RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (Full Version)

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stormrage9147 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 17:58:33)

Hello Burn, Congratz on getting AK [:D]

Cookies or Waffles?

Angels or ArchAngels?

AQW or DF?

Oh also Happy almost B-Day congratz again dude
Thanks :D

Doom or Destiny?

1 more question, Dragonslayer or Dragonlord and why?
Dragonlord - because pwning things with a dragon is so much more fun.

Coyote -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 18:02:51)

Heya, Burn! Congrats! =D

Zomg do you know when PvP will be released?
Eez it tru wen u clik on a pixel a shop unloks in twilite?

How's it like, being the only one with me in this corner of the AK 'office'?
At the moment, its rather comfy, but im sure it will get messy quickly :D

What would you do if I asked the same question twice?
Answer it twice :D

Looking forward to the time where regular forumites will be able to post their own threads? =P
Of course, its only half the fun when they can't :D

Are you stunned by my manliness? =P
Very much so. Its blinding.

Why aren't you ever on IRC?
I am always on IRC. Possibly different timezones

What would you do if I asked the same question twice?
Answer it twice :D


If you're rowing uphill in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes could you fit in a doghouse?
y u do dis?

So good luck, and goodbye. n_n

Nemi133 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 18:11:04)

Congrats! [:)]
Well deserved, I'd say.

Enjoy the shackles. You might be wearing them for a while... [;)]


Tomix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 18:20:17)

Who's burning?
Nevermind, congratulations (I think it's third time :D) on AKship!
You have gained 5 skill points!
Use them well.

+3 in Wrath, +2 in RAAAAAGEE!!!

No questions...I know everything about you >:3

See you!

Lord Pwner -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 18:20:44)

The schki :D

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Chuck Norris :D

Do you leik mudkip?
I liek mudkip.

How much money are u gonna give me if i take off the shackles (if you dont have them than pay me anyways :D)
Nu! Munee mien D:<

Do you leik me?
Yash :D

Did you ever eat a cockroach?
Ewww no :D

Have you ever seen me dressed up as a giant chickencow :D
Nope D:

Can i borrow your super big hydron collider? i wanna end teh world!!!!
Nu! Iz mein D:<

would you label me as a boy or a girl? cuz alot of my friends label me as a random person who hangs out with girls :P

Am i a weirdo?

If so how weird?



toidiedud -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 19:17:59)

Um congrats?

Anywho seeya later in b-1 maybe once I get my membership renewed >.<

Smalls -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 19:28:18)


So do you use the OOC?
Occasionally. Not too much D:

If so; do you remember me? (I'm probably the most infamous one there because of mah obsession with The Killers, which leads me onto the next question)
Sorry :/

Do you like The Killers? (If not, youtube them NAO!)
Yar very much.

I twisted mah ankle today D:, how: I *cough* fouled mahself in basketball today :(
Silly j00 D:<

Do you use the L&L?
I have a few stories and poems in the 101

If so have you read mah stories (they're in the English 101 section, and the approval section, I'm trying to get approved :D)
I will take a look at them

Well, goodbye for now, hope you enjoyed :D, I like editing posts, I'ma admin (like a mod) in another forum, so I get one of these, and I like it, it's fun editing :D

SwordPrince -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 20:29:18)

1: congrats? Thanks!
2: who is he who isn't you mudkipz?
3: whats your favorite number 4 :D
4:a simple pawn walks a checkered path to? Give a man a fish, and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and feed him for the rest of his life.
5: what is 2+2 4 :D
6: how many roads must a man walk down until you can call him a man 17
7:i have a jar of dirt guess whats in side? Mudkipz?
8: do you like shiny things? Where? :O
9: favorite emote? [sm=twill3a.gif]
10: ? mudkipz?
Congrats again Thanks!

S3kshun8 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 21:30:42)

Congrats Burn, I'll see you in "b-1."
Thanks! See you!


jazlovely_017 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 22:46:52)

Yo Burn.. It's me Jazlovely_017 (i guess you know me)

Congratz!!! xD

Can you post a thread in AQW? (Nice Perks)

Do you know what's next in Forthcoming Feautures.?
No idea, sorry

Congratz Again!!!
See you in B-1

WoTiFe -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 22:52:13)


Shotguns or Rockets?

Tell Coyote that i ate his powers.
im in ur threadz editing ur replies... WITH mah powers! D=< ~Coyote
y u do dis cyoote? D:

What will you do if i place a bomb in your house?
Eat it :D

Burn VS Reni:Who will lose?
Reni of course! rawr!

Tell reni that i mistaked his plushie avatar as fish.
Will do :D

Can i have one of your over-cooked cookies?(You did that)
Nu D:<

/me sends an army of twig to mudkipz?
Complete this sentence.

I luv Wish and wice-cweam!
That isn't a question D:<

Wow you has messed up typing skeelz :D


Ok.Enough alien language for now.

Where do you live?
2.Unknown Universe

Can you do me a favour?
Nu D:< mien

If yes,get a venus fly trap and put your finger inside.Observe.

That's all bye!

.Shadow// -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 22:55:33)

Burn? Where? AHHHH!!!

Heh, anyway, just popped in to say congratz.
Thanks! :D

Do you remember me from the beta days? (My username is Shadow)
Yar :D

See ya around!

Razerix -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 23:06:57)

hey burn. well congratz on becoming an AK Thanks
1. how did you become an AK Stardot asked me to become one :D
2. remember me? we used to hang a bit wish ash, icequeen (i dont remmebr if thats it) leo and others a lot? orly?
3. my user is lone rogue well have fun on the road to...err....WORLD DOMINATION! don't tell anyone..shhhh

Protego -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 23:34:17)

1. Congrats.

2. What's your favorite class in AQW?

3. What's your favorite weapon in AQW?
Royal Sceptre, Staff of Imp Fire or Guanduo of Slaying

4. Are you a member in AQW?

5. Do you play DF?

5a. Do you have a dragon amulet

6. Do you consider me a god?
Nu D:

7. Would you rather be burned to death or beheaded?
Beheaded. Its less messy.

The answer you choose will be how you die if you don't consider me a god!

do nut loff D:<

8.Are you a boy or girl?
I am a Burn

Do me a favor, jump into quicksand and observe, what happened?
Nu D:<

9. Are you addicted to AQW?

10. What is the most random question you can think of?
That one

11. If you had an evil twin, what would you do?
I don't so I won't have to do anything :D

12. Ebil Artix is coming at you with a doom weapon, what do you do?
Buuuuuurrrn him

13. Angry villagers are charging at you with water, what do you do?
Buuuuuurrrn them

setekh -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 23:36:18)

hi guys

im new here
Well get comfy, I am sure you will stay [:)]

Mudkip -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (1/31/2009 23:44:47)

Hi der

Do you liek mudkipz?
Yar :D


Lex Libris -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (2/1/2009 0:19:19)

Burn! :o
Thats my name! Don't wear it out!

zOMG u iz AK nao?
liek srs nao?

Congrats Burn! :D

Happy Birthday too! [sm=bdaysmile.gif]


nukefission -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (2/1/2009 2:57:16)

1.who pmed u that u were an ak-mod
Stardot :)

2.what was your reaction chain reaction
Fire --> Curplode --> Burn

3.favorite food?
Pizza :D

5.favorite AE game?

6.what levels in AE games?
AQW - 19
AQ - 114, 27
DF - 45, 40, 30
MQ - 25, 24, 23

7.*breaks rules*
/me breaks j00

8.chicken or cow
Both! many dollars is 7 euros times 8 pounds?

10.can i be a potato
Only if you eat your greens u think im crazy?
Crazy is as crazy does

12.i can has fishtank computer?
Nu! Iz mien D:<

Mudkipz? am i crazy?
Crazy is as crazy does

ok thats all enjoy you akship


p.s pweeeeeeeeeeese dont band me

Crystal Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (2/1/2009 2:59:37)

Hello Burn.

What do you think of my name?Is it cliche or a unique combination of cliche names?
Its cool :D

Do you like lions?
They are awesome. Very majestic and powerful.

Do you like prawns?I dislike them.
I love them, and all seafood

Do you know who I am?
Crystal Lion :D

Why are you called Burn?
Was listening to Avenged Sevenfold's Burn It Down, when making my forum account, so made it that. Later I changed it to Burn as its a more namey name.

What's with all the copious dungeon references when an AK is chosen?
Because we live in cages D:

Are you Chinese?
Russian. So no, not chinese.

What do you think of this edited screenshot?

Have a look?
/me liek

See you around and congrats on your promotion.

SoulShatter -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (2/1/2009 3:36:32)

Burn Baby Burn!
Rawr :D

Gratz on AK-ship

I cannanot reach the controls captan

If you could pick a fantasy animal (Dragon, Chimera, etc) as pet, what would it be?
Dragons are awesome.

Favorite Animal?

Will you be at Superbowl?
In spirit only :D

Thanks for these anwsers (I'm Dutch so sorry if this is spelled incorecctly)
No worries. Im russian :D


Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (2/1/2009 4:09:25)

I can't believe I didn't post in here yet ! O.o

So, many congrats for becoming an AK !

Are your shackles tight enough ?
Nice and tight. I can't feel my hands which can only be a good thing!

That's all from me ! Congrats and bye !

EDIT : You stole me questions for Minar's MtAK ? XD ~ Suranjan

Envy7 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (2/1/2009 5:46:49)

Hey! Congrats. :3

1. /me start's mindless braincell-damaging questions.
Good thing I don't have a brain :D

2. So whats your job? :D
I patrol the AQW Boards with my delete lazer which goes piaow piaow

3. Wana give me the key to your cell? (I'm colecting them) :3
Stardot and Angelique share it D:

4. I heard from .*. .*. .*. and Angelique that they gona start a coup de' tat ... so you gona take par in it? :D
Of course not *shifty eyes*

5. Are you a persona non grata?
Maybe? And what if I am?

6. Ok, ok :P I'll stop with the confusing french terms... So are your shakels SHINY? :3
Verrrryyyy :D

7. Angels or Stars? >:D

8. Hows the weather? :P
We have snow! Im so epicly excited! We never have snow!

9. Favorite wepon in AQW?
Royal Sceptre, Guanduo of Slaying, or Staff of Imp Fire

10. Can I kill some more of your brain cells? :3

11. Realy? D:

12. Ok then we go on with easy questions... DOOM?
Want mudkips with that?

13. Doom III, Prince of Persia, Mirors Edge or Twilight?
Prince of Persia!

14. Vampires or Lycans(werewolfs)?

15. K, I'll stop torturing you since I'm going to play some PoP :P
Pop goes the weasel?

Hope i didn't kill all your brain cells :3 Have fun on the forums and always remember to fuel your fire :3
"I'll be back >:(" xD I'll post later to see if you got some nerves left :D */wave* *snugle*

Crimzon5 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (2/1/2009 5:49:59)

Hi and congrats.
Hi and thanks!

Happy that I aint using my crimson font color right now?
Yash that would be very awkward D:

Uhh... congrats again.
Thanks again :D

THIS_IS_SPARTA -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (2/1/2009 8:31:13)

Hiya Burn

Not going to be long
Cool :D

Congrats on AKship, you really deserved it. (remember burn answering lot of questions :o :o)
Heh thanks

hmm, pie or cake

ice or ice

ice or fire

fire or fire

Hmm, well those questions are random, I know that :o

bye and congrats again :o
Bye and thanks again!

High Lord Draton -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the AK - Burn (2/1/2009 9:05:38)

Hiya There....Ehhhh name's Burn right?!

Great your Archknight thats awesome

are you ready for the real questions

Will you join me in my conquest to destroy Rolith and bring Doom to the Koofu (the pay is well and the color of your shackles are a nice pink)
Nu! D:

I'm assuming that you have realized that cookie you ate the other day was actually a.........COOKIE!!!

Me and my dog Midnight the Battle Pup wold like to know Shiszefickle or SloopyFloop
Gee you are strange :D

Draton Signing off (Up Up and Away)


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