RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (Full Version)

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Mrs.Teacup -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 22:47:08)

Well since im bored and have nothing to do and find your answears quite funny i'll ask some more

Have you failed and exam? which one?
Believe it or not, one of the many I've failed was in Geometry. All because I did the work in my head and my teacher didn't believe me. She said I cheated when I wasn't near anyone worth cheating off of.

Coke or Pepsi?
Malibu Rum

Intel or AMD?
The faster one

To overclock or not to overclock?

Favorite Joke? (Please Share)
Knock knock
Who's there?
Interrupting Coefficient of Friction
Interrupting Co-

Favorite Sport?

Favorite Game System? (PC don't count)

Ever played Euker?

Whats in my pocket?
The gift of friendship and not a giant scorpion?

Lego3400 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 23:15:08)

My turn to ask The Cold miser AKA Mr ice-cicle, aka Mr 10 below questions
It's 40 below! Get it right!

1. If you were a llama and I was bucket of water, how long would it take for a brick dropped from the empire state building to hit the ground?
It'd take as long to cover a doghouse with ranch dressing pancakes as long as the jet ski going up the mountain of an ocean doesn't lose its five wheels.

2. If you could have any superpower, what would i be?
You'd be dead cause my superpower would kill you. ^_^

3.If you had 3 wishs what would you wish for?
A sandwich, a pitcher of lemonade and superpowers.

I'd ask more but I have to go to bed.
Don't forget to turn on the water! ^_^

hackslash09 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 23:41:12)

hehehehehehehehehe i am back and you know what that means and why wernt you watching your front i mean i warned ya about it
Carnax tells me to watch my back..and I don't wear Golden Plate ALL the time.

well i just got this thing called gimme a big party favor or i steal all your caffein machine so plzzzz or else
*hands over a big balloon*

well i just got done listing to ron white over bill whatchya gonna do about it
I'll nerf your rarest weapon if you don't say that Bill Engvall is better than Ron White.

iv heard they call you cold so what would you say if i held this little boys toung to you *grabs magicdog and tries to get his toung stuck on khold*
No licking me with other peoples' tongues! Only Reensie or Liliana can lick me.

if i succeded what are you going to do nownow the tricky part comes i have two doors they look identicle but one leads to a medow of caffein and one leads to a ron white concert
which door do you choose Z or X
..The door that has the caffeine..Either that or I'll take a sniper rifle to the Ron White concert.

to finish on a high note i have a bit of information you need to hear. Some where in Texas theres a place where you can find all the caffein you want go to texas and find the caffein or i will make you watch and listin to LOTS of ron white
Nah..I like Louisiana better than Texas because we're not as stupid XD

thats again all i have for now but if i have the energy "caffein" i will be back
Don't bust an artery Einstein.

Furinax -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/20/2005 23:52:51)

Favourite KoO (besides yourself, of course)?

Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, or Sega?
Everything but Sony.

Your insanity level?
On a scale of 1 to 10, 70...But everyone else's is like 10k

What do you think my insanity level is?

Your gender (before I forget)?
>.> 150% Male

How many Oranges of X do you want pelted at you at this moment?

EDIT: Bah, more questions.

VP -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 1:16:51)

I'll give you a break from naughty Magicdog's questions , XD

Cookies or lemonade?
Both please!

Do you watch Television?
What normal human being doesn't?....Seriously o.o Because I'm no normal human being and I'd like to know what the enemy's planning >.>

Favouite movie?
That one *not even pointing*

Oranges.....are they sweet or sour?
OH OH OH! I know!...2 + 2 != 5, 2 + 2 = 6

Interrupting Co- MU!

I think that was an inflatable duck with a gas bill. What do you think?
It was an Interruption Co- MU! *smacks* Interrupting Coefficient of Friction.

Did you steal your title from my name? XD
Nope, from Dominic Deegan

AS you can see, this is a short list of relief questions. I'll be back for more later :p
Bring cookies and melonade!

Rai Spellfang -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 2:14:22)

Well then... back to me I guess *maniacal laughter* ^_^
It would be best for you not to irk me. I may be the Kholdest, but even liquid nitrogen can explode.

Cookies or Pie?

Pie or Pizza?'

Underpants or Overshirt?

Comedy or Tragedy?
A most lamentable comedy!

More Questions or More Questions?
No matter what I say here, you'll still ask.

If Khold is kholdest, who's the coolest?

How much oatmeal does it take to swamp a Hummer being dropped from an F-16 at 200 pancakes per meter?
Oatmeal? You mean I've been using the wrong breakfast item all this time?! *kicks a bag of waffles shaped like Joe Pesci's head*

Is it just me or does Vephy need a shower?
I haven't seen Vephy in a while, so I wouldn't know XD

Does X know he's actually been using Tangelos instead of Oranges lately?
I'll let him know.

How many cups of coffee/cans of soda does it take to achieve inner peace?
I think the person who thought up the concept of the "gift certificate" was a devilish prankster. Gift certificate: money you can only spend in one place. I fail to see how this idea improves our quality of life.

How much alcohol does it take to achieve outer peace? (couldn't resist :P)
I'm a pink bunny, frolicking on a grassy hillside in the morning sun.

Why the XBox, why not the QBox, or the ZBox?
Just so people could make bad puns. "Oh you're mad that I hit your computer with a hammer? But now it's an 'Ex-Box'"

150% male eh... so you're siamese twins with a transvestite?
Nah XD

If Carnax has 1000s of Left and Right Hands, does he have 1000's of feet as well?
We'll find out soon >.> <.< >.>

Rhubarb's laundry bin or the pit of unfathomable horror?
Tough one........the pit of unfathomable horror!

Answering the last question or giving magicdog your soul?
I have no soul XD *cheesy burning background with deep evil laughter playing on a tape recorder*

I'm done... at least until morning... I start to lose my evil spark at 2am *yawns*

mightykillr2 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 2:55:02)

Oh hello, you ol' broom!

Are you from the Knights of Order or do you just order knights around?
Little of both XD

Why is X obsessed with oranges...?
Ask when his turn comes for Meet The KoO

How come you ppl get ur own introduction threads :(?
Because we're more important than others ^_^ Remember that.

Which do you like more?: The Simpsons or Friends
The Simpsons because Friends needs to die.

What happens when you use Energy Cleaver on Xyfrag?
It transforms into a 106-524 weapon, but due to Xyfrag's defenses, it's an 11-52 weapon.
You have my total and 100% respect. A KoO's a KoO... you people know your stuff :)

What happens if you picked up the oranges that X threw at you and threw back at him?
I dunno, I should try it.

Why are the staff so slow in bringing the third part of the Draco Saga...?
>.> How should I know?!

What's your favorite soon-to-come-out subrace?

What's your favorite animal?
A snake, I'm just fascinated by them.

If you're 150% male, does that mean that can have 1.5 girlfriends at a time?

Who do you like more, X or Kalanyr?

Well, that is all. You're free to go :D (wow that rhymes...)
How does that rhyme? O_o;
How should I know... XD

necromancer -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 4:11:40)

How are gogg packs too weak?
Gogg by itself has 1/4th of the power Megogg has, two of them have half the power for more rewards.

What are the KoOs working on now?
Top Secret

What kind of imbalace really SUX?
The Lycan Slasher bug and the Scale Rot bug.

What game do you play before AQ?
All kinds..mostly Gamecube

What is the most disgusting thing you ever consume?
To me or to others?

To me: Mayonaisse
To others: French Fries dipped in Ranch dressing.

Which upcoming class are you most looking forward to?My is necromancer!!^_^
If it makes it in: Infernomancer
If not: Necromancer

How bout race/subrace?
I dunno. Race:Elf, Subrace:Moron

Gokoujin -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 5:52:45)

Hoist the missenmast! Batten down the poop deck!.....The WHAT deck?!

Dracomancer or Necromancer?

If you ruled a kngdom, what would it be called?
"Poelala needs to die"

Does ye believe in ghosts?
I fight them all the time! I'm a Ghostbuster of a KoO

Have you ever been chased by an animal?
Nope, but I sprayed my brother with "Doe in heat" urine and our dog fell in love with him.

Bye. [sm=action-smiley-057.gif]

VP -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 7:22:37)

Hello Khold. Now for Round 2.

Hey! XD

Lemonade or Melonade?


Cookies or Rookies?

CaelCryos has a distinctive personality as the Icy person of the forums. X is remembered for throwing oranges around. What should you be remembered for in your opinion?
The most violent >.>


I > you. Agree? XD

while Khold > You

That would make an infinite loop. XD

Well, you pay for the printing ink. XD

/me gives Khold his much-needed Melonade at this point
Wee! *gulps it down*

Well, I'll be off now. I just can't figure out any questions to ask. But I'll be back, Khold, I'll be back....
Oh squee..Let me prepare..*sharpens his Spirit Katana of +20/+100 Hurting

JJK -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 9:03:25)

Great googly-moogly! Hallo Halo

Whats your fav colour?
Didn't I already answer a question like this?

Jedi or Sith?
No Star Wars for me.

Do you like Aardvarks?
What could anybody have against morgensturn?

How often do you play AQ?
As often as humanly and sometimes Reploid-y possible

Zelda or Metroid?

Mario or Luigi?
Princess Peach

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Akriloth or Serlissa or Krenos or Dweezel or Trigoras or Pirrelvag?
Serlissa, cause she sho shecksy! *snuggles Serlissa*

Tea or Coffee?

Jelly or Jam?

Math or Maths?
You mean there's more than one?!

Ninty or Sony?

TV/DVD/Video or Books?
I enjoy both XD

Is being a KoO hard?
Sometimes. Balancing stuff is hard to do when you're not able to implement the changes exactly the way they need to be.

Would you like to be a Mod?
Not for 1 year and 42 days. You saw what happened when Wallo was a mod. All those complainers would really irk me.

What is the Answer of the Universe minus 41?
1 O_o?

Huggle or Snuggle?

Manchester United or Arsenal?
If you're not a Manc, you need to jump off a cliff.

As in, you want to buy me a gift? XD

Lego3400 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 9:38:36)

I said I'd ask more and here I am

4. Puppies or Kittens? (I like puppies myself)
Puppies ^-^

5. What’s your real name?
If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

6. Duck season or Rabbit season?
Rabbit season, FIRE!

7. Fish?
Only when I'm bored

8. How’s this sound for a holiday: Gorb Gorb, the tamarian festival of beraiding drapery (destroying curtains and drapes)?
It sounds like you watch too much Teen Titans >.>

That’s all for now, but I'll be back XP

Mars Phoenix -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 12:54:31)

Is this a question?
Can I answer a question with a question?

Was that an answer?
Does a question count as an answer?

Can I have your house?

What's black and blue and red all over?
Soon to be you.

THAT'S RIGHT! You better "Blargh"! You're dead on your feet!

If I held an oven to you, would you melt?
...I'm so Khold, heat doesn't even affect me.

Can I use you to cool my drinks?
...I'd drink them when they're cold. XD

If I had a bruise, could I use you to ease the pain?
...O_o Nooo

If you were the "Icy" part of the "Icy-Hot Sleeve," who would the "Hot" part be?
>.> <.< >.> Someone you don't know..

Mrs.Teacup -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 20:16:57)

Here Comes more
Oh yay >.>

My questions or magicdogs?
I dunno XD

Gaming or Sleeping?
Wait wait wait!..The perfect thing!..Gaming while sleeping! ^_^

What do you like doing more Nerfing or boosting?

Should Big100k be fixed?
Don't fix what ain't broke.

Favorite game thats not a RPG
Soul Calibur II

Favorite Topic of all time on this forum?
..Meet The KoO XD

if your the Kholdest and Cael is the coolest who is the hottest?
I like to call her...WAIT! You shouldn't be hearing this >.>

What would you like the guardian dragon to say?
"Hruum! Blast that Infernomancer! Khold my non-existant foot!"

Favorite Quote?
"And I have no idea why the sharks had a French accent." - Bill Engvall

Favorite kind of cheesecake?

Favorite TV show?
Hmm..Inuyasha's good.

Favorite person on the whole forum?

Are you sick of questions?
For now

Would you like me to stop asking?
Maybe >.>

Rai Spellfang -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 20:17:38)

I'm back once more *more crazed laughter* *falls out of chair* Owies @_@

Anyway, how many chimpanzees dude it flake to hoagie an zamboni?
..Hey hey hey! You try sleeping with a bloodsucker on your roof ready to slip his fangs into your thangs!

For that matter, how many KoO does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One to screw in the lightbulb and the others go to nerf your favorite weapon or armor XD

If you were given the choice between shaving a turtle or burning ice, which would you take?
Shaving a turtle

Lawnmowers or Earthmovers?

Pants or Nakedness?
Nakedness XD...but not yours >.>

Evil or Marshmallows?

Alien or Predator?

Head Asplode or Feet Implode?
YOUR head asplode!


Letting magicdog ask more questions or giving magicdog $10000?
How can you ask questions when you have duct tape on your mouth?! >.>

I'm done.... FOR NOW! BWAHAHAHAHA *falls out of chair again* Owies... again @_@;

cosinemaster -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/21/2005 20:23:57)

Favourite AQ Weapon?
Red Vengeance

Serlissa, cause she's sho shecksy! *snuggles Serlissa*

Gyrate..Cause before I got Golden, it was the best for me.

Star Forge

Martial Artist Form, Great spell casting armor!

Magical Egg


The WAQ around Drakonnan's Lair

Least Favourite Weapon?
Blade of Awe


Hero's Heart

Unnerfed FBZ or Bugged Scale Rot


Guest? I know this one XD
Poelala >.>

Willow Creek

Do you recognise me?
Nope, sorry ^_^;

Have you been asked how old you are?

If not, how old are you?
16, 17 on August 16th

That's all for now...
Kay, Seeya later

hackslash09 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/22/2005 2:02:21)

well im back so buckle your seatbelt your in for a ride
why do you hate ron white i just really wanna know
Have you ever been locked in a room with someone who was so stupid you felt like they were draining your brain thinky stat the whole time they talked?..Ron White's like that, but you can change the channel.

cow ham bacon cold ice monster?
No, not that one. The other one.

caffein i need my caffein wheres my caffein you have my caffein dontchya give it up plzz give it up ahhh i need my caffein
Withdrawal's fun, in't it?

i have a bill engval cd and tickets here but if ya want em ya have to buff all of my weps. so take some fun and disobay the rules or just make me mad and sad
I no buff weapons for just anybody or any CD that I could download for free.....Only if they were backstage tickets.

litsin i got no problem going back to prison
Then go kill someone XD

i have to top magicdog so if a man walks down the road on thursday holding an ice cream cone going 2 MPH how long can an antalope rainbow a hef.
Close but no plantain.

are you tired of my questions
A little bit, yeah

samhamquiggleafdonguleiavexzenhov sat that ten times fat
..It's sitting 10x fat? O_o

im done for now and mabey forever..........

Gokoujin -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/22/2005 2:48:24)

I'm back...

Ever had an AQ related dream?
Once, but it turned into an Inuyasha dream for some reason.

You hate Poe, but like Poe. Your reason?
I hate her guts and I hate the day she was ever conceived!

Ever got stung by a bee?
Multiple times, once even in the eye.

Do you have a laptop?
Two of them

If not, more than 1 computer?
Five including the laptops

What color is your Ultra Guardian Plate?
Light blue, gray, and Dark blue

Ever played Earthbound or a 'Mother' game?

That concludes my 3rd helping of answers. [sm=action-smiley-057.gif]

Beastslayer -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/22/2005 4:32:12)

TheKholdOne is stupid isn't he? I mean..he doesn't even know what a surd is. ¬.¬
Well, I wasn't taught "surd". I was taught irrational.

Good day, where are you from?
A small town in Northern Louisiana

Your Favourite Hobby?
Does Gaming count?

French fries dipped in Ranch Dressing. ^_^ Yum.

What's 1+1? Could be a trick'll never know. :P
1+1=3...Reasoning: 1 Man + 1 Woman = 3: The man, the woman, and a child.

*steals X's orange* *Hits TheKholdOne on the head and runs off*
*runs after BS throwing coconuts*

cosinemaster -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/22/2005 16:30:49)

One I missed from the previous set...
Like the Scalper set missing what makes it a set? BURN!

Your least favourite AQ Monster?
Pirrelvag..She's just not as dead shecksy as Serlissa! *snuggles Serlissa*

If you had to make one change to the game, balance wise, and then leave the KoO forums forever, what would it be? Changing Poelala is not allowed.
Uuuhm...I'd throw Xyfrag into a quest where it can be encountered there and there alone.

Kal supports Mages, X Warriors, Cael Rangers, what do you support?
All of them...Except Warriors and Rangers, because a Ranger can be a Warrior just as easily as a Ranger.(STR matters for Ranged damage!)

If I beat Megogg at level 85 with 0 stats, what do you do?
I'd boost Megogg's power by 500%.

Is ZardWars unbalanced?
It's the first AQ modification..I don't work that side of the fence!

Are the Mage, Warrior, Hybrid builds intrinsic to the game, or are they just created by players?
Mostly created by the players.

dragonhero3 -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/24/2005 6:11:42)

Hey there Khold, I have a few questions of my own...
By glancing at your title and skimming the questions beforehand, I can tell this will be a headache inducing quiz, but I'm up for it.

Do you think that they should re-release the form armours (eg. Drakel Form)?
Nope, they were taken out of the shop for a reason, albeit a reason I'm not entirely informed on, but the staff don't need to elaborate where they don't have to.

On Golden Summoner's special, do you think that it's special is weak/misses a lot?
Golden Summoner's special as a whole is greatly suited for its level and price as is the alternative light weapons' specials. Any reason as to otherwise is inane and will only make me angry.

Do you think they should start allowing players to choose other races apart from human (eg. becoming a drakel and starting in the drakel city)?
It might be implemented, but then again it might not. It is entirely up to the staff.

Which do you think is better for special damage, Black Wartexx or Kayda Reaver?
Considering that Black Wartexx is 8-28 Darkness with 5% BTH and its special is based off of the attacking damage and so is Kayda Reaver's(which is 6-26), then I would choose the Reaper's Toothpick which is a renamed, but stronger version of Black Wartexx. ^_^

If you could be any AQ creature, what would you be?
Guardian Dragon, cause he dates Serlissa the shecksy Dragon! *snuggles Serlissa*

Do you think that the admins should allow people to see what things like Adminblade and Lolhax look like (I personally think they should)?
Well, they do have something called a binding legal contract that disallows them from sharing AQ secrets, but Kieral_Sokh will show you Lolhax if you ask nicely seeing as how he's the one who designed it and he allows people to lay eyes on it without killing them.

Do you think that they should have a little side part on the shop allowing you to see what armours/weapons look like when you're browsing them (Again, I think they should)?
Oh that's already there, but it's not in-game. It's a little forum called the Encyclopedia forum.

Did you know that the werepyre form allows you to use your weapon specials more often?
Did you know that you need to have your brain lacquered if you believe that? There is no evidence in-game or in the Encyclopedia that supports this myth. You're just going through what I like to call "The laws of mathematical probability are being kind to you now, but they'll come crashing down soon."

Do you think that they should fix the helmets so they actually LOOK like helmets for players? (because they look like masks. X_X )
Do you think that Barbute Helm and Knight's Helm actually look like helmets from my perspective? Let's review: Helmets cover your head. So do Barbute Helm and Knight's Helm. Drakonnan's MASK is the only one that looks like a mask. CONSPIRACY?!!!11?!2?!!ELEVENTY-ONE!4

If you could put one ability from another game into AQ, what would it be? (I'd probably choose Ryu's Ascension ability from Breath of Fire 3 ^_^ Cute dragons...)
I'd put in one that was completely unique and wouldn't get Artix Entertainment sued.

Who do you think would win in a fight, Artix or Zhilo (if using no spells/pets/guests/potions, and using basic equipment)?
Let's see: Artix is a great paladin with a lot of HP and defense who probably has enough sense to be wearing an armor that is somewhat resistant to Wind. Zhilo is HP-scaled to 120% your HP with good defense in everything BUT Energy, Light and Darkness. I wonder.

Do you think that the golden equipment is a bit too much cost wise?
......Might I add something from my good friend Kodi..*slap* ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! A weapon that costs 700k with 10-30 Melee Light, 10% BTH with a special that is two hits of 20-60 with a total of 20% BTH TOO MUCH?!*Another slap from Kodi* A shield that has -15% to everything and +12 to all defenses whereas there are only two shields that surpass it resistance-wise and only 5 that surpass it defense-wise(none of them combined even) TOO MUCH?! *Another slap from Kodi* Armor that has 65% to everything and NO armor that surpasses its blocking ability TOO MUCH!?*Two slaps, one from Khold and one from Kodi* Sir, you need to reavaluate your place in AQ if you think that the Golden Set costs too much.

That's all my questions for now Khold... *throws a 20 ton bag of caffine at Khold and walks off*
..CAFFEINE! *Seizure*

Gokoujin -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/24/2005 12:09:06)

Ahoy there, Khold

Favorite Fighting game?
DragonBall Z Hyper Dimension

A local one called Jerky Joe's(Don't ask)

Could you beat Megogg (2)?
If I had AuP+AuS equipped before I started fighting them.

What do you think is the coolest looking weapon?

As a Mage-leaning hybrid, do you Attack with magic weapons more or use spells?
Magic weapons or Melee weapons converted to Magic by way of Guardian Ice Dragon

Goodbye, this may be my last questions for ya =b
Of course it is..Topic's locked.

Guardian Of Death -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/24/2005 18:43:58)

Ello there!
Oooh, hello Dello

Do you dislike me in anyway?
Never met you

Do you want to kill me?
Not yet, but I think you're going to say something to make me want you to die in the most painful way imaginable.

I have some complaints...
...Knew it..

Dont you think Poelala is too weak? I still cant kill Wolfwing with it yet...
>_< Yep..getting close already.

Why'd you nerf Fireball Z! Now I cant kill Carnax who I could Pwnzers!
Getting closer still..

Please nerf Wolfwing so I can kill it...
Almost murderous..

Why'd you change scale rot! It was good the way it was...

So, you want to kill me now? :)
Yes >.>

So... Whats your favorite...

French fries dipped in Ranch Dressing XD

Hawaiian Punch, the orange kind..not the red..

Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again

Didn't I already answer this?

And this one?

Board Game?

AQ event?
The WAQ in Drakonnan's Lair

Of what? O_o

That Bo guy..He should've won -_-

I think thats all for now...

Il be back (maybe)...
No you won't ^_^

The One Wolf -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/24/2005 22:47:13)

Hello to you too Wolf.

*cough* I mean, Heya.
*tackles and snuggles mercilessly*

Spam! Spam! Get your hot spam on a post here!
Stuff Posing As Meat or Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages?

Whaddaya like to read?
..XD Words?

Whaddaya like to watch?
My toenails

Whaddaya like to listen to?
The screams of agony from a tortured person..They are like multiple orgasms to my ears.......WHAT?! O_o

Can I be a Knight of Order? Please? Pwease?
Only if you behave and be still long enough for me to kill you XD

Meh. Can I have a free Hide of Retham?
Nah XD

Do you think that Kalanyr should have his own special weapon?

Here's an idea. Nerfbat: Deals -1 to 0 Element X damage. Has -50 BtH. Does not possess a special. The perfectly balanced weapon. Does not gain stat bonuses.
That is way underpowered..Part of balance is not just nerfing the overpowered weapons, but boosting the underpowered weapons.

<.< >.>

Do geckos rule?
Especially Pae!

Do Wolves rule?
Especially Brightwolf!

Do you ever get *cough*khold at knight?
How can the Kholdest ever get Kholder? XP


Have I sufficiently irritated you enough that you wish to torture me to death?
*snuggles mercilessly again*


ftfox -> RE: Meet the KoO, This week: The Kholdest of those with Knight vision *ONLINE* (6/26/2005 1:06:28)

Hi Khold(the only staeirgh to get *coughskholdcoughs at knight)
Don't make me hit you already.

1. Do you like Moglin? (moglin tastes like chicken)
Tastes more like fried rattlesnake to me

2. Have you met any of the other KoOs IRL?
Considering that they all live in seperate states, a whole nother country in Kalanyr's case....I've had lunch with every one of them before XD(Not really)

3. If you could give moglins chainsaws, would you?
So could they SHOULD have chainsaws XD

4.Do you play AQ alot?
Everyday whether it's more than an hour or not.

5.what was your fav war that you have helped in?
The Great Fire War

6.what is your fav weapon?
Red Vengeance

7.what is your lest fav weapon?
Blade of Awe

8.If you could visit any place on earth where would it be?
Oktoberfest XD

9.what was your lest fav war that you have helped in?
Some of the more recent Dragon wars

10.Hot dogs or moglin dogs (hot dog made of moglins)?
Moglin dogs! Duh!

11.Pizza or ice cream?
Ice Cream!

um...Can't think of anymore so.....that's all for now....Bye!
Get off your lazy butt and do some work!

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