Ultra/Supernova Disruptor (Full Version)

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bballnut27 -> Ultra/Supernova Disruptor (10/8/2008 16:47:07)


Ultra Disruptor

Level: 25
Price: 300 Nova Gems
Sellback: 270 NGs before 24 hours, 75 NGs after 24 hours
Location: Zargon NG Arms

Equip Slot: Front/Back Arm
Damage Type: Laser
Damage: 55-61
Hits: 1
Energy: 38
Cooldown: 2
Bonuses: None
Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Power Management Systems Disrupted", causes energy DoT for 5 turns.

  • Disruptor + Scanner Blade + Biped Body = "Super Strength Activated" +20% Boost to player.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Blade + Quad Body = "Ultra Strength Activated" +35% Boost to player.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Pulse + Biped Body = "Vital Weakness Found" -20% Boost to opponent.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Pulse + Quad Body = "Critical Weakness Found" -35% Boost to opponent.

    Description: Fires a massive electromagnetic pulse that can disrupt enemy power systems. May be combined with certain matching weapons to create a special combo.
    Image: Ultra Disruptor

    *Thanks to ShiitakeWarrior for correction, Darius for sellback and specials, Twilight Sky 023 for specials, #13 for weapon info, Azami for reformat!*

  • Peachii -> RE: Ultra/Supernova Disruptor (6/23/2011 22:51:25)


    Supernova Disruptor

    Level: 30
    Price: 300 Nova Gems
    Sellback: 270 NGs before 24 hours, 75 NGs after 24 hours
    Location: Zargon NG Arms

    Equip Slot: Front/Back Arm
    Damage Type: Laser
    Damage: 62-68
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 45
    Cooldown: 2
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Power Management Systems Disrupted", causes energy DoT for 5 turns.

  • Disruptor + Scanner Blade + Biped Body = "Super Strength Activated" +20% Boost to player.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Blade + Quad Body = "Ultra Strength Activated" +35% Boost to player.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Pulse + Biped Body = "Vital Weakness Found" -20% Boost to opponent.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Pulse + Quad Body = "Critical Weakness Found" -35% Boost to opponent.

    Description: Fires a massive electromagnetic pulse that can disrupt enemy power systems. May be combined with certain matching weapons to create a special combo.
    Image: Supernova Disruptor

    *Thanks to #13 for image and combos, Azami for original entry!*

  • Plasma Charge -> RE: Ultra/Supernova Disruptor (6/2/2012 14:22:11)


    Fabulous Disruptor

    Level: 35
    Price: 300 Nova Gems
    Sellback: 270 NGs before 24 hours, 75 NGs after 24 hours
    Location: Zargon NG Arms

    Equip Slot: Front/Back Arm
    Damage Type: Laser
    Damage: 67-73
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 53
    Cooldown: 2
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Power Management Systems Disrupted", causes energy DoT for 5 turns.

  • Disruptor + Scanner Blade + Biped Body = "Super Strength Activated" +20% Boost to player.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Blade + Quad Body = "Ultra Strength Activated" +35% Boost to player.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Pulse + Biped Body = "Vital Weakness Found" -20% Boost to opponent.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Pulse + Quad Body = "Critical Weakness Found" -35% Boost to opponent.

    Description: Fires a massive electromagnetic pulse that can disrupt enemy power systems. May be combined with certain matching weapons to create a special combo.
    Image: Fabulous Disruptor

    *Thanks to #13 for image and combos, Azami for original entry!*

  • Plasma Charge -> RE: Ultra/Supernova Disruptor (6/2/2012 14:23:04)


    Awesome Disruptor

    Level: 45
    Price: 300 Nova Gems
    Sellback: 270 NGs before 24 hours, 75 NGs after 24 hours
    Location: Zargon NG Arms

    Equip Slot: Front/Back Arm
    Damage Type: Laser
    Damage: 78-84
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 68
    Cooldown: 2
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Power Management Systems Disrupted", causes energy DoT for 5 turns.

  • Disruptor + Scanner Blade + Biped Body = "Super Strength Activated" +20% Boost to player.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Blade + Quad Body = "Ultra Strength Activated" +35% Boost to player.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Pulse + Biped Body = "Vital Weakness Found" -20% Boost to opponent.
  • Disruptor + Scanner Pulse + Quad Body = "Critical Weakness Found" -35% Boost to opponent.

    Description: Fires a massive electromagnetic pulse that can disrupt enemy power systems. May be combined with certain matching weapons to create a special combo.
    Image: Awesome Disruptor

    *Thanks to #13 for image and combos, Azami for original entry!*

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