RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (Full Version)

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Connor -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/23/2009 15:17:02)

1) Congrats on becoming an AK. (my dream lol)
Thanks. =)

2) Whats it like being an AK?
You get thrown in a dark cell with magnificent maleficent friends fiends that lurk in every possible corner... =P

3) Have you seen me around the forums?
I think I've seen you a few times.

4) What would you rate my character on a scale of 1-10?
9. Pretty good. =)

5) Once again Congrats and i wish you the best of luck.
Thanks again!

Pink_Star -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/24/2009 0:17:33)

Hiya Sora Aeragorn! =D
Hiya Pink_Star! ^_^

Congrats on becoming an ArchKnight at AQ Q&A!

How are you doing today?
Great, how about you?

Do you play any other games other than AE ones?
Online? Not in particular.

Do you have any favourite ArchKnight/Moderator?
I don't play favorites. *hides list of people away* =P

*hands Sora a cookie*
*munches on cookie*

Do you wish to be a Moderator if you could?
Do I get more cookies?

I remembered... that you were once a rater at a Rating Centre at AQ CR&A.
Eh? Maybe my memory is failing me but I don't remember being a rater in CR&A.

You really deserved this title, since you had a <Helpful!> title previously! :D
Thanks again!

Good luck... Have FUN! :]
I'll try. =P

DoubleS -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/24/2009 11:31:55)

Hello! ^_^

I've seen you around eeven though I don't personally know you I know you'll be good.
Thanks, I'll do my best.

Whats your favorite band?
American? Probably Linkin Park.

Whats your favorite music genre?
Can't decide between Rock or Pop.

Are the archknight wepons for AQ good?
<.<>.> ...what Archknight weapons? =P

Who would win spiderman or batman(hardest question ever)?
Batman duh. =P

Whats your favorite food?
Chinese food!

Ok thats all good luck![:D]
Thanks, and see you around!

Dev -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/24/2009 17:53:32)

Heya Sora! Much deserved :).
Heya Orion of the Stars! Thanks! =)


So, what questions should I ask you?
Anything you would like. =)

If 3 Celtics get together and have a party, what is the party called? (Hint: American History)
Ooh, I know, the Boston Three Party! =D

/me chomps on Sora's head if the question was answered wrong
/me chomps on cookie if the question was answered right

How do you pronounce Koch?

If Kobe Bryant went to a Japanese restaurant, what is the name of the restaurant?
Um...Kobe Japanese Restaurant?

Brandon Roy. :)
<insert famous basketball player here> =P

Thoughts on Obama?
Not yet...

Well, good luck, and see you on IRC (or not), otherwise I'll just see ya around :)
C'ya. =)

Clyde -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/24/2009 20:11:43)

Hey Sora. :) *snugs*
Hey Clyde! ^_^ *snugs back*

Does Ice know you're Ninja watching when you're supposed to be working? :P
True ninjas know that observing is a great part of their job.

1. Why, WHY, whhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy?
Because, BECAUSE, beeeeecaaauuussse!

2. How's dem shackles?
They don't fit well. =/

3. Why don't people understand we're just like everyone else, but with more cages and shackles? ;_;
Because the majority always, subconsciously or not, tries to isolate the minority. =P

4. Brawl, ftw, no?
Yes, definitely.

5. What's your favorite item in AQ? :o
It's a secret. =o

6. I think Icemaster Yeti is collecting an army, what do you think?
I've been thinking for a fitting name. Perhaps Ice Minions of Doom would be nice...

7. It's always _____'s fault?
Eh? I don't blame anyone...

8. Why did the Croncler cross the road?Copyright
...did he really?

9. Do you read the Zardian? :O
Depends on the week.

10. More specifically will you be reading my articles?
If I don't skip over them. =P

Anyways 'nuff torture, take care of the AQ Q&A please. :p
Ha! You planned this all along, didn't you? (lol, see ya Clyde!)

Underclass Hero -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/25/2009 3:57:08)

Hey Sora! ^^
Hey Underclass Hero! ^_^

1. Do you know me?
I'm afraid not. =(

2. Do you like me? xD
Time will tell. =D

3. I can get you a cake if you want..?
Is it ice cream cake?

4. Wait, wait, which one is your favorite?
^see above

Anyway, congratz!

Larkin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/25/2009 4:42:36)

Hey Sora, Congratulations on finally becoming an AK! It's been a long time coming in my opinion.
Hey Larkin! Thank you. =)

I wasn't going to post, but I read a couple of comments where people had left questions answered already in the one FAQ topic but found your reply to be kinder and more courteous than the norm.
...but I was trying to be merciless and vulgar... =P

Just wanted to say Hi and I look forward to reading your replies!
Thanks again, and hope to see you around!

nightshadow989 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/25/2009 5:18:13)

sup and congrats
Not much and thanks!

since im using my ps3 for internet i cant space my questions like everyone eles so do bare with me untill my laptop is fixed lol
No problem. =)

but anyway how do you become ak im guessing buy helping alot and not breaking any rule which rule wise seems impossible since some ak is alway telling you this and that no matter what you do lol
I think you mentioned the essentials. Lol, everyone makes mistakes; it's just whether or not you learn from them. =P

well anyway hope you do well being an ak i know ill probably never be one myself more then likely lol but anyway cya around hehe nightshadow the gothic skunkwolftaur
p.s.-gives giant chewy cookie to the new ak =^_^=
Thanks and c'ya! ^_^

- p.p.s i was wondering what you think of my char i plan on having him at 130 to have 180 str end and 190 dex keeping int at 100 unless thay drop the healing spells cost and switch necromancer to using sp instead of mp then itll be dropped to 50 or even 0 then put that 50 or 100 into chr lol
That seems like a unique tank warrior build. Sounds good to me. =)

Dil -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/25/2009 13:14:39)

Hello! =)


Do you/Did you ever watch/like DB DBZ DBGT?
I never was an avid DB/DBZ/DBGT watcher. I've seen some episodes here and there though.

You like my sig? i change it when ever i remember to a different quote from DBZ after i run out of Ones from the DB trilogy im gonna move on to Yu Yu hKusho then FMA then Cowboy Bebop so on so on
It shows that you're a DBZ fan. I respect that. =)

nice avvy
Thanks again!

vezha -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/25/2009 14:32:27)

Eh there Sora!
Hiya vezha! =)

You bleeding from the shackles rubbing against your ankles yet?
It's a slow process of tightening. I probably won't bleed for a while...

Here, have an Icecream cake. And some bandages for your bleeding legs.
*stuffs ice cream cake down* Thanks!

Did you accept the job, or did they have to drag you to your cell?
I had to accept the job because I was dragged to my cell. =P

Anyway, gratz!
Thanks, and c'ya!

Nova Gryphon -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/26/2009 3:46:30)

Hey Sora!!
Hey Nova Gryphon! =)

Congrats on becoming an AK.
Thank you.

What does the cell look like?
The darkness prevents me from giving you an accurate description, but I sense dangers from every corner... =P

What metal are the shackles made out of?

Do you want ice cream?

If so, what flavor?
Cookies and cream please. ^_^

Congrats again - I'll be seeing you around.
Thanks again, and see ya!

Asenbesen -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/26/2009 19:56:40)

Hello Sora,
Hey Asen! ^_^

congratulations again on becoming an AK.

For the sake of the sanity of everyone involved, I have just one question, if you don't mind:
Of course not. =)

Did you notice the invisible size 1 text in the PM I sent you after you had become an AK?
>.> No I didn't...hehe, you're a sneaky one.

That's all. See you.
See ya!

Wirble_Wind -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/26/2009 20:03:59)

Good day random Sora Aeragorn.
And good day to you, random sir Wirble_Wind! =)

Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight :)
Thank you. =)

Now that the hard part has been written , time for the questions eh ? =D
Bring them on. =P

Why are you a ninja ?
Because ninja AK's are lacking in this world. =P

And as a ninja , what type of poison do your daggers use ? Rat poison ? Plant poison (-looks at that "nature" avatar of yours-) ? Snake venom ? Human Poison(chips) ? Or another more interesting type of which you will have to give the name?
Sorry to disappoint you, but I do not use poison.

Up to the next small thing : Why don't you just get out of the cell and shackles with your ninja-skills ? Is that AKadium too strong for your weaponry ? Or the cookies they give you are too good ?
For several reasons. First of all, the dungeon I live in seems to be in a whole different dimension not dictated by simple laws of nin-jics. Second, it would be a futile attempt anyway since the ever vigilant cell-keepers/moderators are more powerful than I am. Finally, AKadium is AK-proof and the locks on the metal can only be opened by a moderator key.

Zzzzznext queztion : What do you think/thought of Dr. Voltabolt ? (I really couldn't think at another random character)
He should stick to being a regular dentist.

And the last question is *drum roll* : What is your favorite color ? (You didn't expect that did you ? Me neither ._.)
I would say blue.

Anyways , congratulations again and I hope that you will love the dark , cute cell you got there :D !
Oh yeah, it's really "cute"... =P

Good bye random Sora Aeragorn ! And good luck =)
Thanks again and see you!

winnie0000 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/27/2009 18:39:02)

Hey sora. Congrats on AKdom.[:)]
Hey winnie0000! Thank you. =)

I have two questions so here we go.
I have two answers so here I go.

1st: what made u choose the current avatar that u have?
The ninja conscience inside me. =P

2nd, who would you think would win in this battle, Warlic vs. Artix??
Depends on who gave up first.

anywayz, congrats on your AK-ship and as Artix would say, "Battle On."[:D]
And as I will say, thanks again!

quote:"Battle On." is either trademark or registered trademarks of Artix Entertainment, LLC.

tflo -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/27/2009 21:19:32)

hullO i do not believe that we have ever met...[:(] well im tflo!
Hello tflo! =)

so who promoted you?
Icemaster Yeti

do you play AQW?

What colors the shackles?
Everything's dark in here...

If I sent you a PM would you return it? [&:]
Depends. =P

Answered a lot of questions so far?
I can manage... =]

What do you think of me? [;)]
Do you really want to know?... =o

What is your favorite AE game?

Play any sports?
Yes, basketball, volleyball, and of course Wii sports. =D

K tflo is Done!

Good Luck with the new responsabilities and see ya!
See you!


oh and /me snugglesthedangerousninjathathehasnevermetbeforebutitsokbecauseigotacoockie
/rawr =)

Bloush -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/27/2009 21:23:56)

I just wanna say hi
Hey Bloush! =)


Do you like pie?
Aye. =)

Read any manga? (predicts you do since your avvy looks like manga/anime)
Yep, Naruto and Bleach. =]

seeya around! (i know it was short... ur lucky im in a good mood today. >:O
See ya!

Sora Aeragorn -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Sora Aeragorn (1/29/2009 18:05:49)

Alright, thank you all for your questions! I had fun answering all of them. ^_^


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