(DF) The Cursed Gorrillaphant (Full Version)

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Anoril -> (DF) The Cursed Gorrillaphant (8/5/2008 5:55:39)

The Cursed Gorrillaphant

Deep in Doomwood there was a Gorrillaphant it had wandered out of Surewood across the border and into Doomwood, it was lost tired and hungry, it couldn't go on much longer without food, but every time it sniffed a plant or seed all its instincts told it that the plant was poisonous However now that didn't matter it had to eat something now! It picked up a handful of seeds and swallowed them. They were gritty and tasted foul so the Gorrillaphant didn't complain. That wouldn't last long at all.

Anoril had an affinity with Gorrillaphants it was understood and accepted. They said that he could sense a Gorrillaphant in pain miles away. And you know what? They are right. And that was well-displayed one morning. Anoril was going about his business, by business I mean strolling around the town of No'bell wearing a big cloak and trying to look important. Then suddenly he shivered. The Gorrillaphant inside him was telling him that he was needed somewhere. Doomwood. He was sure of it.

He had entered Doomwood before but today it seemed to creep him out more than ever. The trees looked more menacing today he could practically feel Doomwood saying 'Get out, Get out filthy intruder' However Anoril continued in. It wasn't long before he met; yes you guessed it, a monster. However this particular monster seemed out of place in Doomwood. It was a seed spitter, he'd never seen them here before. Another strange thing was that it wasn't green like most, it was black. Anoril didn't have time to ponder this as it spat a great black seed straight at him. Anoril was hit right in the face; he'd never known a seed spitter to hit so hard or with such accuracy. Dodging the next few seed the Spitter fired at him, Anoril moved slowly toward it. He prepared his blade and then as the next black seed came flying at him he struck it back with as much force as his inner Gorrillaphant. The seed went whizzing back and killed the Seed spitter out right.

Something odd was happening. 1.Seed spitters weren’t black 2. Seed spitters didn't live in Doomwood 3. Seed spitters were not that powerful!

He could sense the gorrillaphant in yet more pain and quickened his pace.

In the next hour Anoril fought 2 more seedspitters, 3 Mushrooms and a Bandit. All of them were black just like the first seed spitter, all of them weren’t native to Doomwood and all of them were unusually strong. One mushroom had almost taken Anoril's hat!

However when Anoril was just getting into the swing of things he heard a noise that only one beast could make. It was a loud trampling sound and a roar of extreme displeasure. He knew that the Gorrillaphant he'd been looking for had found him and from the tome of its roar it wasn't happy.

The great beast tore though two trees and stood over Anoril beating its fists upon its chest and roaring once more. It was twice the size of a regular Gorrillaphant and its fur was black. Anoril had seen a lot of Gorrillaphants, the Purplaphant, the swampaphant and even the Albino but this was different. This gorrillaphant while extremely angry was also in pain. However in its blind rage it wouldn't take notice of Anoril's friendship.

Anoril knew it was either he or the Gorrillaphant, yet he wouldn't let one come to harm. He'd find another way.

Anoril stared into its bloodshot eyes as it charged; he could feel the strength from it fuelled by rage and pain. He continued to look into it's eyes until.... well until it was too late. The Gorrillaphant landed a solid punch on him straight in the chest.

Anoril would later laugh at what happened but at the time the tears he shed were of pain not laughter. The Gorrillaphant's punch caused him to fly off the ground and into a tree, well into isn't really correct. A more correct term would be through the tree.... and through several more eventually stopping when he hit a large rock, which of course smashed to pieces. This Gorrillaphant was special indeed. Taming it wasn't an option however he still refused to kill it. Of course even if Anoril had wished pain upon the creature he really wouldn't have been able to make good on it. He could barely stand at all. The Gorrillaphant seemed to have forgotten about Anoril for the moment and had turned its attention to ripping a gnarled old tree into sawdust.

Anoril lay there covered in rubble and splinters, he'd now experienced something he'd only ever heard tale of in the oldest of legend.

"It is called the Doom Gorrillaphant," Anoril was listening to his father once again rambling one of his old tales that he'd picked up somewhere, "It is inflicted with a curse from the deepest pit of the plane of darkness. Every fibre of its muscles was fused with raw hatred giving the beast untold powers. There are very few Doom Gorrillaphants, but even one would have the power to topple a guardian tower." Anoril yawned, he'd long since learnt to take everything his father said with a pinch of salt, and I mean a Gorrillaphant with the power to topple a guardian tower? Yeah right.

"So the old coot isn't completely daft," Anoril muttered trying to stand up. Finding that he couldn't stand he decided that he'd try a stealthier approach to this problem. He just needed to be able to wind the Gorrillaphant so that he might be able to paralyse it long enough to maybe find a away to uncurse it. However, Anoril quickly realised, winding a creature like that could be somewhat problematic the problem being his own death. He also didn't have much to work with, a sword, a bashed in suit of armour and a forest full of creepy toothpicks wouldn't do much against what may be a Gorrillaphant approaching god-like strength. "Wait a minute, yes they will." Anoril smiled inanely. He'd formulated a plan so cunning one may mistake it for a pit grinder.

Anoril snuck up to where the great gorrillaphant was shredding it's fifth tree. Well two can play that game, Anoril thought. He very quietly started swinging his sword at the nearest tree, eventually it was almost completely chopped down all it needed was one good push. Anoril lined himself up properly and started to throw himself at the tree. It swung slowly, bashing the tree over and over he built up the momentum, his armour may be crumpling from the effort but his plan was working. At last the 50-foot tree fell right on to the gorrillaphant's back. It was squashed flat. Anoril stood back to admire his efforts, now to find a way to uncurse the creature. However that wasn't necessary, the Gorrillaphant had started to cough violently. Its coughs sent trees themselves back a few paces. But the Gorrillaphant's battle wasn't over. I continued to couch and hack and spit until a massive black seed exploded from its mouth. Anoril looked at it. It was defiantly a seed alright. The Gorrillaphant meanwhile was regaining it's balance, it wasn't cursed any longer but it still had enormous strength, it pushed the tree off itself and sat up. It looked at Anoril then thinking better than to apologise it scampered away back to Surewood.
"Well a good day's work I think." Anoril remarked smugly.

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