Frostval 2004 (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Frostval 2004 (12/19/2008 0:08:02)

Frostval Invasion!

The Moglin town of Frostvale in the North is where special items are magically enchanted each year. The good Moglins then take them around the world as gifts. Frostvale is being raided by monsters, led by an organized band of Clawgs! Moglins are being kidnapped! We need you to help save them!

Twilly: Thank goodness you have arrived! Frostvale is in serious trouble... Many of the Ice Moglins were kidnapped and these Clawg monsters are running all over the place getting more!
Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you. Please help save the Moglins!
  • Heal me please!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! Thank you for helping us save Frostval this year!!

  • This is Chilly. He is pretty 'cool' for a Moglin. (The Werewolves want to find out if he tastes like Chili.
  • In between invasions, Kleemus loves inventing powerful weapons and magical armors!
  • Viola is this Moglin's name. She is a great artist specializing in postmodern Moglin sculpture.
  • Dobo says, 'Being stuck on a roof is better than being stuck on the roof of a monster's mouth!
  • It always seems to be snowing in Frostvale! These Moglins adapted to coldness centuries ago.
  • You might be wondering how Moglins like Chilly can swim with such short arms and legs? One word: Ears.
  • You're standind on a mound of ashes so compacter by dragon's footsteps that it is rock-hard.
  • Battle the army!

    «List incomplete - need levels of monsters and different monster pools»

    «After 500,000 enemies defeated»

    1 BATTLE: Clawg

    «Scene: The Desert. The Claws have captured the Moglins»

    Sandy Claws: Hahaha... look at all of those ugly Moglins!
    Sandy Claws: No one could stop me from taking them from ther homes.
    Sandy Claws: I am perhaps the most powerful Klawg who ever lived! I should change my name to Napoleon Shellaparte.
    Sandy Claws: Any name would be better than my childhood nickname Crusty...
    Sandy Claws: Ah, even thinking about my days as a young softshell brings a tear to my eye.
    Sandy Claws: Now... what to do with all these Moglins? After I march them to my home in the Skraeling Desert, I have several options.
    Sandy Claws: I suppose I COULD sell them to either the Vampires or Werewolves. Or both even. I hear Moglins are worth a god bit of gold to those fanged mammals.
    Sandy Claws: OR... I could put these little critters to work for me! Yes... I like that idea...

    «The scene zooms out - Warlic and you were watching the above scene in the crystal ball»

    Warlic: There is no doubt the Clawg has foul intentions for the Moglins of Frostvale.
    Warlic: And there is no question now: we must follow our little friends into the dry oven of the Skraeling and save them before it is too late!

    Shamelessly copy-and-pasted off Thanks to icydarkstary.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Frostval 2004 (12/19/2008 0:18:33)

    Desert Rescue!

    Welcome to Frostvale! Here is where the Moglins make thousands of gifts to end around the worlds at the start of each new year. But this year hundreds of Frostvale Moglins have disappeared one night. Warlic saw in his mind's eye the culprit: a klawg beast called Sandy Klaws! Out for revenge, he and his minions took the moglins to the heart of the Skraeling desert.

  • Battle the army!
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Twilly: Thank you for helping us save the Moglins of Frostvale! I don't know what we'd ever do without you, hero!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you. Healing is what I do best.
  • Heal me please
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! Thank you for helping us save Frostval this year!!

  • This is Skraeling Desert, the largest and hottest stretch of land on Lore.
  • We stand ready to battle. Sandy Claws and his minions are just over that dune!
  • Kyru-Jin, a legendary Guardian, has joined us!
  • Robina Hood is Battleon's most famous ranger. She helped us track Sandy Claws here!
  • This Guardian is ready to take on whatever Sandy Claws can throw at us with her Blade of Awe!

    «Guardians can pick up the Salamander Rider as a temporary armour»
  • Battle the Army!

    «List incomplete - need levels of monsters and different monster pools»
    «After 400,000 enemies defeated»

    1 BATTLE: Sandy Claws (80)

    Twilly: Thank you so much for helping us Stop Sandy Claws! He was pretty scary... I did my best to help everyone stay healthy.
    Twilly: It looks like Sandy Claws was working alone. Now that we beat him, he'll think twice before he tries something naughty like this again!
    Twilly: I’m sooo happy!! Now all these frost Moglins need to do is march across endless miles of hot, dry desert. Again.
    Twilly: At least this time they will be welcomed back home to their comfy little Moglin couches! I hope they have cookies waiting for us!

    «And on our return to Frostvale we find…»

    Twilly: OH NO!!!
    Twilly: Frostvale is under a surprise attack by Frosty the Snow Golem and an army of snow monsters! Warlic is gone, so who is going to lead us in saving the village??

    «Zooms in on Warlic»

    Warlic: I will...
    Warlic: and these evil foes will think twice before they try to harm the good beings of Frostvale!

    Shamelessly copy-and-pasted off Thanks to icydarkstarry.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Frostval 2004 (12/19/2008 0:33:05)

    Frostval Siege!

    Twilly: Thank goodness you have arrived! Frostvale is being attacked by tons of ice monsters! We need your help, heroes!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you. Please help save the Moglins!
  • Heal me please.
  • Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! Thank you for helping us save Frostval this year!!

  • Kleemus the inventor is trying to get everyone to help build a Moglin catapult!
  • Viola is trying to convince the other Moglins to sneak out of her village with her.
  • Dobo isn't sure climbing off his roof was a smart thing to do.
  • It always seem to be snowing in Frostvale! These Moglins adapted to coldness centuries ago.
  • The ice monsters have had the village under siege for 2 whole days!
  • You're on a mound of ashes so compacted by a dragon's footsteps that it is rock-hard.
  • Battle the army!

    «List incomplete»
    «After 200,000 enemies were defeated»

    1 BATTLE: Frosty the Snow Golem (80)

    Twilly: Yay!!! We did it! Frostvale is saved, again! Frosty the Snow Golem and his ice monsters were hard to beat, though.
    Twilly: We rescued the Moglins from Sandy Claws, and saved the village from Frosty, so now we can fix up everything and finally finish making the last of the Frostval celebration gifts…
    Twilly: My friends Chilly, Dobo, Kleemus and Viola are going to really enjoy giving all of you gifts this year, because of what you have done to help them.
    Kleemus: That’s right! I’ve been working hard to invent something brand new for everyone.
    Viola: I painted a lot of pretty pictures for everyone too!
    Dobo: Uhh... hey guys... I was just checking on the storage huts where the gifts are kept…and one of the huts has been ripped open!
    Chilly: Oh no!!! Everyone, look up!!

    «ReignDragons fly by»

    Twilly: Oooohhh nooooo! Where did those fraggle-lumpkin dragons come from??!! And what are we going to do now??

    «Galanoth appears»

    Twilly: Galanoth!! Head of the Order of Dragonslayers!
    Galanoth: Hail, young Moglins. I see some dragons have taken wing and stolen what you have worked so hard to protect. And these are no ordinary dragons…
    Galanoth: These are ReignDragons, servants of the Great Frost Wyrm. It seems we have drawn the attention of one of the mightiest dragons of all!
    Galanoth: I LOVE a good challenge!

    Shamelessly copy-and-pasted off Thanks to icydarkstarry.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Frostval 2004 (12/19/2008 0:42:52)

    Frost Dragon War!

    Twilly: I am so glad you are here to help us save Frostvale! You can rest here, and then follow Galanoth into battle with the Great Frost Wyrm and his dragons.
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you. Please help save the Moglins!
  • Heal me please.
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up! Thank you for helping us save Frostval this year!!

  • Kleemus' home was ripped apart by a dragon. Luckily Kleemus likes to fix things!
  • Nighttime in Frostvale is the coldest time of all. Dress warmly!
  • Galanoth is the head of the Order of Dragonslayers.

    «Guardians could pick up Ice Salamander Rider from the chest.»
  • Battle the army!

    «List incomplete»
    «After 200,000 enemies defeated»

    1 BATTLE: Great Frost Wyrm (Level 112 Version)

    Artix Krieger: You have been defeated, Great Frost Wyrm. Consider yourself lucky that our mightiest wizard Warlic was able to revive you at all.
    Frost Wyrm: Why didn't you just allow me to perish, human??
    Artix Krieger: We know your history. About how you were once the powerful fire dragon Akriloth's strongest foe, and that long ago you entered a deep hibernation.
    Frost Wyrm: So you know that whenever I awake, once a year, I do not remember what happened the previous year.
    Artix Krieger: Yes. It seems that as soon as you awoke you sent your ReignDragons to plunder Frostvale. You would have no reason to do that, unless....
    Frost Wyrm: ...unless someone had magically forced that idea into my mind as I still slept?
    Artix Krieger: Whoever did that, we do not know. But I needed to give you a chance to atone for your actions.
    Frost Wyrm: I am so sorry... I didn't realize the bad that I was doing. What is it that I can do to help?
    Artix Krieger: Hmmm....

    «Back in Frostvale...»

    Twilly: Welcome back to Frostvale! We did it!! Thank you for helping get all the gifts back from those greedy dragons.
    Twilly: I don't know that Frostvale would have done without your help.
    Artix Krieger: I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone too. This was one of the greatest battles in history, and I for one am truly grateful to have fought beside you!
    Kleemus: Umm...excuse me?
    Kleemus: I hate to be the one to bring this up, but I think we still have a problem.
    Twilly: What is it?
    Kleemus: Well, according to my calculations, our network of Moglin-runners will not have enough time to deliver all of the Frostvale gifts before the year ends!
    Artix Krieger: That's okay, I'm sure everyone won't mind if the gifts are a little late...
    Kleemus: I'm afraid you don't quite understand, Artix.
    Kleemus: You see, our gifts are given power by Moglin white magic. At the end of the year, if the gifts aren't in the hands of who they were intended for, the magic fades!
    Twilly: Oh no! Now what can we do? How can we deliver the gifts in time??
    Artix Krieger: Well well well... I think I have just the thing! Friend!! You can come out now!

    «The Great Frost Wyrm enters»

    Moglins: ........................................................................
    Frost Wyrm: Was it something I said?

    Shamelessly copy-and-pasted off Thanks to icydarkstarry.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Frostval 2004 (12/19/2008 0:47:13)

    Frostval Gift Delivery!

    «Intro Missing»
  • Battle the army!

    «You get the Ice Dragon Rider as a temporary armour»

    ?? BATTLES
    «List missing»

    «After ??? presents delivered»

    1 BATTLE: Zorbak (??)

    «Dialogue missing»

    «The following items were available in Yulgar's Shop after winning the war:»
  • Axe Master Armour
  • Battle Tested Axe Master Armour
  • Ancient Ancestor Axe
  • Blade Gauntlet
  • Ornamental Bow

    Shamelessly copy-and-pasted off Thanks to icydarkstary.

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