#13 -> Betrayal (12/21/2008 0:47:02)
[img]http://i48.tinypic.com/2hf1j09.jpg[/img] Betrayal Location: GEARS Games II, GEARS Games III, GEARS Games 2011 Objective: Challenge your House Leader in the Labyrinth! Then betray your own house to join another. Requirements: 100 Betrayal Badges to unlock. Release Date: - Enemies: Leaders of Wolfblade/Runehawk/Mystraven (Xaria/Jaania/Casca) NPCs: Admina Dialogue: Admina: Welcome to Pandora's Labyrinth. Danger and treasure await you in here! Do you need instructions? Instructions: Admina: This is simple! Move with your arrow keys. Try to avoid patrolling mobs! There are some healing stations scattered around the maze. Admina: The walls of this labyrinth pulsate with pure energy. Your Energy Points will regenerate while you walk around. Admina: Simply walk over objects and enemies to activate them. Your goal is the treasure chest! Have Fun! Rewards Shop: None Other Informations: If you are a SC, you can betray directly. If you are non-SC, you need 100 Betrayal Badges. After finishing this quest, you will be punted out of your house. You can betray only once. Thanks to -- Shoggoth for corrections. -- Azami for correction.