Pirate vs. Ninja Monkee War! (Full Version)

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westward_ho! -> Pirate vs. Ninja Monkee War! (8/1/2008 20:31:13)

Pirate vs. Ninja Monkee War!

Access Point: Falconreach -> Click "Monkee War! Pirates v. Ninja" Button,
Access Point: Time Travel Fairies Time Tours -> Monkee War -> To War!,
Access Point: Osprey Cove Inn (Book 3) -> Left Up -> Right -> Right Up -> Ol' Raspy -> Past TLaPD -> Monkee War
Requirements: None
Release Date: August 1st, 2008 May 23rd, 2014

Quests Available
Ninja Monkey War
Pirate Monkey War





The monkee's are tired of being beaten up! So the wisest of the monkee sages have cursed all humans on the Isle of Sho'Nuff and turned them into monkees!

Make sure to visit the Sho'Nuff Inn owners to see the prank war that started the battle if you haven't experienced it yet!

  • Continue - loads war meter.



    You've pushed the monkee's around long enough! They're tired of being hit, pushed and fed rotten bananas and they're not going to take it!

    The greatest of the monkee sages has cursed you! Now you have to fight as a monkee! Can you make it through the ninja/pirate monkee war (that you technically help start with your pranking) unscathed? Choose your side and jump into battle

    Remember to reequip your weapons!

  • Remove Curse Back to Book 1 - returns to Falconreach (Books 1 and 2).
  • Remove Curse Back to Book 3 - returns to Falconreach (Book 3).

  • Battle! For the Pirates - begins Ninja Monkey War quest.
  • Battle! For the Ninjas - begins Pirate Monkey War quest.

    Other information
  • Automatically fully replenishes your HP, MP, and potions whenever you load the war.
  • The Pirate Monkees won this war, allowing access to the Boss Fight.
  • Players initially completed these quests in the quest chain in order: Monkee Business, A Gift, Bad Bananas, and Water You Doing in order to compete in the war.
  • War was previously unavailable until it was available permanently through the Time Travel Fairies Time Tours on May 23rd, 2014.

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for current entry reformat and corrections.
  • Jay for war meter static image.
  • SalvationXI for initial entry reformat.
  • Stephen Nix for tag information.
  • Andy8, Krazy_Kakadu, and PhantomBlitz for information.
  • Gabriel Castro for correction.

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