lolerster -> RE: Armor/Weapon/Shield/Spell/Misc/Title Bugs (8/27/2019 10:52:29)
When casting a lore enhanced spell in wizard robes with Celerity, the second cast of the spell is unaffected by wizard robe's mp modifiers. It does not cost extra from lore and the 5% reduction is not applied. However, lore's damage boost IS applied. Furthermore, under celerity, not casting lore on the first spell but casting lore on the second spell will cause the second spell to be not lore imbued. Reequipping the armor between spellcasts fixes both bugs. I'm not sure if this counts as a bug since it's technically working as it should. However, when equipping the armor from the Astromorph series after you ran out of mana on a high int character, gaining some amount of mana (e.g. from Amulet of Drakonnan, Pixel Ether or Zfinity Gauntlet: Mind, Fairy Godmother) and then removing Astromorph armor will turn your current mp at your actual int level into the same percentage it was in your astromorph armor (0 int) after gaining a small amount of mp. In other words, on a 250 int character, equipping Astromorph while having 0 mana,gaining mana from let's say time gauntlet and putting on a different armor will allow you to restore 100% of your mp. Furthermore, it should be noted that gaining mana by increasing your int is not permanent across armor chanhe if it is done through celtic wheel, only through miscs. This item effectively gives you infinite mana when paired with another item that provides int.