Cat-Astrophe ( Wrath of Lionidas! ) (Full Version)

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Astral -> Cat-Astrophe ( Wrath of Lionidas! ) (10/6/2008 12:21:06)

Travel Map > Travel South > Gatta Island > Wrath of Lionidas!

«NOTE: This event can only be accessed if you are playing on a Guardian account, regardless of whether the character is a Guardian or an Adventurer»

On Gatta Island, secluded in the calm sea to the south, a long time of peace is at an end. For years now, enemy forces from the north have invaded the island. These conditions have created great heroes and villains among the Gattan cat people...
One of the greatest heroes was General Lionidas, who led a small group of brave Gattan warriors against a massive army from the Devourer's Network. Lionidas and his heroes held one million enemies at bay for days, just long enough for the Adventurers and Guardians to the north to defeat the Devourer....
It was thought that Lionidas died with his fellow heroes, but he did not. Whatever happened during that long battle changed him, and now Lionidas leads his own army of loyal Gattans on a campaign to conquer Gatta for himself!!
  • Next

    You can skip the cutscene at anytime

    <<Scene: Gatta Island>>

    The camera shifts from the sky to a mysterious character on land

    ???: Come out! Show yourselves! I am here, all by myself, as we agreed!

    A group of Gattans enter

    Queen Kettara: We are here, Lionidas, as promised.
    Lionidas: True, but you come with a bodyguard. I never thought King Daraian would have such a need..
    King Daraian: It is only so you know I do not trust you. Tell me, Lionidas -- After saving our island in the face of such an indomitable enemy as the Devourer and his Network--
    King Daraian: -- how could you just turn on us for apparently no cause??
    Lionidas: I discovered truth. I saw what true power was. True power is ULTIMATE UNITY -- under ONE ruler!
    Lionidas: You will not step aside and hand me the keys to the Gattan kingdom. Nor will the humans, the Elves, the Orcs, or the fiends of Darkovia.
    Lionidas: I am left with but one option, am I not? *grrrrroooowwweeeww*
    Queen Kettara: You have transformed from our champion into a barbarian, Lionidas. That is all I know.
    Lionidas: Stand aside, Queen...

    Lionidas points his sword at the King and Queen's guards as a blast of fire strikes them away

    Lionidas: BARBARIAN enough for you, Queen?
    Queen Kettara: We will stop your advance through Gatta, Lionidas. We will keep you from plundering the continent to the north. We will do whatever we must...
    King Daraian: --Even if it means asking for help from those northern peoples who often threaten us.
    Lionidas: Goooooood... I need a challenge! You will find the many Gattan warriors loyal to me are JUST as eager to lick the skin from their bones as I am!!
  • War!

    Lionidas was a hero of the secluded Gatta Island cat-people during the Devourer wars, but something changed him into a power-hungry mad(cat)man during his battles with the Network! Now he is trying to conquer Gatta for himself! It is up to you and your fellow Guardians to stop him!
  • To Battle!
  • Back to Town

    Clicking on the potion bag refills your health potions if you have less than 5 on hand

    Twilly: Oh noes! Lionidas is trying to conquer Gatta, and the world! We need to stop him here!!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!

    The Huntress is making a new life for herself on Lore, but she knows battle best...
    Brontus is one of the few Orcs with any power who is on the side of unity.
    Robina Hood believes that Gatta should be allowed to exist in peace.
    Lavistria is one of the greatest Elven hunters!
    To Battle!

  • With Brontus
  • With Lavistria
  • With Robina
  • With the Huntress
  • By yourself

    1 BATTLE
    Optional Full Heal
    Optional Full Heal
    1 BATTLE

    After 250,000 monsters were defeated...

    1 BATTLE
    Optional Full Heal
    Optional Full Heal
    1 BATTLE
    Optional Full Heal
    Optional Full Heal
    1 BATTLE
    Level 1-19: Lionidas (20)
    Level 20-37: Lionidas (40)
    Level 38-59: Lionidas (60)
    Level 60-87: Lionidas (85)
    Level 88+: Lionidas (105)
    Full Heal

    Queen Kettara, King Daraian and you enter to confront the now defeated Lionidas

    <<You>>: I managed to bring Lionidas to his knees! What should we do with him now??
    Queen Kettara: Thank you, brave friend from the north. LIONIDAS, stand and leave your weapon on the ground.

    Lionidas stands and leaves his weapon on the ground

    King Daraian: You have been bested in battle and your army is captured or fled. By rights, you should be... executed. But for your service in the past I will give you a choice:
    King Daraian: Remain here in your homeland as my general, as you were, but with limited freedom for the time being. OR... leave Gatta Island forever.
    Lionidas: I must let the great warrior who defeated me choose my fate...
  • Lionidas, you will remain here in service to your homeland.
  • Lionidas, you are banished from Gatta Island, never to return.

    Regardless of choice

    Lionidas: I will abide by your wish.

  • Lionidas' Machete [L. 20 G]
  • Lionidas' Falchion [L. 40 G]
  • Lionidas' Greatsword [L. 60 G]
  • Lionidas' Kriegsmesser [L. 85 G]
  • Lionidas' Broadsword [L. 105 G]
  • Lionidas' Claymore [L. 125 G]
  • Lionidas' Gladius [L. 145 G]

  • Replay
  • Return Home

    Entry thanks to whackybeanz! Note from maxsnk.
    Monster List

    Level 1-19
    Gatta Soldier (10)
    Gatta Soldier (10)
    Gatta Huntress (12)
    Gatta Huntress (12)
    Gatta Rider (15)
    Thunder Cat (8)

    Level 20-37
    Gatta Soldier (10)
    Gatta Soldier (30)
    Gatta Huntress (12)
    Gatta Huntress (32)
    Gatta Rider (15)
    Gatta Rider (35)
    Thunder Cat (8)

    Level 38-59
    Gatta Soldier (30)
    Gatta Soldier (55)
    Gatta Huntress (32)
    Gatta Huntress (57)
    Gatta Rider (35)
    Gatta Rider (60)
    Thunder Cat (40)

    Level 60-87
    Gatta Soldier (55)
    Gatta Huntress (57)
    Gatta Rider (60)
    Gatta Soldier (55)
    Gatta Huntress (57)
    Gatta Rider (60)
    Thunder Cat (60)

    Level 88+
    Gatta Soldier (55)
    Gatta Huntress (57)
    Gatta Rider (60)
    Gatta Soldier (55)
    Gatta Huntress (57)
    Gatta Rider (60)
    NerfKitten (90)

    Monster lists thanks to Scakk.

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