Ryu Viranesh -> Shadow Purge (11/27/2008 17:45:46)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/mq/tags/Rare.jpg[/image][image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/mq/tags/SC.jpg[/image] Shadow Purge Price: 25080 credits Sellback: 2508 credits Level: 19 Location: Shadowscythe Armada Head Shop Equip Slot: Head Damage type: Laser Damage: 0-0 Hits: 0 Energy: 29 Cooldown: 5 Bonuses: None Special Effects: 100% chance of negates all Effects currently active on your mecha. Description: A special head that can does(do) a full reboot of all systems. This will purge all active effects on your mecha. Image: http://i36.tinypic.com/316s386.jpg Credit to hauntar for the picture.