Swiftflash (Full Version)

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Twilight Sky 023 -> Swiftflash (11/14/2008 18:58:31)



Level: 26
Price: 1,170 Nova Gems
Sellback: 1,053 NGs before 24 hours, 293 NGs after 24 hours

Location: Quickflash NG Mecha

HP: 473
EP: 369
EP Regen: 13

  • 100 Immobility

    Description: Use the lightning-fast reflexes of the renowned superhero, Quickflash. Star Captains (only) can activate the exclusive Nitro Boost for a greater edge in combat!
    Image: Swiftflash

    *Thanks to joshuatks for image!*

  • #13 -> RE: Swiftflash (6/1/2011 12:24:27)

    Swiftflash Sizzler

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 50-70
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 39
    Cooldown: 1
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Searing Blast! +X% Total Damage", damage is increased by X%, where X is a random number between 30 and 50.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: A sizzling blast of searing damage!
    Image: Swiftflash Sizzler

    Thanks to Yagno2000 for info and strongo9 for image!

    Swiftflash Laser

    Equip Slot: Back Arm
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 50-70
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 39
    Cooldown: 1
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Perfect Aim! +X% to Critical Hit", chance for a critical hit is increased by X%, where X is a random number between 30 and 50.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: Your chance of a critical hit is greatly enhanced by the accurate aiming mechanism of this laser.
    Image: Swiftflash Laser

    Thanks to Yagno2000 info and strongo9 for image!

  • #13 -> RE: Swiftflash (6/1/2011 12:27:05)

    Swiftflash Nitro

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage type: None
    Damage: 45-75
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 39
    Cooldown: 8
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • SC: 100% Chance for "Star Captain Power Activated! Nitro boost! -50 to Attack", lowers opponent's Bonus by 50 for 4 turns.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: Star Captain exclusive! Activate the Nitro Boost for a dizzying increase in speed to avoid enemy attacks.
    Image: Swiftflash Nitro

    Thanks to Yagno2000 for info and Azami for image!


    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage type: None
    Damage: 45-75
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 39
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • Chance for "Fuel Burn!", causes DoT for 5 rounds.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: As you move so quickly, your damage just might continue over time!
    Image: Attacking, Alternative

    Thanks to Yagno2000 for info!

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