pjc -> Ghost-tog (10/31/2008 18:04:01)
Ghost-tog Reptilian Location: Haunted Hedgemaze, Togicide Revenge, Toxic Togvenger, Rolith Is A Bad Man, Trick or Treat 2021!, Long Lost Letters, Trick or Treat 2022!, Trick or Treat 2023!, Togvengeance Wave Level: As player Damage: Scaled Damage Type: Melee Element: Nature HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Stats STR: 0 DEX: 0 INT: 0 CHA: 0 LUK: 0 END: 0 WIS: 0 Offense Boost: 0% Bonus: 0 OR Level/5 Crit: 2 Damage Multipliers Non-Crit: 100% Dex: 100% DoT: 100% Crit: 175% Defense Melee: 5 * Level/90 OR 5 Pierce: 5 * Level/90 OR 5 Magic: 5 * Level/90 OR 5 Block: 0 Parry: 0 Dodge: Level/90 OR 1 Damage Reduction Non-Crit: 0% DoT: 0% Crit: 0% Resistances None Attack Types Attack Type 1 - Approaches target, jumps, and bites down on it for 1 hit of 100% damage. Other information Monster's name is stylized as Ghost Tog during the Togicide's Revenge trilogy quests Togicide Revenge, Toxic Togvenger, and Rolith Is A Bad Man. In Trick or Treat 2021!, Ghost-togs are an optional addition to the Tiny Ghost mini-boss battle:- Ghost-tog's max HP/MP and damage can be increased via independent toggles prior to beginning each battle.
- Successful Tiny Ghost with Ghost-tog battles have the potential to yield higher amounts of candy per challenge toggled in comparison to standard candy yields.
[image]https://github.com/DF-Pedia/DF-Pedia/raw/master/monsters/Ghost-tog.png[/image] Thanks to Andy8 for additional location link.