TreadLight -> Cake from a Portal (12/19/2008 20:44:41)
[image][/image] Cake from a Portal Level: 1 Price: 5,000 Credits Sellback: 500 Credits Location: Mysterious Portal Starship Swag Equip Slot: Floor Special Effects: (Once placed on your starship, clicking on the cake causes random alert messages to pop up) So moist and delicious! You feel fantastic It's hard to overstate your satisfaction Don't slack off... there's science to do! Don't you have experiments to run? There's still research to be done... for your GEARS mecha poetry class! This cake is a lie! This cake is a symbol of your triumph You are one of those who are still alive! Description: This cake is a lie... It seems so moist and delicious... Then DOOOOM! [image][/image] *Thanks to Lyris for special effects!*