RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (Full Version)

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.Shadow// -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/4/2009 22:25:01)

After all the congratz I did via PM, I'm ashamed I'm posting here this late.
xP No problem man. :)

If the the square root of 372 is 1264356, what does that make 76?

Will you still be making oosim Flash sctuff?
Like yesh. I'll try my best. :)

Knoproblem. :3

FishFrost -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/4/2009 22:25:44)

Omg Minar, congratz on your AKship xD
Thanks man!

So how tight are your chains?
*whispers* Loose. Dun tell goof. D:

Do you include oranges in your everyday diet?
I would never eat my brotheren!

Are you and Reni kind of competing now?
Me and reni are friends, not rivals. xP

I'll be back with more questions if I have any! Bye!
D: Cya later FF!

Wilderock -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/4/2009 22:30:28)

Honestly, I don't come around these parts, so I've never heard of you or seen you. XD But congratulations, anyway! :P See you on IRC!
Haha. No hard feelings. xP Thanks man!

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/4/2009 22:38:00)

hello minar.
Hey ILmaster13!

what does your name remind you of?
A miner? xP

how do your chains feel?
I dunno. Can't feel my legs. D:

two coins equals 30 cents and one of them isnt a nickel? what are they?
2 coins that are each 15 cents. :D

dont look until you ansered the above riddle:
a quarter and a nickel.

how many Aks are there?
I dunno the EXACT number but you can count in the Crucial Info boards. ;)

did you get exited when you become an Archnight?
Very. xD

who do like better clyde or andy8?
I like all AKs equal. No lie! :D

congragulations on your accomplishment. good luck.
Thankies a bunch! :3

ninjamonkeee -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/4/2009 23:37:15)

OK...I'm back with one more question, for now.
Lol. Mmk. I'm ready.

When you gonna finish my armor for Dracelix's comic? Just curious, not trying to sound condescending.
Hmm... I'm gonna do it when I'm free. Cuz I'm really not open to do art 24-7. That doesn't mean I still come to the CA areas though. ;)

And for a third or fourth time, congrats.
And for the 3rd time, thanks!


Icy -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/4/2009 23:42:27)

Hello Minar. Congratulations on making AK!

I haven't met you before so...hello I'm Ice/Trip nice to meet you. :)
Nice to meet ya. :)

I don't have many questions, so I'll only ask two.
1. Do you like sheep or pigs more?(I had both once)
Pigs. I dunno why. xP

2.Chaos or Unity?

Good luck and see you around!

Andy8 -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/5/2009 3:17:05)

Hi, Minar...Nice to meet you here...n_n
Andy! :3

No questions, hehe, just busy answering in my own =MtAK= >.<.
Haha. I totally understand.

Thanks man!

Cairofairo -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/5/2009 13:01:06)

<Snore snore> 5 hours later.... Huh wat oh rite hehehe

First and most important congrates minar!!
Thanks cairofairo!

1. Fire or water?

2. Good or evil?

3. Artix or sepulchure?

4. THis question is not important so i wont ask who your favourite npc is?
I have no idea. xP

5. Paladin, Deathknight or Necromancer?
Deathknight, they are a mix of Paladin and Necromancer.

6. Dragonslayer or dragonlord?

7. Doom or purify?

8. Chocolate or veges?
Both. ;)

9.Wat a silly question?
"Chocolate of vegies."

10. Thats all for now good day sir

11. I said GOOD DAY SIR!!!

Rabbid Chipmunk -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/5/2009 18:02:22)

has cyesero ever stole your left sock?
That would explain my missing left socks. :P

do they really feed you milk and cookies?
Yesh. Yesh they do. :3

Are u recruiting orange minions?
Maybe...... >.> *hides oranges behind me*

necterines or clemintines?

Selpchure or alteon?
I dunno. Both. Neither. Whichever likes oranges most. :P

Chipmunks or Squirells(say squierlls)?

If you said squirells you are now in an undead chipmunk army if you said chipmunks you have been given undead chipmunk powers

finally congrats and good luck
Finally, thanks and thanks! :3

Competition -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/5/2009 20:41:03)

hey im just here to say gratz!
Thanks a bunch elite5273!!!

atomicgoose -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/5/2009 21:25:10)

Hey! :D

Do you fear the ATOMIC GOOSE OF DOOM?

Do you ever eat oranges?
Maibeeeee..... :P

What rhymes with orange?
NOT door hinge.

Whats 2*45*2*452*989*314*moglin^2+fritos-82/orange?
24. ._.

What is your theme song?
Badger badger badger ORANGE ORANGE! xP

What are your superpower?
Super Vitamin C powers-a-go!

Do you ever get tired of orange? I know I don't lol
Never shall I get tired of orange! D:<

Green or Orange?

Orange or Green?
Green. Wait. No. Orange.

Orange or Apple?

Orange Chicken or Firecracker Shrimp?
Orangefire shrimp!

Orange Juice or Orange Soda?
Orange soda. >:)

Okay I'm done with the questions.

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/6/2009 2:39:56)

Hey there. :)

Whats the most emmbarassing moment of your life!
Doing this thread. Jks jks! D:

DF,AQ,MQ,AQW or Ebilgames
AE overall. :3

Seppy or Galanoth (The Best Masked Guys ever)
Galeppy (Sounds like horse. A cross breed of a dragonslayer and doom knight. :P)

Me V. You
Myou! (Another cross breed horse. Lolz)

Later -RF2-

illusion99 -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/6/2009 5:12:02)

Hi, Minar XD
Hey illusion99!

Congratz on the AK ship ^^
Ty ty. :)

how are you?
Very good. Ty for asking. :P

do you like ice cream? If yes what flavor?
All of em, including orange sherbert. xP

Elves or Dwarfs?
Both. Don't forget Gnomes! :)

Will you and Vahn make a joint work?
Likeduhyes. :3

Is it fun being an arch knight?
Likeduhyes. :3

What is your hobby?
Likeduhyes. :3 Hmm... Art I guess. :P

well, that's all bye and thanks for your time!
Bye! :D

Pink_Star -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/6/2009 7:56:54)

Hai there Minar! =D
Heylo Pink_Star!

Congrats on your ArchKnightship!
Thanks very much! :)

Which AE game do you play most often?
I would have to saw DF and AQW MOST but I do play MQ and AQ all the time also.

<3 x3

*hands Minar a cookie*
*thanks Pink_Star for the cookie*

/snuggles Minar
/me *insert Gus version snuggle here*'s Pink_Star

Bye and have fun! :P
Cya later and thanks! :)

Greystar -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/7/2009 11:45:04)

Hi Minar! :D
Hey there!

So how have things been since ever?
Good I guess. Actually, really good since I got this position. :P

Probably should have asked this first, remember me at all?
Yes. I do indeed. ;)

So DF Suggestions AK, ever thought you'd end up here?
Not really. So I have to thank Circe like everyday, at my own will. :3 (Ty circe, again. :D <3)

So is it true? Does being an AK really make all baked goods taste better? Wanna try?
Maybe.... secret. :o Lol

/me hands Minar cookie
*Touches* now it tastes even better. :D

Well have fun with all the suggestion threads! Try not to get too lock-happy though!
Ty ty ty. :)

~Chaos~ -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/7/2009 16:53:59)

Dude, it isn't funny anymore...

Really it isn't...

Why does every great editor becomes an AK?
:o (Thanks man. :3)

When will I have my change? WHEN WHEN?
Only time shall tell.... *plays dramatic track*

Just kidding xD
Well, I wasn't. *plays another dramatic track* Lol.


Me will be watching you!

4_worlds_in_one -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/7/2009 17:53:05)

i have a question

if orange vs. blue battled would blue win?

do you hate green?

how many minars are in a zucini?

does green bother you?

why have you let questions pile up?

your not gonna read this, are you?

EVIL! (unless you have read this)

drakehello -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/7/2009 20:55:20)

Do you remeber me! i rember you!

1. Is the cake a lie?

2. how about the pie?

3. What are the odd youd lie?

4. there will be no five.... MYESTERIOUS!

6. there was no five........ MYSTERIOUS!

7. halooooooooo


9. When does he come?

10. Who wins between sqeedly and meedley?

11. What does trogdor do?

12. cake

13. oh noze! the dreaded thirteen!

14. whewz! it gonez

15. When does trogdor come? (get this right and you receive a free coupon to McDrakels! offermayhaveexpiredbynow)

Smalls -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/7/2009 22:15:11)

/A wild Smalls appears, again :D

Do you think my lit. teacher would find the humor in my personal spelling list for next week having triskaidekaphobia (the fear of the # 13) on it? As the test is on Friday, and if you've been paying attention it's Friday the 13th?

What color is a red firetruck? (Hint: it's green :P)

What is the meaning of life? (Hint: it's The Killers)

What song is this from: Are we human or are we dancer? (hint: it's Human)

Are we human, or are we dancer?

NO TOUCHY MAH RADIO! (OOC inside joke... That I started :D, just check the b-day thread, and you'll catch on :P)

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/9/2009 11:06:41)

Finally got around to posting here. O.o I blame myself for forgetting, and blame you for being you.

Anyway, gratz again! ;)

All of the artsy people get kidnapped by the Kitten and Circle. Do you have an explanation?

If no, you do get no cookies. If yes, you don't get cookies.

So, what console/handhelds do you have? /me has xbawks360 and DS.

I used to AK here for a short while, but quit due to lack of time. But, from Cronc's piles of work, I know that you will have lots to do here. xD So good luck!

Here are some cookies anyway. I'll give them to you because I'm nice. :O Bye!

blaneblaneman -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/9/2009 17:03:18)


Me = backz for more


1. You get tired of being AK yet? :3

2. Favorite emoticon?

3. Ever dreamed of working for AE? (You'd do great!)

4. Any new edits??

5. Favorite in-game NPC for all AE games

6. If a rubber chicken turned into an UFO after coming to the States to get treatment for its severely burnt face it got when the rooster it refused to marry dumped acid on it, would the cabbage plant give birth to several small unicorns?

Alright, that's it this time, cya around Minar!! :D

Lucario0708 -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/10/2009 20:49:41)

here to torture u a third time



1. If you could be a vegetable instead of a orange, what vegetable would u be?

2. If the cake is a lie what is teh pie?

3. In brightest day, in darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight, may followers of evil's might, beware my power, GREEN LANTERNS LIGHT!!!!!!!! *blasts minar with green lantern* /me turned minar green

4. Sorry about that ehe.......... your check is in the mail! along with a doughnut and a discarded orange skin ( plus a cake that lies)

5. 5 + NaN =

6. NaN + pie x the secret to the universe =

7. this isnt the last question

8. neither is this

9. or this

10. or this

11. or this

13. getting closer!

14. not yet!

15. final question: in Super Smash Bros. Brawl to the death at spear pillar who would win? Lucario, Sonic, or Solid Snake

i ran out of questions..........i cant torture u no more [:(]

oh btw Clyde when do i get my cookie for annoying minar?jk jk SERIOUSLY ITS A JOKE

this post will self destruct in 3....2......1........../me runs

oh btw /me eats the unnatractive cake

@ below: /me implodes


Vahn_Kaichi -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/10/2009 21:29:11)

Well looks who's here. My first post ever since I returned couldn't be anywhere but here (:

    1. Suddenly, when I'm back, you got 'Creative' and AKShip in less then... what, a month? Have I ever told you that you rock?

    2. Our joint work; is it awesome or what?

    3. Is our plan of taking over the 'DF Suggs' in the name of the CA still up? And shh, this is a secret hidden question o:

    4. I bet you have been scared by the amount of work a DF Suggs AK has, huh? Yeah, I always thought this was a quiet place, too.

    5. Your shackles; are they orange, too?

    6. Do you think Lucario knows the consequences of actually eating the Unnatractive (But yet, delicious) Cake? The poor kid...

    7. What's the most exciting thing of being an AK for you?

    8. Have anyone warned you about Clyde's mental instability? It can be preetty scary sometimes. Also, shq again.

    9. I bet the 'AK World' was much more receptive and nice than you expected, right? I know in my case, it was.

    10. Do you think the world is prepared to witness our joint project?

I guess that's it, man. Answer em' with your heart :3

Glais -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/10/2009 23:29:50)

hi! finally an ak for the suggestions! or at least another one...

okay well the questions
1.what are the chances of a staff member noticing my (future) suggestion here?

2.what is the square root of pi aww no math, I ask all the ak's that... you like waffles and/or french toast? you enjoy or even watch Avatar:the last airbender?

3.which is weirder:Deathfrogs or rat mutants?

7.which is better Glaisaurus or Gorgok?

12.why is it that my questions are out of order? you enjoy random questions?

5.this is somehow a question but can you find the question within the question of the question unaparrent?

well that's...all...I think....
*is suddenly devoured by whatever devours stuff*

Count Claudio -> RE: =MtAK= Minar - Orange You Glad to See Me? (2/13/2009 12:34:45)

OMG MINAR!!! I cant believe you're an AK!!!! You (and Tomix) were my inspiration for editing!!!! I remember when I used to check the DF edited pictures thread every three days to see if you'd posted one of you superb edits!

Ummmm no questions but....CONGRATZ!

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