RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (Full Version)

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Syrena -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/11/2009 17:20:00)

Hey !

wud u rather ride a 10 story rollercoaster 3 times or figure out roliths togicide all by urself
Umm....I'll take the rollercoaster :D

is it hard to rate ppl
A little bit..

do u like pie i like apple and chocolate eclair pie

on a scale of one to ten wat do u rate DF
9.504142635*474544+541 :D

do u like dogs i have a shin-tzu
I like dogs, but don't have any

exactly wat do u do that way i wont confuse it with the other neat mods
I ? Currently I'm AKing in this board, deleting spam etc. etc.. (just what a normal AK does XD )

wats ur opinion on cheese and cake
Mixing makes things better :P

if there was a super awesomely delicious cake on the counter wud u fight someone for it or share it
Share it !

wud u like to have the superpower of telepathy/mind reading(basically psychic) or the ability to fly
The former..

Have fun with ur job and watch out i may come back *ooooo spooky

I'll see you then...

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/11/2009 17:22:32)

Oh noez! Second page. :(
Yesh.. :p

Congratulations! /me tacklesnugs StU!! xD I'll call you StU from now one. :P
Thanks ! /me thanksnugs teh Viking XD I'll call you Viking from now on :p

How's them shackles?
As good as always. They oil them everyday.

I see that you're cell is next to_____? cell is not next to "____" :P It's near someone who is round, colourful and full of nutrients :P

Well that's all.

Good luck!
Thanks !

*gives StU some of V_J's weekly cookie supply*
*gives Viking some of my daily kupo-biscuit supply* :P


aircrafter -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/11/2009 18:53:10)

i shall write my questions in black!
I shall write me answers in green !

1.Big mac or cheeseburger?
Both !! XD

2.If last one is i dont eat fast food,[sm=YayImagaudian.jpg]i shall defeat you!
I'm not defeated ! im running out!
No problem... or smoothie?
Pizza !

5.if 4. was like 2 then WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!
Nothing !

k c ya later and CRONGRATULATIONS![sm=twill3a.gif]
Thanks !

Master Merlin -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/11/2009 18:56:24)

Congrats on the AK Suranjan!
Thank you, merlinthewizard !

1. Care for a spot of tea?
Of course...though I prefer making tea to drinking it !

2. Do you know the hidden location of Lepr' Khania?
Nopes....could you tell me ?

3. O' Rly?

4. <Insert witty comment here>
<Insert witty reply here>

5. Tea or coffee? Keep in mind that if you pick coffee I will slap you.
Both !

6. Did you know that I am the Grand Tea Lord of the Englishman's Sociely Of Tea Drinkers and also a Djinn?

7. Jacuse!
Oh noes.....

8. *Meow*

9. Something fishy is going on here... *fish comes out of the sky and slaps me*
O.o Very fishy....

10. Am I insane?


Cheers !

marvin_the_robot -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/11/2009 22:56:05)

Heya, Surnajan. God, I hop onto these things super early most of the time. Oh, well. Congrats on the AKship!
Thanks !

1) How are 'dem shackles? They chafing yet? (Unfunny OOC AK joke; oho!)
Those shackles are a mixture of perfection and splendour !

2) Favorite genre of music?
I'm not that big a music fan, so I'll just go with anything that doesn't hurt the ears ! :P

3) Favorite band? If you say The Killers, I ... will be severely disappointed.
None >.< I'm not big a music fanatic.

4) Still going to rate in Divine Flame or are you going to be too busy with your AK duties?
Right now, I can do a few ratings and do my AK duties as well.

5) Do you consider yourself a hardcore DF player?
That will depend on what you consider "hardcore". By my standards : Yesh !

That's all for now ;)

See you around CR&A! I'm applying for being a rater. Just one more rating ^_^

Ahh...happy to see new raters !

legolover0009 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/11/2009 23:28:06)




/me says hi again
/me says hello again

Are you tired of me saying hi? HI
A bit. Hi !

I have just obtained Cysero's left sock and made a duplicate. I put back the duplicate. Do you want the original?
Oh noes...

dun! dun! dun!
*me waits*

Thanks !


does sayng hi count as a question?
Probably not

N Zero -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/12/2009 14:28:09)

Hello, I'm N Zero and this conversation will be recorded.
/me can see the recorder

Now that's that's out of the way, I have a couple of questions for you.
Oh noes....

1. What is you Element?
Muffins :P

2. Do you consider yourself an Edgemaster of DF, or any of the AE Games? (Most important Question to me.)
I guess so >.<

3. If you don't know what an Edgemaster is, do you want me to explain via PM? (Second most important Question to me.)
You could XD

4. Do you play Soul Calibur 3 or 4?
Sadly, no...

5. If 4 is yes, do you have any Custom Characters?

6. If 5 is yes, can we see some Screenies?

8 What is your Dragon's element?
Changes according to what I'm going to battle :p

9. Do you know of The Water Goddess, Draciane of the Cerulean Ocean?
Not personally..seen him around the forums though...

If yes, you get an apple, considering I'd think you'd want one after all the cake and cookies you'll be getting.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

If no, I will smack you so hard on the face with the hilt with both my DSRoD and my BLoD, your caveman ancestors will feel it for not knowing one, if not the best player in DF in my opinion.
I'm not getting smacked...

That's about it. Congrats, and as my sig says...

aircrafter -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/12/2009 19:52:54)

i have new westions!i did that on
Hmm...I have many Alamonias... :p

1.Clocky mocky
Hickory Dickory Dock !

2.Ducky is my best friend.
Hope your friendship lasts forever :P

3.Need help out of those shackles?
Oh thanks...but these are comfortable enough :P

4.They are watching '-' \/\/\/\/\/weirdly
This is weird..

5.Do you dare wear short shorts?
I prefer my trousers, though :P

6.Favorite Df,Mq,Aq,Aqw

7.Least favorite artix entertainment game?(it has to be none of them)
None !

8.Do you believe in cookies?

9.Which lies pizza or cheese pizza?
Both !

blaneblaneman -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/13/2009 11:54:17)

Hey there Suranjan!!
Hey blaneblaneman !

I don't know you at all, but congratz on the AK anyway! =O
No problem and thanks !

Oh noes :P

1. Which forum did you lurk around before your AK?

2. Who made you AK?
Lets just say that I got the blues XD

3. What does UBER even mean? XD
Uber means something powerful or awesome

4. Naruto fan? Manga or Anime?
Manga FTW !

5. Favorite vegetable -- random~~!!
Mmm...anything that I don't dislike :P

6. What's your view on the Global Warming garbage?

7. Were you offended/annoyed/ticked by #6 ^?
Not really

8. Do you think I could beat you in uberness?
You could...or could you ? :P

9. What does Suranjan mean?? may feel it strange, but my name is "Suranjan"

10. Are you superstitious?
Not particularly

EDIT: Urgh!! 10 questions only?!?? D:<

Cya around (or not... xP) Suranjan!!!


allbeloved -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/14/2009 12:07:34)

Hey there, Suranjan.
Hey, allbeloved !

Congrats for being a recent AK!
Thankies !

How do you like the AE Games so far?
Great !

How was your Friday the 13th?
Fun :P

Did you know that I like posting in the new AK threads? [:)]
/me can see that :)

What is your favorite food? * might be silly, but what the heck!)
Hmm..I like muffins, does that count ? :P

Have you heard of Arcanists?
Not really

So..that's all, and bye!
Bye !

What are you replying to this?? There is no 7th question![sm=6r83v6.gif] [sm=twill4a.gif]

_Arctos_ -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/14/2009 20:16:04)


Congratulations on becoming an archknight.

How are you?

I haven't watched naruto for ages D:
You should start seeing it again :P

What's all this about our favourite pig headed ( or fox ) ninja supposedly meant to be dieing?! :O
I'll not spill the beans..


Oooh wait. I herd u liek pi3.
Yesh...I herd you like mudkipz :P

Favourite type of pie?
Any good pie will do

Bye again lol.
Bye !

High Lord Draton -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/14/2009 20:23:29)

Well Hiya There

Why did the Rolith cross the road create another togicide ? :P

Usually with every other Archknight I offer them a Position in my Citadel of Unity and Dreams but I won't offer it to you....Just Cause

I'm with Mike Newton (you might get the Joke)
No prob

I'm terribly afraid of Potato Salad may I ask what you are afraid of
I'm afraid of anything too dangerous :p

Quickly take this Antidote it will Cure the poison from that Cookie you ate

What happens when you mix a Yulgar with a.......TOG!
Umm...a Yugtog ? :P (Bad name)

Shop Smart......Shop Yulgarmart
/me goes to check out this new mart

If you won the Super Bowl what would you do (I would go to Yulgarland)
I ? I'd be too busy celebrating :P

Good-Bye....Maybe forever maybe forever not

Bye !

nosey123 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/14/2009 20:25:21)

Congrats ^_^

moraknar -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/16/2009 17:05:33)

Hi suranjan!!! congratz!
Hey moraknar !

I have seen you a lot around the forums and you are a neat rater!!!
Thanks !

Pasta or pizza? (the best you can think about of both)
Hmm...can I take both ? :P

Can you give us the stats of the sword of the archknight? it seems really interesting and i see no harm on telling us :)
I'll just say that it's AWESOME ! :)

Good bie and thank you for answering!
Bye !

Cruasader -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/18/2009 12:42:56)


Whoa! You're an AK now!.. Congratz!

Sorry for being inactive as a rater(I'm a part-time in Divine Flame Center, as you may remember...). I just can't rate a char cuz u guys do it way faster.[:(]


What do you think Rolith will turn DF into after a couple of years? I highly doubt the result will be safe for sane people to play :P
Hehe..nah..Togicides are good !

Is there any chance that Cysero will defeat Pie in fair combat?
Oh yesh !

Weirdest thing you ever read on the AE forums?
Not many...

Stupidest thing?(Not including MtAK posts)
None ! Forums are awesome :P

Your opinion on Runescape? World of Warcraft? Them both compared to AE games?
Don't play any, so can't compare :(

Artix versus Artas(The DeathKnight from WoW, in case you don't know) - who will win? I bet Artas... He's a Lich King after all. Nah, enough WoW for today!..
Artix PWNS ! :p

Did my Stupid Post of DOOM grive you insane yet? No?! I must have done something wrong...[:@]
Oh yesh

Byes, and remember: NEVER pet a burning dog!
I'll keep that in mind :P

eigthkeyblade -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/18/2009 18:41:44)

You probably don't have any idea who i am do you?

Congratz anyways.
Thanks !

How exatly did you become an archknight, or whatever it is?
What can you do as an archknight?


ArchKnights (AKs)
Title: ArchKnight (Will include "Arch" or "AK" and the name/s of the board/s they work in)
Responsibility: To help the moderators keep the forum clean. They patrol their assigned boards helping users, watching for and dealing with rules violations (such as spam, flaming, trolling, etc). They issue warnings and recommend bans to the moderators. In addition, they keep an eye out for helpful forum users to bring to the attention of the moderators/administrators. They may have other duties depending on which board/s they work.
Selection: AKs are selected from among helpful forum users (who do not appear to actively be seeking power/advancement) by the head moderator of the board/s they frequent. The head moderator discusses their selection with Scakk, the head of the ArchKnights, and if he approves, they are brought aboard.

I hope that helps you !

Did you meet (virtually) cyseros, artix, ect?

Any chance I'll become an archknight one day? (Any tips?)
Hehe...just look above :P

How close is a archknight to a actual member of the AE team where you actually work on the game?
Hmm...AKs are not members of AE. We're just assistants.


Do you have a dragonfable account? If yes, what is you id?
Yup. ID : 7653726


<insert witty and funny question here>
haven't heard such a witty thing for a while XD

I think that's all...


Nevermind that's all. Bye!~
Bye !

Sky Ever -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/18/2009 18:54:37)

    Im back with questions this time xD
    Okies !

  • So sup suranjy xD
    Teh sky ? :P

  • and who's your favorite rater ^^
    You, Andy8, diva77677, $$archie$$ and every other rater :P

  • ooh ohh pick me pick me...
    I did :P

  • Mr. Uber im currently serious about my previous very sensitive O:

  • fine ill be serious if you have 500k US dollars what would you do?
    Teh sky ? :P

  • I've known you since..well this few months or maybe more than a year now...
    I still dont know if how old are you O: ... if you dont wanna answer plz give me a specific range xD
    O.o Oh yes...I've known you for a long time. My age is in the 5-20 range :p

  • did you know emos like me have a happy place?
    Cake Cake Cake ! :P

  • do you know where it is?

  • spoiler:

    *Its anywhere with a cake*

  • congratz again xD
    Thanks !

Manofthetrees -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/18/2009 19:20:36)

Oah this will be fun.
Oh noes :P

Who puts all the plastic bags in the trees?
Those ones who don't care about the environment.

Would you consider buying a product called thabadigy?

Fiddle, or Faddle?
Fladdle :P

Do you believe that Obese people should be allowed to eat those giant turkey legs at the Country Fair?
They could.

On a scale of 1-10, Would you describe your gloves as "slick?"

We all know the cake is a lie, but is the pie?

Yes or no, on a scale of one to ten, would you describe your hair as "foppy?"

Whats an eponymous?


One who is referred to as eponymous is someone that gives their name to something, i.e. Julian, the eponymous owner of the famous restaurant Julian's Castle. Something eponymous is named after a particular person, i.e. Julian's eponymous restaurant. In contemporary English, the term eponymous is often used to mean self-titled. An Etiological Myth is a "reverse eponym" in the sense that a legendary character is invented in order to explain a term.

YAY for wikis ! :)

Who would bring more diversity to the American Government, Barney Frank, or Barney the Dinosaur?

On a scale of 1-10, which letter of the alphabet is your favorite color?

Which is more annoying, a cricket with Restless leg Syndrome or a Parrot with tourettes?
Forumites with annoying questions :P

Finally, couldnt help but notice you took my old color, I think.
[color=#336633] This one?[/color]

Yesh. But I bolded and italicized it. But, I didn't know that it was yours originally.

Pink_Star -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/19/2009 2:49:17)

Hiya there Suranjan The Uber! :D
Hey Pink_Star :D

How are you doing?
As good as one can be :D

Congrats on your ArchKnightship! =D

How many AE games do you play in total?

What are your respective levels? xD
61 (AQ), 46 (DF), 20 (MQ), 8 (AQW)

How long have you been rating in DragonFable CR&A?
Hmm...I started rating when the Warriors Guild was running. My first rating was on 1 April, 2008 (April Fool's Day :D)

How did you find out about DragonFable/AE?
Through a cousin of mine.

Who offered you the ArchKnight position?
Teh Homer (blues) :P

Do you have any favourite ArchKnight/Moderators?
Everyone here.

Favourite food?
Anything that's tasty XD

*hands Suranjan The Uber a cookie*
*thanks and hands Pink_Star a chocolate chip cookie*

Enjoy your ArchKnightship!
Thanks !

Bye! (:
Bye and see you !

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/19/2009 18:23:26)

I HAS RETURNED! [sm=fantastisch_05.gif]
Oh noes :P

Okley-dokely! Question time! If you don't answer them, you get the Reaper.
O Rly ?

1. Do you miss Alac and Reens?
They're not gone, are they ? :P They both are great people and everyone likes their presence :)

2. How long have you been an AK?
1 month and 4 days XD

3. Do you need me to save you from the dungeon?
Thanks, but its sort of comfortable here :P

Oh noes..

5. How do you like mah sig?
Nice ! Though there ain't a sig in your post :P


*in sweet voice* Well, that's all! *in deep voice* GET OUT. [sm=fantastisch_05.gif]
/me goes out

ILmaster13 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/19/2009 22:10:51)

hiya suranja the uber[:)]
Hey ILmaster13 !

congrats for you. were you expecting it to happen to you?
Thanks. And, it was a real bolt of the blue when I became an AK.

time for torturequestions hehe...
Time for answers....

1.are you sane?
Any doubt ? :P

2.two coins equal 30 cents, and one coin isnt a nickel. what are the two coins?XD
A quarter and a nickel

3.what do you think of *looks around for any stalkers?>.>

4.cats or chickens?
Both !

5.what is light as air but the strongest man in the world cant hold for five minutes?
Breath ?

6.who is your favorite person in the AE staff?(becareful they might be listening)
All ! get a chance to congradulate Alac and Reens?
Yeah you want this to end,hehe..?
Sort of

9.what your idea of the future?does it involve togs?
Togs FTW!

10.what is up with all the new archnights all of a sudden?
They're building an army They need more people to look after the forums, maybe ? :P

its ten questions already so seeya later as a rater.

See you !

Edit: oh yeah i forgot to tell you the answers


Answer for #2
A quarter and a nickel


Answer for #5
Their breath

Sasuke Uchiha1132 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/19/2009 22:51:39)

Hey Sasuke Uchiha1132 !

What's color are your shackles?
They blindfolded me so I can't see :P

How often do they let you go for a quick stroll?
Once a month !

Have you read the more recent Naruto chapters?(Specifically,the most recent.)
Yup !

Any anime/manga other than Naruto that you like?
Does DBZ and Pokemon count ?

Who do you think your cell is closest to?
A person round, orange and full of nutrients

How's the rating going?
Okay !

What's your least favorite color?Second favorite?
Hmm...tough choice XD

Do you want a cookie?I have an extra or two!
Thanks !

Well,see ya around.Keep up the great rating!
Thanks !

Bonus Round!Extra question(s)!
Oh noes !

Do you like Code Geass?

Do you like my sig?
Maybe, or maybe not ! XD

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/21/2009 18:14:10)


Thanks !

How are the shackles???

Here have some gloves for the winter.
Thanks (it's freezing around here) :P !

Who captured your soul???

Do you enjoy being an AK?
Yup !

Well that's all!
Okies !

Cya and congrats again!
See you!

Sinf -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/22/2009 10:50:22)

Congrats on the AKship Suranjan!
Thank you very much, Sinf !

No questions from me :)

May the mod powers be with you.
I'm just an AK, but thanks :)

Zhukai -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight : Suranjan : FINALLLY done. Whew ! (2/22/2009 21:20:11)

Hello Suarnjan!
Hello ShadowScar07 !

Hows it going?
Very nicely :)

How long have you been an AK?
It has been 4 months since I became an AK.

When have you started being an AK?
During the later days of January. From the 22nd or 23rd, I think.

How is being an AK?
It feels good to be of some use in making this a better forum.

I think I'm saying AK too much

Anyways r u a fan of Jiraiya?
Oh yesh :D

I like your Avvy..
Hehe...that would be my old avatar, but thank you anyway.

Like Sake?
Not old enough to drink, sorry.

Can I ask u one last question?

If you died, and had to pick which animal's body replacement which would you pick either a...
Llama or an Alpakah..which would u choose?
Umm.....the less messy one :P

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