RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (Full Version)

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Dil -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/25/2009 12:01:50)


Hi and THanks

do you watch/used to watch DB/Z/GT?
Used to

halo nerd -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/25/2009 19:25:46)


StupIdiot -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/25/2009 19:37:51)

Not much to say here...

I don't think I've ever seen you around the OOC, Who are you?
Some guy nemae Crimzon5
Now that thats done with, hi! =D
Also Congratz! =D
Seeya around hopefully.

Ailifr -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/26/2009 12:50:03)

So once again another guy tries to fill the gap in OOC I left. Good luck =P
No, seriously now. Enjoy your time in here and with all the other guys. You have great backup there, so don't hesitate to use it when necessary.
I <3 reinforcements
Grats on becoming a guardian of our Beloved Hellhole™, have fun and help make it a great place.
Thanks again
If not... you don't wanna see me angry ;)

dxb105 -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/26/2009 23:03:41)

hi Crimzon5 what happened to Crimzon4
I dont wanna talk about it

what color are your shackles
if there Crimzon dose that mean there hot
it's c-cold...
what dose you cell look/smell like
whats you fav color is it sky blue
want a cookie
I'm not going to give you a cookie
Geass time
on a scale of 1-10 how crazy awesome is mwha
which one's the highest
can i have 10 bucks
good now can i have 10 more
I said no :p
So i stole 30 when you weren't looking

Sasuke Uchiha1132 -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/26/2009 23:52:54)

Hey Crimzon.One question this time.

Do you think Lelouch's Hat when he becomes Emperor is epic?
Laughed at the first time... then liked it the second time I saw it

Great Job as an AK!

spellmaster -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 0:08:32)

Hey crimzon! Normaly I'm mean to ak's, but the lulz are strong in you, so I'll go easy.
1. Congrats?
Thanks. WHat kind of question is that?
2. What am I thinking?
3. Do you ever see me in the mq gd or the ooc?
OOC - yeah. MQ - no
Hmmm..... I can't think of anything so your done. I know it was short, but sweet :D.
whew... thanks

ps. If someone is going to give me a warning for being too smexy I want it to be you XD. Give my bad behavior justice.
Will do

OmegaBreak -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 0:29:23)

@ spellmaster, Lawl

I'm back :P
Hi again
So, what musiks do you like ?
Christian Rock
Food ?
Do you play DF ?
I can has immunity to warnings and bans ?
Win the immunity raffle during my birthday, then yes... but immunity only to me
That's all I got for ......... now :D


Brownie -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 0:46:44)

Hey! I...Don't really know you...
Neither do I know you :p

Anything super-mega-interesting going on in AK world?
It's an adventure!
Double-Choc Cake or 12 Triple-Choc Brownies?
Good choice on the anime to use. I just recently saw the first episode premiering on ABC2 in AUS so Lelouch was fresh in my mind. (I spelt that right, yes?)

Correct spelling and grammar or mybe teh occasional misspeeling?
correct spelling but sometimes unintentional typos
Do you "Flip your Banshee?"
Say wha---?
Alucard or Anderson?
Sir Integra Fairbrook Windgates Hellsing or Enrico Maxwell?
Would you be mad if, after answering my questions, you made a spelling mistake somewhere and I did what I do (Correct them)?

NAh... unless you're the guy who edited my post into the wrong spelling

Annoyed at the inquisitive block of chocolaty deliciousness yet?

Oh yea, and what are these "Shackles" everyone talks about? I'm a little clueless. And wouldn't it be hard to type and edit posts in shackles? (depending on how they're hung).
Shackles: Dorm :: AK: College
But congratz, and I can't find the words to finish this sentence off...
Adios then

Frozen Fire -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 6:42:41)

I shall be in bold purple text.

Hey, I know you!
I know you by name

These kids really grow up so fast... I'm being left behind :))
OMG Crimz going AK! This is... Global Warming's fault!!!
Now prepare for my lethal, destructive and limitless questions. kind and polite questions.

1.) So, how's the cold and dark shackles? life?
so far ok
2.) What planet country do you come from?
3.) If the world gets hit by a meteor, would you save AE or your girlfriend *assuming you are a guy*
4.) What would be the positive effect on the forum when you are now an AK?
dead smileys
5.) Do you believe that I may be an AK soon? *Soon=2 weeks to 5 years*
soon, yes
6.) Do you think that I may be a writer someday? *Someday= Tomorrow to 35 years*
of course
7.) I'm sorry if you answered this before, and but who AK'ed you?
~And BTW correct your first post, it says "now one". It should be "now on" I'm sorry, but I'm allergic to bad spelling*

These are the preliminary rounds. I'll give you a rest.

~Froe the Lunar Penguin


15cman -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 7:29:07)


The power of Geass increases with use, usually starting in one eye. It can eventually spread to both eyes and become uncontrollable with repeated use. At this point, the one who granted the power can relinquish his or her immortality to the recipient, allowing the recipient to continue the cycle while the giver is allowed to die. The immortality is referred to as the giver's "Code," and grants the person immunity to Geass in exchange for their original power.

So...who gave you Geass?
In the anime, it was CC. But since Circe gave me AKship... it's Circe I guess

:P You do know that eventually your Geass power and your AK power will overflow, causing mass-destruction upon the forums and then you will have to relinquish your Geass /joke

I wonder if he realizes that I looked up that quote on wikipedia So...did you?
I knew it was from wikipedia. I memorized it lol

Code Geass Code Geass!Crimz's power is overflowing!Oh noes!:P
Evil laugh

Lol nothing left to say so Bye!

Severin -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 13:11:01)

Hey there Crimzon5!

Did you scratch my CD?
I'm innocent
What about my bible, I guess that disappeared on it's own right?
I'd never steal a bible... I borrow then
Oh well...Guess I am gonna have to find it...I could've sworn it was under my bed.
Maybe the Underbed monster took it?
Depends... is the bible in written by AE?
Wait, have you heard of mewithoutYou? They r the gr8est.
Haven't yet
Did you know that you are only 22 days older than me? (I looked at your profile)
Anyways, Have fun and play safe!
sure sure

skydrite -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 16:53:21)


I don't really have a question and just dropping by to say congratulations.

Good luck too. :D


kasama999 -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 20:35:11)

Hi Crimzon5!

Congrats on being an AK!!!

1.) Now first of all, what kind of Geass do you have? Power of the Kings

2.) Why do people always think that Ak's are in shackles and cages? THink? Or know?

That's it for now...

The Master -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 21:32:32)

I parked my TARDIS in your toilet.

Can I borrow your cat I need one for genetic experiments
Dont have one


*sniff sniff* eww

Do you like peanuts?

Do you know the Crimson King?

toidiedud -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 21:48:44)


So did you hear about the Code Geass movie/ova?
Does this video make you want to kill me?
I should run from fangirls now shouldnt I?
Bacon or chives?
Cheese or crackers?
Chicken or beef?
Hungry or Full?
Ok I cant think of anymore food questions...
Im done[8D]

Nabsol -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/27/2009 22:46:37)

So, first of all, good job.
Now, lets do this tangy thang.

1)How will you react if i say thang?
no effect
2)What music is your preference?
So I can annoy you?
Christian Rock
3)Do you plan to be a frequent poster in the forum that does not involve locking?
Because I'm bigger than you and always will be.
Havent locked a thread (but locked 2 polls)
4)What do you think of the words I've put in white for the past three questions?
5)What were you like before you became an AK?
"Because, like I said, I'm bigger and always will be.
A Scavenger Hunt winner

Frozen Fire -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/28/2009 5:34:43)

Watashi tadaima de imasu.
Let the chaos and interrogation questions start again.

1.) How did you find out about AE?

2.) If you hadn't found out about AE, what would you be right now?
I'd be playin' AoM

3.) Do you have a weird trait?
none that I know of

4.) What school do you go to?

5.) What is your catchphrase?

6.) What's your favorite subject?

7.) Have you seen a solar/lunar eclipse?
No [:(][:(]

8.) What city do you come from (in the Philippines)?

9.) What are the 2 new buttons on the forum when you're an AK?
Hammer + checkboxes

10.) Would you give up your AKship to another person? Who would that be?

I'll return...

*Oh dear can't double post

~Froe the Lunar Penguin

Zykan -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/28/2009 23:42:38)

Yo. Congrats.
1. How much do you like Code Geass?
A LOT!!!
2. Like any other anime/mangas?
a few
3. Cant think of more. But...Do I know you?
I doubt it

Gus. -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/29/2009 15:24:43)

Congrats Crimzon :)
*snugglewugglehugglepouncetickletackleglompfuzzlewuzzlesnugattacks Crimzon*
You'll eventually get used to my snuggles (Hopefully). :D
So a Geass fan, eh? Code Geass is one of my favorite anime. ^.^ (Tied first with another 1 or 2 anime)
Oh goodie
If you could have any one Geass, which would it be?
Well, take care now! (:

Weary Knight -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/29/2009 18:11:25)

Hello! Hi

You really should try learning this dance. *Does the headstand*

If your answer was no, why not? Too epic for you?!?!
Should I ask a question that requires a yes/no answer, just to make it easy for you? :P
Why not
Well, I can't think of anything more questions. I blame the person below me for this!
What a shame


Alixander Fey -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/29/2009 20:37:53)

Congrats fellow L&L friend. =P
Thanks, man

Smalls -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/29/2009 22:35:15)

Well, since there's no post limit, I'm giving you more carpel tunnel :P
Bring it
So, are you noticing I'm obsessed w/ The Killers yet?
Noticed ever since I became an AK
Ohhh, since I'm procrastinating HW, I'm gonna ask ya some of mah HW problems :D...
Me = athletic nerd with vocabulary/spelling problems
Explain what role fluids play in rock metamorphism.
That's it, umm, so err, THIS RIVER IS WILD, and um, JENNY WAS A FRIEND OF MINE, and umm, NEON TIGER, yeah, those are Killers songs... Isn't the Jenny one a story of yours in the L&L?
Yeah, when I have troubles thinking of story ideas, I use songs, add characters, add more lines and out comes what some of my friends say is my best work :D

Oh yeah, Vaka also likes The Killers :D *Points to Hot Fuss siting in the corner of his desk* Hehe... to expect that from a chocolate bar

Have more fun :D :D :D :D

Master Merlin -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/29/2009 22:44:18)

Congrats on the AK Crimzon5!
1. Care for a spot of tea?
Iced Tea?
2. Do you know the hidden location of Lepr' Khania?
3. O' Rly?
4. <Insert witty comment here>
<insert wittier comment here>
5. Tea or coffee? Keep in mind that if you pick coffee I will slap you.
Tea... coffee makes me cough
6. Did you know that I am the Grand Tea Lord of the Englishman's Sociely Of Tea Drinkers and also a Djinn? To think that existed

7. Jacuse!
... wha?
8. *Meow*
9. Something fishy is going on here... *fish comes out of the sky and slaps me*
*throws bread crums at the fish*
10. Am I insane?
not that much


Xatu -> RE: =MtAK= Geass-granted AK: Crimzon5 (1/29/2009 23:15:50)

1. Darling, you've got to let me know...
go on
2. Should I stay or should I go?
your choice really
Edit: Oh, c'mon. It's not a multiple choice quiz question!
3. Did your faith in humanity drop after reading merlin's questions?
NAh... they decreased because of the news you guys post in the OOC

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