RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (Full Version)

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CrAzY_BotZ -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (10/23/2016 21:16:31)

Dark dragon staff is still bugged. Every time the special goes off it freezes the game. I reported this bug a while back and have tested it on every PC and Mobil flash player you can imagine. Kam looked at the code and said it looked right, so if any one has this plz test it. If I can't get it fixed can I get a rare GGB too replace it?

Okay, so apparently it was just the Lv90 version of the DDS which was broken, which would explain why it was so hard to track down @_@ It should be fixed now. Thanks for the report! ~IMR

Ty ty ty ty ty, AQ4LIFE

Lukavi707 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (10/27/2016 3:00:23)


Old version Guardian Angel (ancient version; 10+ years old) causes game to freeze.

zinkk! -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/13/2016 3:41:46)

The attack of Paladin's Estate tome is bugged. There is no text on the 4 red option buttons. You can still see the attack on mouseover though. Also, the red buttons are a bit "angled", i.e. not horizontal.

EDIT: This happened vs. the AntiGuardian and is likely due to some glitchy interaction. Just tried vs another monster and it's fine.

RedEyedDrake -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/14/2016 17:41:19)

I successfully tagged a Fire Mantik and a Desert Guard, both of whom have a Fire modifier of less than 100%, as Dragonkin via the Dragonify spell (as in, the message indicating a successful tagging came up) but when I used the Galanoth Ally Assist on them it inflicted Fire damage against both every time it hit them in such a state. Then I successfully used Dragonify a second time on that same Fire Mantik and the Galanoth Ally Assist dealt Void damage to it with every hit, as it should. Additionally, when I used the Galanoth Ally Assist against a Cyclone Wyvern Rider, an enemy that (should be) tagged as Dragonkin by default and has a Fire modifier of less then 100%, it dealt Harm damage to the Cyclone Wyvern Rider with every hit. And after I successfully used Dragonify on that same Cyclone Wyvern Rider the Galanoth Ally Assist dealt Void damage to it with every hit. Later on, I successfully used Dragonify against an Exemplary Warrior, who has a Fire modifier of less than 100%, while equipped with the Light Dragon Blade and the successful tagging of the enemy as Dragonkin caused the Light Dragon Blade to use its trigger animation while the Galanoth Ally Assist dealt Harm damage to it with every hit.

As such, it is safe to say that either the Dragonify spell (and maybe the entire line of spells it belongs to) is bugged in such a way as to prevent it from applying the Dragonkin tag to an enemy that has Fire as its default element and doesn't have said tag by default, that the Galanoth Ally Assist is bugged in a way that prevents it from dealing Harm damage to an enemy that has Fire as its default element and gets tagged as Dragonkin while not having said tag by default or that the Galanoth Ally Assist is bugged in a way that prevents it from dealing Harm damage to enemies that have Fire as their default element and are tagged as Dragonkin.

King Darxonic -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/17/2016 0:21:36)

Underrealm/Light Realm/Champion Of Akriloth skin color with the helmet on does NOT match my characters skin color. Please Fix.

Glacies -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (11/25/2016 18:25:56)

Unequipping EbilCorp Logo/switching to another misc doesn't refund its initial SP cost.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/2/2016 5:57:23)


The attack of Paladin's Estate tome is bugged. There is no text on the 4 red option buttons. You can still see the attack on mouseover though. Also, the red buttons are a bit "angled", i.e. not horizontal.

Confirming this. I was using Paladin's Gift (10) and Scarred Crow, doing the Can't Wait to be Undead! quest in Neko haven.

Carandor -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/7/2016 10:04:31)

I was messing about with the lvl 145 healing wings spell and noticed the out-leveling mechanic isn't working as intended. It seems to be increasing instead of decreasing as the monsters get more powerful. Against a lvl. 153 Hallow, it should be reducing darkness damage taken by *0.458333, but in-game it says *0.5417. Against a lvl. 154 Zzzzzzott it should be reducing by *0.416667, but I'm getting *0.5833 etc.

It's working as intended. I wrote it up as -X%. In-game, it's displayed as a multiplicative *Y%. Y = 100%-X. ~IMR

big E -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/8/2016 9:32:06)

Scuba Mask and WHEEL armor don't seem to like each other. Equipping the misc while wearing the armor freezes the game.

See post below.

TBYM -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/8/2016 18:33:57)

Jousting Bug:

When using the dragon rider temp armor (from Dragon War) in the gaurdian tower---> jousting, it does not act as rider armor, thus your hit is not as strong.

Glacies -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/9/2016 2:19:07)

I'd like to mention that I'm also having this problem:


The attack of Paladin's Estate tome is bugged. There is no text on the 4 red option buttons. You can still see the attack on mouseover though. Also, the red buttons are a bit "angled", i.e. not horizontal.

EDIT: This happened vs. the AntiGuardian and is likely due to some glitchy interaction. Just tried vs another monster and it's fine.

< Message edited by zinkk! -- 11/13/2016 4:37:59 >

... but, in my case, it only happens when my armour is Knight of the Fire Orb, Armor of Awe, or Scarred Crow, regardless of who I'm up against. That might have actually been the case with the person who I quoted. If someone else could test this and confirm, that would be great. I'm not sure what the common factor between these armours is.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/9/2016 2:59:16)

Last I checked, the issue resolved itself with Scarred Crow (I was fighting the AntiGuardian on purpose and it worked fine). Not sure about KotFO since I don't have that on any of my characters, or AoA.

RedEyedDrake -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/9/2016 3:27:29)

Are Miscellaneous items like Ancient Dragon Knight's Crest and Horo-Show Void Visor supposed to be layered below the player's head when using them with the Pyromancer Bloodmage armor?

Also, the Horo-Show Void Visor still refunds SP when it isn't supposed to. When you complete a battle while equipped with, say, the Ancient Dragon Knight's Crest or the Irt of Osiris they don't refund the SP that you used up to keep them around for that battle's final turn even though they are automatically unequipped when the battle ends. Thus, I'm assuming that such is supposed to be the norm when it comes to such items. However, when you go through the exact same scenario with the Horo-Show Void Visor it does refund that amount of SP even though it isn't supposed to.

TheFourSins -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/10/2016 0:41:38)

there is a "Loading error" with the new weapon ShadowWalker staff of Time. When I try to equip the weapon, it just keep loading forever, I tried multiple times and cleared my internet but nothing work.

maybe it is for a higher lvl than my character is (lv 10) but there is no way to know since the lvl doesn't show up when I look for the stats of the weapon.

Should be fixed. Thanks! ~IMR

@In Media Res

Yes it is ! Thank you for the fix, it's appreciated !

Rayimika -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/11/2016 13:44:24)

Undefeatablade popup doesn't say what element damage it is in now, unlike End of Graves.

Bezman -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/11/2016 16:23:09)

Hi, I have looked around everywhere in the forum, but been unable to find anything about it.
I am level 89, and when my Blade of Awe performs Mana Regen or Health Regen (aka Mana/Health Vampire) attacks, I can see the enemy being "sucked", but I do not receive the regeneration part. Although the animation is there, indicating that I should receive it.
I tried to log off and back on a day later, but it keeps happening.
I checked here, but the description is not changed - it says I should receive the regen:
also here:�
-Operating System: Windows 10
-Web Browser and version: Firefox 50.0.2
-Flash player version:
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count): 9300 to 10600

Do I need to change anything, or is this a change/nerf from AQ side?

Yagno2000 -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/13/2016 22:10:11)

Minor toggle bugs with Under Realm set items.

When you equip Under Realm Champion (150) armor, toggle the helmet off, and re-equip the armor, the helmet toggle button at the bottom of the screen disappears, and does not re-appear on subsequent re-equips.

MRM setting on Under Realm Warhammer (150) does not properly save between equips. When the hammer is in Magic mode, re-equipping the hammer re-equips it in Ranged. Otherwise, re-equipping the hammer in Melee or Ranged mode re-equips the correct mode.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/17/2016 9:37:14)


The attack of Paladin's Estate tome is bugged. There is no text on the 4 red option buttons. You can still see the attack on mouseover though. Also, the red buttons are a bit "angled", i.e. not horizontal.

Aside the aforementioned armors with this problem, it happens in Angelic Robes too.

big E -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/18/2016 11:42:31)

Correction to my earlier post about WHEEL armor. Equipping any Misc item while wearing it currently freezes the game.

A speedy fix to this would be very appreciated. It's very easy to forget, and can be incredibly aggravating when far ahead in a lengthy quest. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Seems to be fixed now, thanks! Let's hope it doesn't show up again...

cVantez -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/20/2016 21:55:55)

The character under my avatar has 26 Misc slots and 25 Misc items. However, I get a notice saying my inventory is full whenever I try to purchase another Misc.

I have tried filling my Misc inventory on an alternate character, and that seems to work fine, just bugged on this one for some reason.

TiberiusTHERECREATED -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/22/2016 13:11:52)

The cozy weapons are giving out a bunch of numbers instead of what I assume is a "monster failed sleep save" message.

Weird o.o

Um, I think I fixed it. Refresh your page. ~IMR

Devourer of Love -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/28/2016 10:48:34)

OS: Windows 10
Browser: Firefox 50.1.0
Online Players: 9k-10k

This is likely a much more wide-spread bug, but there seems to be some sort of conflict between the "Under Realm Champion" armour and the "Cozy Fire Bat Swarm" spell. That said, I'm not really confident that this is actually a bug.

tl;dr the DefLoss applied by Wrath of the Underrealm (WoU) completely overrides the DefLoss applied by Cozy Fire Bat Swarm (CFBS), even when the DefLoss from Cozy Fire Bat Swarm should be higher.

Test 1 and 2 were against Ice Monsters from the Gift Deliver 2016 War Event. 3rd Test was against a Random Battle because I was sick of the ice monsters dying to fire spells. Didn't catch the name, but it was the silhouette of a Cyclops.

All tests are done while wearing the Champion of the Underrealm set.

Test 1;
Cast CFBS and reduce monster's fire defense.
Cast WoU and reduce monster's global defense
Fire Defense Loss disappears and is replaced by global defense loss.
Cast CFBS again
Message: "The additional cozy bats distract your foe further!" appears, but nothing happens.

Test 2;
Same as above, but don't cast CFBS first.
Exact same end result. "The additional cozy bats distract your foe further!" even though CFBS had not been cast, and nothing happens.

Test 3;
Cast CFBS TWICE to increase Fire DefLoss to -12.
Cast WoU to reduce DefLoss
Global DefLoss replaces Fire DefLoss. DefLoss is now only -2
Cast CFBS again
"The additional cozy bats distract your foe further!" but nothing happens, even though fire DefLoss should be DOUBLE the Global DefLoss, even without the -12 from earlier.

Also; The message "Your foe dexterously swats the cozy bats away." still appears when CFBS "fails" when WoU's DefLoss is active.


Now my D&D background tells me that this is not a bug, and that these DefLosses simply do not stack. But if that were true, then the Fire Defloss would still apply when the Fire DefLoss is higher than the Global DefLoss.

But if it's working as intended then this would be a contender for the "Not a bug" list.

Jdilla -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (12/29/2016 15:04:57)

Rejuvenating Necklace doesn't work properly against monster packs. It's tough to say exactly what's going wrong but I've managed to identify one concrete bug; there may be others in the area. The specific scenario I can confirm to be bugged is:

Pyro Bloodmage skill + Rejuv Necklace vs. pack monsters; improper MP regen on the turn you kill the last pack member (and possibly also any pack member after the first). I've had scenarios where I deal 2k damage with the first hit, killing the monster, the second hit lands but the monster is already dead, and I wind up with 0 MP regen. I've also had scenarios where the first hit leaves the monster with low HP, the second hit kills it, and I only get MP regen based on the damage dealt by the second hit. Perhaps for some reason Rejuv Necklace is bugged to only give MP regen based on the last hit of a multi-hit spell in those scenarios?

Red Dragon Archfiend -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/6/2017 15:29:57)

Legendary shadow Crystal (Naga Day) MP regen not working correctly against monster packs.

Bug details: The error occurs when you kill a monster in the pack. MP regen is typically less (or zero) after that point than it should be.

Before bug occurred: normal behavior
During Bug: MP regen not correct
After bug: no change

Item Bugged: Legendary Shadow Crystal (Naga Day)
Other Equipment: Pyromancer Bloodmage, Celtic Shield, Sila's Staff. I can reproduce this bug with other equipment as well.
Screenshot link: NA
Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? yes
Did you clear cache? yes
Did the bug happen again? yes
Browser Info: Internet Explorer 11, version 11.0.9600.18537
Flash version:

Known; currently "unfixable". ~IMR

Ella Minnow Pea -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (1/10/2017 21:20:09)

Type of bug: After purchasing Z tokens for the first time ever, items and gold disappeared from my account

Bug details: I purchased the Guardian Giftboxes VI '16 from the Guardian Tower. Last weekend, in a different, unrelated transaction, I purchased Z tokens for the first time ever. I received my Z tokens, but then as the giftboxes began opening after new year's, the items disappeared from my inventory, except the armor (Windter Warrior), and the misc item, which never did open, and still remains a giftbox. Also, tons of gold disappeared as well.

Item Bugged:
Other Equipment: Guardian Giftboxes VI '16

Character page link:

Did you log out and log back in? Yes
Did you clear cache? Yes
Did the bug happen again? Yes
Browser Info: Chrome 55 on Windows 10
Flash version: 24,0,0,186

Not a bug - most likely, you either misplaced something or someone else accessed your account. Change your password and make sure that no one else knows what it is. ~IMR

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