Issue 35 - Editor's Note (Maegwyn) (Full Version)

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Maegwyn -> Issue 35 - Editor's Note (Maegwyn) (11/5/2008 18:52:55)

Editor's Note
By Maegwyn

November! The Month of Dragons begins - watch the updates and Design Notes for your favorite AE games this month, as all of them will include special Dragon quests and events. We've had a fun Mogloween, and Frostval season is on its way.

Mogloween was quite a lot of fun for me this year. I loved the in-game holiday celebrations, and I dressed up as Maegwyn (the owner of the Knife & Spork Diner, for those of you who haven't yet tried MechQuest) for my town's annual parade. It is a huge event here - nearly everyone from the whole town and surrounding areas turns out to watch the parade - and it got me thinking about community.

One thing I love about everything AE is the chance to interact with people from all over the world, and people of nearly all ages. Now with AQWorlds we even have the opportunity to meet each other in-game for questing and chatting. One of my greatest thrills is to see someone in game whose name is familiar to me from the forums. It's almost the same thing as running into someone you know while out shopping - except that we run into each other at Warlic's or Yulgar's. My community is not just the people who live on my street and not just the people who I see around town; my community includes people thousands of miles away!

So, on that note, I'd like to say a special thank you to all of you. Thanks to our authors and artists for your contributions, thanks to our readers for reading The Zardian, thanks to everyone who participates in the forums, thanks to the Artix Entertainment team for the games, and thanks to all of you who play the games! I wish you all a lovely and dragon-filled November.

~JW~ -> RE: Issue 35 - Editor's Note (Maegwyn) (11/5/2008 19:46:20)

Wow! The Month Of The Dragons?! Well That Must Have Been Fun Dressing Up As Your NPC! I Wonder What Artix Was...! Well This Info is Very Good To Know.

One Billion Awesome Points To You!
Because You Own The Best Farming Spot In All Of MQ!

Cow Face -> RE: Issue 35 - Editor's Note (Maegwyn) (11/6/2008 10:50:18)

Heh, I like your costume idea, Maegwyn! As well as what you said about AQW- I feel much the same way. We certainly have a great community on the Artix Entertainment forums.

Oh, and November being Dragon month is frankly amazing.

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