Fallen Hero's Chain (Full Version)

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Resolute -> Fallen Hero's Chain (8/15/2008 18:19:14)

[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DA.png[/image]Fallen Hero's Chain
This item requires a Dragon Amulet. This belt's magical properties have kept it polished and dust free for many years while the rest of the fallen hero's armor has rusted away to dust.

Location: A Cold Reception
Price: N/A
Sellback: 50 Gold

Level: 15
Element: None
Bonuses: Magic Def +2, Pierce Def +1, Melee Def +1, END +2, CHA +2, STR +1, Bonus +2, Poison +2, Darkness +2

Rarity: 7
Item Type: Belt
Equip Spot: Waist
Category: Armor

Thanks to
-- element resistance for resistances.
-- The Stig for typo correction.
-- Stephen Nix for corrections.
-- Peachii for correction.

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