Astral -> Dragonpact Storm (10/16/2008 17:29:29)
Dragonpact Storm Also see other Dragonpact Attacks: ( Strike , Assault , Onslaught ) Level: 35 Price: 4,000 162 Sellback: 2,000 81 Location: Dragonspine > Galanoth's Fate Element: Neutral MP Cost: 134 Hits: 6 Element: Energy, Energy, Earth, Earth, Fire, Fire Type: Magic, Magic, Melee, Melee, Magic, Magic Damage: 5-16, 5-17, 5-16, 5-17, 5-16, 5-17 Stats: +92%, +92%, +92%, +92%, +92%, +92% BTH: +8%, +8%, +8%, +8%, +8%, +8% DESCRIPTION Lord Cyrus, Galanoth, and a massive fire dragon come to your rescue! [img][/img] Price courtesy of Scakk and arnulfinho. Image thanks to Butterfly.