Shiny Ornament Shield (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Shiny Ornament Shield (1/11/2009 1:00:02)

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Shiny Ornament Shield

Also see other Ornament Shields ( Bauble, Shiny Bauble, Ornament, Sparkling Ornament).

Level: 70
Price: N/A
Sellback: 4,000 2,617
Location: Gift Box '08 (Level 70)
Element: Ice

Melee: +7
Ranged: +7
Magic: +7

Fire: +20%
Water: -11%
Wind: -3%
Ice: -17%
Earth: -3%
Energy: -3%
Light: -3%
Darkness: -3%

Once per turn when you block a hit, the monster takes 19-58 Earth damage*. This is modified by the monster's Earth Modifier and is unblockable. It does not receive Stat Bonuses and is unaffected by Triggers/bonuses from your other equipment.

*One of the glass snowflakes has shredded your opponent for «» damage!

When you block an attack with this shield, the glass snowflakes spring to life to slash your opponent, dealing Earth damage! This ability activates only once per turn.


Image from Teuvi. Stats from agente l0, arnulfinho, Underclass Hero, and venturer90. Effect from Yagno2000.

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