character other than the names? >:O

Do you like my suggestion "Cavalier Class"? (It might be page 3 or 4 now, I'll get back to it!)
Suggestions forum is out of my jurisdiction. I don't frequent it enough to tell whether one suggest is good or not.

Which Dragon Egg did you choose?
I don't think it really mattered much.

Ham, Eggs and Fried Potatoes, or Sushi?
The former.

Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa?
Coffee, even though I've only had one very small cup. I don't really need it.

Do you think that Cycero is Insane?
Doesn't everybody? >:O

Does Guardian Tower ring a bell?

Would you like to Administrate the Administrative Administration Board, which Administers Administration to different Ministries of Administrative Affairs?
Being an AK is tough enough.

411 Ur 8ase i5 Be1on6 to Uz. Y0u w1ll no7 survive m4ke y0ur 71Me.

Congrats on AK-ship again.

Thanks for your time!

No problem. :)

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