Bad Bananas (Full Version)

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Resolute -> Bad Bananas (7/19/2008 10:54:06)

Bad Bananas

Location: Shadow of the Wind Village Inn -> Pi Mae -> Quests -> Bad Bananas
Requirements: Completion of The Gift
Release Date: July 18th, 2008

Objective: Use your ninja senses and find the perfect areas to plant the bananas.
Objective completed: You made it out in the nick of time! You wouldn't want to have to clean up after the monkees get a hold of those bananas.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(11) L.D. Monkee
(1) Pip
(13) Pirate Monkee

Pi Mae

Grenwog Egg

Pi Mae: This level of insult is unacceptable! Having someone sneak in and leave me a *shudder* pie!
<Character>: Oh... um, wait... how is a pie an insult?
Pi Mae: Those filthy pirates love pie! Don't you see? Pirate... Pie-rate! It's the ultimate pirate insult!
Pi Mae: I am done playing nice! Take these bananas to the pirate inn, they'll ensure those pesky pirates are out of the way for a while!
Pi Mae: Look for the perfect spots for these 5 bananas. With your heightened ninja senses, the perfect spots to place them should sparkle before your eyes.

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  • Complete this quest to unlock Monkee Business badge.

    Thanks to Peachii and Stephen Nix for corrections.

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