GEARS Trainer (Full Version)

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Lord Kaitos -> GEARS Trainer (8/22/2008 17:18:10)

Where: Mecha Piloting 101

GEARS Trainer
Level: Same as Player

HP: depends on Player LVL and the mecha GEARS Trainer is currently using
EP: depends on Player LVL and the mecha GEARS Trainer is currently using
Energy Regen: depends on Player LVL and the mecha GEARS Trainer is currently using
Stats: Depends on Mech

EXP: depends on Player LVL and the mecha GEARS Trainer is currently using
Credits: depends on Player LVL and the mecha GEARS Trainer is currently using

arabran -> RE: GEARS Trainer (8/31/2008 8:19:31)

Stats:Depends on Pilot
Either using Wolfblade,Runehawk or Mystraven.

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