White Runed Cloak (Full Version)

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Andy8 -> White Runed Cloak (7/21/2008 0:40:47)

White Runed Cloak
The runes on this magical fabric twist and swirl across the face of the cloak. Each of them is a different protection rune.
(No DA Required)

Location: Scavenger Hunt
Price: N/A
Required Items: 10 Ancient Treasure & 2 Ruby Sculpture
Sellback: 0 Gold

Level: 20
Element: Energy
Stats: Dodge +1, Magic Def +1, Pierce Def +1, Melee Def +1, DEX +2, LUK +2
Resists: Fire +1, Stone +2, Water +1, Wind +1

Rarity: 12
Item Type: Cape
Equip Spot: Back
Category: Armor


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