RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (Full Version)

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qazxcvvcxzaq -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/1/2009 9:34:51)

Most Over-rateded Monster: vamps
Most Under-rateded Monster: nightbane
Funniest Monster: findead dragon/ undead twilly (rare monster)
Monster you love to slay: HELZARD hands down hope i cold slay it all day long/ HUGE TREASURE CHEST/ BURIED TREASURE!!!!!!!!!!!
Monster who scared you at lower levels but are now a breeze: Kel A. Resh
Weirdest Monsters: Salek Sprayer
Most/Least Scariest Monsters: Zardis/ Pumpkin golem
Most/Least Annoying Monsters : Uncle sham (takes your money[:(])
Most Hated Monsters: Sarah the Nerf Kitten
Most Loved Monster:Ninja cleric
Best Looking Monster: safira/ visia/ uncle sham/ asgardian steed
Worst Looking Monster: wind spirit

I luv this thread![:)]

Jrr Kein -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/2/2009 10:53:11)

Favored Monster: Dragons!!! Expect dracolich
Annoying monsters: Sneaks, Am-bush
Most annyoing: Veedos or (somthing) hits every time
Oddest monster: Veedos and Xyfrag

Elosix the Grimjaw -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/2/2009 10:54:57)


Lord Arggthas is still in-game. Just encountered him in RA.

Eh.... Isnīt he perm`?

Seriyu -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/4/2009 19:08:08)

He was only supposed to stick around for december, but maybe there's been a change in plans.

As a side note I think the wind spirit looks amazing, but to each their own. :p

dots54 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/4/2009 20:35:20)

I'm Gonna have to say Frog Zard is the most overrated[sm=fun_08.gif]

ShimmerSoul -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/4/2009 22:13:45)

Most Over-rated Monster: All the No-man's Land Mutants.
Most Under-rated Monster: Drako.
Funniest Monster: St. Elmo's Fire
Monster you love to slay: Void Dragon.
Monster who scared you at lower levels but are now a breeze: Thunder Troll.
Weirdest Monster: Veegus. O.o
Most/Least Scariest Monster: NightReign/Ninja Cleric.
Most/Least Annoying Monster: Am-Bush (100)/Huge Treasure Horde.
Most Hated Monster: Sine qua non.
Most Loved Monster: Void Dragon.
Best Looking Monster: Lich.
Worst Looking Monster: Veegus.

bibbypepper -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/5/2009 11:40:33)

Most over rated monster: carnax(other than one on one)
Most under rated monster: probs mutant king
funniest monster: salek sprayer
Monstersi loveto slay:void dragons 300% on everything and good xp and gold
Monsters that scared me at low levels but isn now a breez: also salek sprayer and carnax(other than 1v1)

jwang059 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/8/2009 16:33:14)

Most Over-rateded Monster: void dragons, in fact, almost all dragons!
Most Under-rateded Monster: nerfkittens, uncle sham
Funniest Monster: salek sprayer, zardis
Monster you love to slay: paladins! razorclaws! treasure chests!
Monster who scared you at lower levels but are now a breeze: lightbringers
Weirdest Monsters:, salek sprayers, veegus
Most Scariest Monsters: shadow mistress elizabeth in her buffed mode, undead xyphos, the carnax with 275000000hp, terrozard, xyfrag, the zug series, vampire adept, shadow vamp handsmaiden, and last but not least, RAYFISH.
Least Scariest Monsters: most undead monsters
Most Annoying Monsters: ambushes/sneaks, especially in the golden set quest
Least Annoying Monsters: kresh
Most Hated Monsters: lightbringers, ambushes, sneaks
Most Loved Monster: supermegaultra giant =O
Best Looking Monster: ultra akriloth, dragon, safiria, rayfish
Worst Looking Monster: sun-eater, night terror, the fact that a lot of zards look exactly the same as normal frogzards.

blade1262 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/8/2009 17:04:09)

Most Over-rated Monsters: Akriloth, The Reaper, Agent Smith, Ryussi Catwright, Nerfkittens, Xyfrag, EntroMorph/Original Carnax you can fight in the Guardian Tower, Dragon King
Most Under-rated Monsters: Sneaks, Am-Bush, BadgerBadgerBadger, All of the Ebil Scythe's, Gogg's, Gravis the Fire Drake
Funniest Monsters: St. Elmo's Fire, Ganzard (even though I think it's only in Zardwars), Salek Sprayer, MoZard
Monsters you love to slay: The Seeker, Commander Kragg, Drakonnann, Anything toward the end of the Devourer Saga, Vampire's, Akriloth, Goggs
Monsters who scared you at lower levels but are now a breeze: Xyfrag, Xyno (when I was like lv. 5), Battle Troll, All of the Mutants
Weirdest Monsters: Xyfrag, Nogh'da, Sheepyre
Most/Least Scariest Monsters: Fibbity Gibbet(Scariest), Undead Xyphos(scariest because of his sheer power), Frogzard (least scary)
Most/Least Annoying Monsters: Am-Bush(most), Carnax 1 on 1(most), Mutant King(most), Gogg's(least), Zards (least), Phzyco Fiend (most), Were-King (most)
Most Hated Monsters: Phzyco Fiend, Ebil Scythe's, Mutant King, Eldor, Sand Dragon's, Gravis the Lava Drake
Most Loved Monsters: Akriloth, Void Dragons, Plasma Dragons
Best Looking Monsters: Vamps, Plasma Dragons, Ebil Scythe's, Ice Cweam, Zorbak
Worst Looking Monsters: Veegus, Nightmare Queen

Rar3rthanu -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/8/2009 17:12:06)

Most under-rated:Ogre Smasher
Funniest:Duke of HaZard
Monster I love to slay:Pandumo (Boom!)
Monster that scared me at lower levels but is now a breeze:Naga Arch Sorceres
Weirdest Monster:Gorgonzilla
Most Scariest Monster:Dracovamp Handmaiden (Dun Dun Dun....)
Least Scariest:FlibbityGibbit
Most Annoying:Ghost?
Least Annoying:FlibbityGibbit
Most Hated:Agent Smith
Most Loved:Twig!
Best Looking:Twig!
Worst Looking:Elder Vampire

J.O.W. -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/8/2009 17:41:42)

Most Over-rateded Monster: uncle sham golden plate (srrsly first try no heals!)
Most Under-rateded Monster: crypt feind (i before gold had 50/50 rate of win/loss)
Funniest Monster: st. elmos fire (this death brought to you by the number nine or something?)
Monster you love to slay: night of 100 ninjas! (loved to do the long battle with them sooooo much!)
Monster who scared you at lower levels but are now a breeze: sneak
Weirdest Monsters: xyfrag
Most/Least Scariest Monsters: the galin/seed spiter
Most/Least Annoying Monsters
Most Hated Monsters: xyfrag
Most Loved Monster: vinces treasure
Best Looking Monster: void dragons
Worst Looking Monster: sun eater

ants -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/12/2009 5:44:36)

does anyone know where i can find gilgamesh

Baron -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/13/2009 16:22:07)

Most Over-rateded Monster: kel-al-relish jr
Most Under-rateded Monster: dire shade dweezal the dragon
Funniest Monster: flibbitiest gibbet
Monster you love to slay: treasure chests (lol)[:D]
Monster who scared you at lower levels but are now a breeze: kel-al-relish jr
Weirdest Monsters: void dragons
Most/Least Scariest Monsters: nightmare queen/frogzard
Most/Least Annoying Monsters: Xyfrag (to low element modifiers)/the terrible tharg
Most Hated Monsters: the 'galin
Most Loved Monster: vince's gold
Best Looking Monster: undead xyphos
Worst Looking Monster: nightmare queen

jimij770 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/13/2009 16:26:07)

most annoying would have to be sarah the nerfkitten, then night of 1000 ninjas, then all the other nerfkittens
i have never been sarah and only beaten the regular nerfkittens with wolly thoctar which is in storage rite now

kirkieball -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/13/2009 17:08:56)

Most Over-rateded Monster: duno
Most Under-rateded Monster: Great Dragons
Funniest Monster: robot chicken
Monster you love to slay: Dragons
Monster who scared you at lower levels but are now a breeze: Trolls lik kel ar ish
Weirdest Monsters: filigisbit i think its called
Most/Least Scariest Monsters: void drag, rock star
Most/Least Annoying Monsters: necro fiend, golden zard
Most Hated Monsters: necro fiend
Most Loved Monster:ANY DRAGON
Best Looking Monster: all dragons
Worst Looking Monster hydra

Kamarai Shenatu -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/13/2009 21:26:49)

Most over-rated monster: No idea
Most Under-rated monster: Don't know what to put
Funniest Monster: Ice Cweam or Sheepyre ( laughed my butt off at these two don't know which to pick) oh and ROBOT CHICKEN!!!
Monster you love to slay: Sea Titan or Fire/Ice Demons
Monster who scared you at lower levels but are now a breeze: Trolls
Weirdest Monster: Ice Cweam
Most/Least Scariest Monsters: Ultra Magma Akriloth (its HP is freaking scary)/ TREASURE CHESTS!! (LOL)
Most/Least Annoying Monsters: ambush, gnat/ Zard
Most Hated Monsters: ambush, gnat
Most Loved Monster: Fire/Ice Demons, Sea Titans, Sheepyre
Best Looking Monster: Drakath, The Seeker, or Calladus
Worst Looking Monster: Swamp Trog

sam998998 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/13/2009 21:35:01)

Monster you love to slay: anything that gives high XP/gold
Monster who scared you at lower levels but are now a breeze: Elven archer, Alpha Werewolf
Most/Least Scariest Monsters: The scariest monster is by far ice cweam
Most/Least Annoying Monsters most annoying is probably sneak
Most Hated Monsters: sneak
Most Loved Monster: does zorbak count?

skydrite -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/14/2009 5:16:45)

Weirdest Monster: Veegus
Most Hated Monster: Nerfkitten
Worst Looking Monster: Xyfrag
Monster you love to slay: Groggle

neo_manni -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/19/2009 2:53:18)

I wonder what the worst monsters are that the staff encounter with their STAFF STATS the only ones I think that could really challenge the staff in a fair fight would be L500 nightbane, ultimate carnax, Z.A.R.D.I.S. Sarah the nerfkitten. staff stats and staff equipment while not using the PWD spell or cindy the pet is what I call STAFF equipment those two other items is just cheating, FULLSTOP!

GraceKami -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/19/2009 3:14:55)

Xyfrag wins both "most odd-looking" and "most annoying" monster in my book.

Not as annoying as when its defenses were 10% and it had an effective hp or 30k, but pretty annoying still.

And really, those 2 adventurers have been stuck in Xyfrag for years now.

I wonder how lovvel found his way out...

noobkill -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/21/2009 8:40:11)

i hate dweezel!!! stupid dragon just sucks me dry of my MP... and with his 4k hp, it's not nice.. I'd be so happy to PWD that idiot [:@]

UltimateRAM -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (2/23/2009 0:33:01)

Most Annoying Enemy: Am-bush (75 all defences and 3 hits in a row)
Most Annoying Group: Four-Eyed Freak (60% on 4 elements and 8 hits a turn)

Riot leader -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (3/2/2009 16:43:35)

Uhh probally lesser Demon

Pink_Star -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (3/3/2009 5:41:18)


Most Annoying Group: Four-Eyed Freak (60% on 4 elements and 8 hits a turn)

Woah. That won't probably be that annoying anymore if you have good defenses + high level. Anyways, Sneak is probably the most annoying monster to me, though I have Range weapons... xD

nosey123 -> RE: =AK= The Ultimate Monsters Thread! (3/3/2009 5:53:40)

Annoying: wyverns, all of them. Ancient wyvern is level 81 DARN IT, with freaking 90/80/85 total defence. [:@]

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