Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (Full Version)

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LadyAdellandra -> Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (7/27/2008 0:07:22)

Sulheya Folks!

LadyAdellandra here.

This thread is for the Comments, Suggestions, and such for my Creative Writing Thread, "Young Guardian Trilogy: #1: Welcome to Your Destiny!" as well as any others of the Mystic stories I post here.

So, be bold, tell me what you think, let me know your thoughts on it and such. Oh, and the question I always get from readers and will no longer answer:

1: If it's supposed to be otherworldly, why the common-world names?
A: There are two different Realms featured in the Saga/Series. The common-world names are there for a REASON, to distinguish between the Mortallan Realm (this Realm, real-world, etc) and the Realm of Dreams (The Dream Realm, one of the Inner Realms of All the Realms of All the Worlds).

Anything else is up for grabs. I'd appreciate the comments and suggestions, whatever input you may have. I will answer as soon as I read 'em so keep watch.

So, without adieu, I'm all ears, my mouth is shut and I'm ready for anything you can throw at me!

Love, Magick and Happy Readings!

P.S. I've added plenty of content since I posted this! Be sure to read it and tell me what you think!

r0de0b0y -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (7/27/2008 22:30:25)

Let me be the first to comment on this welcoming, yet somewhat creepy, thread. This is the first time I've ever seen giant blocks of text that didn't hurt my eyes, so I'm guessing that's a good thing. My really really outdated spellcheck didn't pick up any mistakes in the first half, so that's good too. Only one little thing you have to add. Detail, detail, detail...

So far, I've enjoyed the first acts, but the whole thing kinda disturbs a good way

LadyAdellandra -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (7/28/2008 18:36:41)


Details are coming, believe me. I just haven't been able to edit the entire series (there are five novels of this Saga and four more of another related Saga) in this form yet. I'm almost done with editing Book I: Part 3: Agent Ariana Sister, so I'll put IT up when I'm finished with it.

Inquiry? What creeps you out about it? Is it that it's part of a Realm of Dreams, the Dream World, or the characters themselves? What creeps you out about it?


r0de0b0y -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (7/29/2008 11:57:00)

Maybe it's just my paranoia of anything seemingly wicca, no offense, I thought your style was...maybe realistic?

LadyAdellandra -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (7/29/2008 21:39:53)

In a way, it is... Dreamers, those like you and me, have these same abilities, locked in our minds. I for one am Pagan (Witch, NOT Wiccan. Wicca is the RELIGION of Witchcraft, remember), and have Empathy and Clairvoyance, Dream Premonitions and actually DO go through others' dreams and help them with their nightmares and fears.

Scoff if you must, but the story, and my DF/MQ/AQ Characters are based on the REAL me, my dreams and my life. I just jazzed it up a bit for story purposes.

And there's nothin' wrong with Wicca, now, is there?


r0de0b0y -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (7/29/2008 23:33:02)

*slowly backs away*

Just kidding. There's nothing wrong with that, I don't abhor or discriminate through religion or culture. And I believe sanity is overrated these days so please consider anything further away from the norm to be norm itself.

LadyAdellandra -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (7/31/2008 3:12:52)

OK. Didn'a mean'ta "Go There". Force of habit to stand up for my beliefs. But this is NOT about my beliefs. This is about my writing and what you think of it.

Seriously Insane, now....

Tell me anything that's on your mind about the story. Anything at all. Doesn't matter if it's bad or good criticism or what, just say it.

Didn't like the style? Tell me! Didn't like the characters' reactions? Tell me!

Love the romance-action-suspense-magic deal? Tell me!

I wanna hear from YOU, the READER of my work.

So far, I only have Novel One: Book I up, but the rest of the novel is coming, so you'll just have to wait and see!

Happy Readings!

KageArashi -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (8/4/2009 1:49:07) ady-chan...good job...

...i would say more...but im a bit brain't wait for the next installment!!!

hotzoo -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (10/15/2009 23:45:38)

that was Perfect and i can't believe u had time for that non of us would actually do that i think ^^"

LadyAdellandra -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (10/20/2009 17:33:09)

Thanks for the compliments, guys!

I've been writing Young Guardian Trilogy for the better half of my life, and I'm not even finished adding in the Draconian storyline! I'm very busy with other projects, but at this time, I've added in a bit to the prologue.

Soon, I will put up the 2nd Half of the book, if anyone is interested?

-- LadyAdellandra

Angel of Grief -> RE: Comments - Young Guardian Trilogy: Young Guardian and the Dominionite (10/20/2009 19:29:28)

So much text!

haha, its awesome Adella. I got about...halfway (?) into chapter one. I'm a fast reader... but i need a break.
Keep up the awesome writing. :3

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