RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (Full Version)

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Syth -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/10/2013 8:04:02)

Bow Master emblem isn't working with the salvation bow. (I assume this to it being old, and not tagged as a bow)

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Gebrandi Ylottra -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/10/2013 15:53:44)

Equipping a Dread Visage (may also be other headgear items) when using 'Savage Werewolf Form' causes the game to stall after initial equipping. The character is still posing (swaying) as is the monster, but there is no menu to select and the monster nor myself can attack.

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Blueguy -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/13/2013 20:30:29)

Type of bug :Item giltch

Bug details: the game does reconize the item and said to report it
Before bug occurred: normal wait period

During Bug: Won't connect to the golem pet gives error message :"Error indentifying item please report this error"

After bug: nothing happends the pet doesn't get the Runesstone but the game still says the runestone is active

Item Bugged: Greater Azamay Darkness Runesstone
Other Equipment:Insightful ultraguardian robes, Ultraguardian sheild, Azamy Basailt golem
Screenshot link:
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? yes
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: Exporler 8
Flash version: 11.9.900.170

yugidude1 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/16/2013 18:35:28)

Bug details: My blade of awe is acting as a fire blade of awe without doing anything
Before bug occurred: my blade of awe was a blade of awe it occured when i was fighting a dragon for what i do not remember

During Bug: my blade of awe is doing fire damage rather than earth and took on the appearence of the fire blade of awe but is called the regular blade of awe and i cannot exchange it back

After bug: N/A

Item Bugged: Blade of awe
Other Equipment: Insightful armor of awe and shield of awe
Screenshot link:
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Chrome version 31.0. 1650.63 m
Flash version: 11.9.900.170

Please disreguard this it was when i had elementalized my armor sorry for the taking up of space

protector415 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/17/2013 21:45:22)

Unequipping the highest level Amulet of Drakonnan G results in HP Loss. Is it supposed to do that?

Yes. It gives you extra MP when you equip it. It takes away that MP when you unequip it. If you don't have enough MP, then it takes it out of your HP. ~IMR

kors -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/19/2013 22:52:13)

Bug Details: The Eternity Spear's info says that it should deal extra damage and not attempt to paralyze on it's special if the target is already paralyzed, but using it's or another source of paralysis it still attempts to paralyze and does not deal any noticeable increase in damage.

During Bug: Eternity Spear's special attempts to paralyze an already paralyzed target and deals no increased damage on special

After Bug: Target is paralyzed or succeeds in the save

Item Bugged: Eternity Spear
Other Equipment: Chronomancer/Tinkerer, Oracles Taladosion shield/Inundating shield, 10th Anniversary Shirt
Screenshot Link: Sorry I do not have any
Character Page:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes, I have had this happen four different times, once a couple days ago and 3 times today on different computers
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 m
Flash Version: 11.9.900.170

This is apparently intentional. For you to get the damage boost, the paralysis's duration has to be >0. I'll post about it. ~IMR

Archlist -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/21/2013 10:25:37)

Clearly I'm doing a disservice to lower-level players (including myself) by reporting this but I think it's more important to let the coders know the thing isn't working as intended:

All levels of the Eye of the Unholy item seem to provide the same damage reduction and defence boosts as the highest-level one, namely *0.55 damage modifier and +7/+4 defence bonus. The popup message also says "Your allegiance to «Kingdom» causes the Eye to lower «Element» damage you take by 45%!", no matter which level Eye is equipped. In contrast, the SP costs vary by level as indicated.

Should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

KingXKoK -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/22/2013 4:51:03)

Bugged Spell: Fear (from Obsidian Cloak)
Type: Glitch (I think)

It doesn't work consistently with Safiria (from Queen of Hearts)... and I believe it might have something to do with Miscs
Sometimes works for a while after I switch my misc items, but then stops working again after a few shots. Very inconsistent, but I managed to recreate it in 4 battles out of my 5 (not sure if it happened on my first one, as I wasn't paying attention).
By not working I mean the animation plas, the attack connects, but her stats do not go down.
Seems to only happen with Safiria.

Windows 7 Premium
Browser: Latest Firefox [26.0]
Latest flash (as of 22/12/2013)

Recreated after relogging
Char Page:

I'll try to further test this when I have time, but for now it's making it really hard to beat Safiria for XP :(

The hit has to do >0 damage. I'm guessing that you're not scrambling her properly. ~IMR

poopbum -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/24/2013 0:15:42)

Bug details: For some reason the FSB of Champion of Airenal Set, which IRRC is now 10% chance of free skill when doing normal attacks, always does magic when it occurs. Also the damage dealt seems lower than the normal attack with the full set.(with the weapon in melee mode)

Item Bugged: The whole Champion of Airenal Set.(to be more precise only the FSB)
Other Equipment: I did use Sword Master Emblem, Shadowfeeder Pendant and Fairy Godmother
Character page link:

KingXKoK -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/24/2013 8:00:28)

IMR are you sure about the > 0?

Cuz the fear's working against other monsters where the fear does negative damage... is it just that fear becomes unreliable if the damage is negative, or is it just something weird with Safiria?

OK, I tested it, and I have no idea what's going on. Necromancer is supposed to be revamped "soon", so I'm just going to leave this bug to be cleaned up with the rest of the class. ~IMR

AcidDrago -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/24/2013 22:26:48)

Bug details: Deft UltraGuardian Leathers reset to default colours. Colour changes save but defaults colours show when in battle.
Item Bugged: Deft UltraGuardian Leathers
Character page link:
Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Firefox 26
Flash version: 11.9.900.152

darksampson -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/3/2014 21:41:07)

The level 125 C.O.Me.T. weapon from the Delivery war doesn't seem to be loading, either in the character screen or in battle.

Should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/4/2014 7:04:02)

Spell Giftbox not opened yet:

Fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

Rorshach -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/5/2014 1:19:01)

D.A.S.H.E.R's spec does Magic Damage; which it should be Ranged instead. I don't have the pic, but I think 5 times of watching the proc go off should suffice...

Fixed. Clear your cache. ~IMR

Yozai -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/7/2014 7:45:44)

Swordmaster emblem does not work with Elizabeth's Katana.

DarkDevil -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/9/2014 16:33:20)

when using Golem summoner's Robe armor with Enigmatic Luminous Blade the golem attack dealt light damage when the blade was triggered , i have duplicated it couple of times against different shadow monsters so there is a bug here.

edit: used it also with genralist robes and it did light damage against a shadow monster , i think the blade is bugged.

guardian marc -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/16/2014 17:24:21)

Insightful UltraGuardian Robes will not yield any mana regeneration if you do negative damage to a monster, IE Imploding a Sunray with Light attacks.

This looks intentional. ~IMR

Neon_hyodra -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/17/2014 17:04:06)

Insightful UltraGuardian Robes has a cape in the image from info subs. But no matter if I hide or not hide the cape, it will not appear.
Sorry if this belongs in the graphic bug section.

trekkie5690 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/19/2014 14:24:58)

I had the Armor of Awe, Shield of Awe, and Spear of Awe!!! equipped. I attuned my armor to the water element, then switched for a temp Swift Ultra!!!Guardian Scythe; however, when I went into battle, my Ultra!!!Guardian Scythe was unaligned.

The Scythe always does random elements. All the "alignment" does is to make it slightly less random: in your case, you can't hit for Energy damage. ~In Media Res

Thanks! Now I know to keep my Spear of Awe!

DarkLore -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/24/2014 22:22:31)

Luminous shield sometimes tends to show its trigger animation active before battle. Maybe due to the ready inventory being enabled? Also the hands for the explorer's outfit (Scholar) Are always the default skin color. More of a cosmetic bug, but an armor bug nonetheless.

thedarkened -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/25/2014 19:31:04)

I don't know about this, but assailing blade doesn't work with sword master elbem

Intended. You're not wielding it like a sword. ~IMR

Lord Tenebros -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/2/2014 22:38:58)

Sorry if this bug has been reported already, although I haven't seen any posts on this last time I checked in the forums.

When I use Dracomorgrify on something that was previously a half-dragon (eg, Drakel, the Dragon Champions in the Mana Dragon quest, etc.), a message shows up saying that "pure-blood dragon now flows through its veins." However, when I continue attack it with the Dragon Staff, it still does Harm Damage and only does the damage that you would expect from attacking a Half-Dragon with the Dragon Staff (as opposed to the significantly higher Void damage that occurs from attacking a full dragon).

Also, when I cast Dracomorgify twice on Half-Dragons, I think I remember the "pure blood in its veins" message appearing again.

I don't have this problem when using Dracomorgrify twice on a non-Dragon monster, two successful casts renders it a "full dragon" and the Dragon Staff does appropriate damage as such.

Gah, it's because Kam keeps using the wrong monster categories >.>

Okay, it should be fixed, so that it ignores Kam's typos. Thanks! ~In Media Res

4?1?2? -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/3/2014 3:54:31)

When use Dracomorgrify on Non- Dragons, the game freezed.I didn't test with Half-Dragons yet.Tested on Drakels And Wyverns, got the same result.

DERP. I uploaded the new file to the shields folder, not the spells folder >.<;;;;

Okay. Okay. I put it in the proper folder, and I even tested it on the live server to make sure that it's working. Thanks! ~In Media Res

wheeqim -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/3/2014 8:25:43)

Just a bug I wish to surface, which is the Lvl 130 Greater Azamay Darkness Runestone. When I equip it, I encounter a notification saying "Error identifying glyph: please report this bug". May I know whether the bug can be fixed? Or do I have to buy a new one? Kindly advise. Thanks.

Fixed. Thanks! ~In Media Res

Lince -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (2/11/2014 13:07:29)

Sword Master Emblem does not work with Sword of Deren.
There are a few others like this I can't remember right now...

Fixed. If you remember any others, then just post about them and I'll take care of them. Thanks! ~In Media Res

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