Maegwyn -> Issue 37 - A Plea to Our Readers (collaborative) (12/21/2008 14:13:06)
Flying through the clouds high above our heads, swimming through the dark depths of the sea, journeying across the countryside in impossibly fast vehicles, floating over an exotic city in a hot air balloon, riding the backs of dragons ... authors have the power to take us anywhere. They can craft entire worlds inside our imagination, draw us inside, and entertain us with endless possibilities of "what if?". They can also inform. The latest news, the most ancient history, myths surviving since antiquity, statistics from a few years ago ... Authors are in control of all of these. There are very few who bother to read that have never found a book they have enjoyed, whether it was for information or entertainment. Many authors know they are appreciated and learn what their fans do and don't like, due to their published status and the development of a large enough fan-base to get fan mail and merit discussions of their works. Small-time authors, however ... Let us get closer to the point now. Authors and writers who have not 'hit it big' or gained great popularity simply do not hear what others think about their work all that often. People might be enjoying their work immensely, but they never know. Some great comics have shut down or come close to it simply because those who cared never let the author know until it was too late. Others struggle on, hoping they are right that there are those out there who appreciate their work, but do so only through great difficulty, as they can see no evidence their work is enjoyed. Hearing nothing can often be worse than being told that their work is bad in some way. It is demoralizing. If there is an author you like, especially a small-time one, LET THEM KNOW! They will appreciate it. Now, let us move a little closer to home ... We Zardian authors are in the same predicament. So little feedback is given that we have no idea what we are doing right, what we are doing wrong, and what direction we should head. If we hear nothing good, our minds might wander to the bad, even if that isn't true. If we aren't told what is wrong with our writing, we don't know how to fix it, or even if it needs fixing! Without your input--from you specifically, the one reading this--we are writing blind, and sometimes we grow quite discouraged. We need you. Can you help us out? If you've joined the Artix Entertainment forums, you can reach us here: Believe it or not, we write so that you have something to read and enjoy every so often. Although we expect little besides enjoyable reading and a few comments, any constructive criticism would be very helpful to us so we can know how our works appear to our readers. Yes, of course, we all are volunteers, but we volunteered because we write not only for ourselves, but for you. Yes! You, as the reader, are one of the most important aspects of the Zardian. If you have any specific article suggestions or ideas feel free to post them in the Suggestions thread here: So drop by, leave us a comment or two. Tell us what you think we're doing wrong, and what we're doing right! We depend on the comments and suggestions made by readers just like you!