RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (Full Version)

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nosey123 -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/13/2009 2:56:05)


Thanks...No questions?

Dawn of Shadows -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/13/2009 9:57:11)

Good going.

How's Wrath? I haven't popped in in a while.
It's going alright. Activity has dropped a bit, but it can't really be helped.

I'm not one for many questions, so have fun being AK. =P

Oh, and I forgot. Congrats.
Thank you.

Dathomir2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/16/2009 12:24:43)


Do you speak Spanish?

Not much.


I speak all of them ok!
What's it like being quadrilingual?

Chocolate or cheese. (Or, dare I say it...both!)
Hm...Lite Cream Cheese

Fire or ice.

Money or power?

Melee or magic?
I like both.

Mario or Master Cheif?
Mario, I guess.

Congrats or huggles?
Either are fine.

solomon409 -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/16/2009 16:39:00)

1. whould u rather have fish flavored ice cream or ice cream flavored fish?
...Ice cream flavoured fish.

2. if u fell off a air plane thats for that 100 KM high, what would be your dying wish?
...A parachute!

3. are the shackels off yet?
They never come off. Or so I'm told...

4. cages are comfortable if u get used to them u know:)
I know. I'm getting used to this one.

5.for #2, what if there was only a peice of cysro's left sock? will that work?

DoubleS -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/17/2009 11:26:57)

Good Job!

Who would win batman or spiderman? (hadest question ever)
I don't know, they both seem pretty strong in their own way.

Doom or Destiny?

Favorite song?
I'm Just a Kid by Simple Plan

Favorite music genre?
Hm...I like all long as it's not too loud.

Favorite food?

Are the archknight wepons good?
I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to talk about those...

Favortie movie?
Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa.

Favortie tv series?
I don't watch much anymore.

Do you like my sig?
It's creative.

k tahts all good luck!

honeyredxbox -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/18/2009 1:23:54)

*kicks down the door*
*Was standing next to the door*

Grats Kose

*Fixes the door*
Good luck with that.

Black_Fatalis -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/20/2009 12:05:25)

Hey, Kose!

How are you doing?
I'm doing alright.

Good job on becoming an AK!
Thank you.

I hope that doesn't interfere with you updating Wrath, its a fun game!
I'm glad you think that.

Ok, bye!

rjgwapo -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/20/2009 12:56:03)

i like MtAKs, do you?
They're ok. They help you get to know the AKs.

who promoted you?
Icemaster Yeti.

why is xan insane?
You'd be acting all crazy if your head was on fire.

whats the answer to the universe?
Theologians spend their whole lives asking this question, you're not going to get a simple answer.

why do you like the UCaG?
The community. Everyone here's so friendly.

thats it.....might be back soon.....(that is before you lock it O:)
I probably won't lock it for a while.

Smalls -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/20/2009 13:01:28)

Teh Smalls is back, now with color tags XD

Do you like mah new sig? ~JW~ made it
It's alright

can I has cheezburger
Sure. They're over there in the lobby.

Do you use teh OOC?
A little.

I'm done :D


RH2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/20/2009 18:46:27)

Pirate or ninja?

Ninja or pirate?

Do you like monkeys?(if you say no, I don't like YOU)


favorite color?
Dark red, blue or grey

can I have that cookie? I didn't have lunch....

Do you know why cyrus wont get back to me on my Rp entry?
Patience is a virtue

who would win, Darth Vader, or a monkey?
Darth Vader.

thats it and congrats!

NuclearWizard -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/20/2009 19:42:17)



Are you have a UGaC OCD too?
Sorry, what?

Don't you love answering questions?

Has AK been fun so far?
Yes, it has.

Will you help me take oer the world?

Lilyheart Butterflies -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/21/2009 12:36:15)

Hi Kosefira! Congratulations on becoming part of the crew! Enjoy your stay!

I hope these extra bits don't count as questions!
Well...I guess I can let this incident slide.

Are you ready for the questions? By the way, these two questions aren't official are they? Good, good!
I'm ready.

By the way, nice name.
Really? Thanks!

Are you friendly? You sound friendly!
I guess I am then.

Did you know my favourite color was pink?
No, I didn't know that.

Do you know that we can have some nice times together?
That depends on how well you can follow the rules.

Wanna be buddies?

Will you read my stories and poetry when they come out in the near or distant future?
That depends.

Do you know how many questions I've asked?
This is the sixth one.

Do you know what MMORPG means? I've forgotten!
Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Game.

And probably the last question before my last loada stuff... Which is your favourite Artix Entertainment game?
AQWorlds or DragonFable.


It may sound like it hurts but it don't
Really? It actually hurts quite a bit.

Oh yeah, one more thing, if I send you an avvy, can you put it as my avvy? Thankies!
I don't have the power to do that, sorry.

Well, here's me! ~ML~

Zebac64 -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/22/2009 19:13:51)

The Might of the Earth, The Pride of the Lions, The Aura of Nature.

you still council?
I might step down. Things are getting a bit hectic this year.


favorite band?
Sneaky Sound System

Warriors Orochi 2

I'm not a sporty type, but I like swimming and cycling.

aq game?
DragonFable or AQWorlds.

the Ak leaders show you your cell, or you chains yet?
They gave me my cell and chains on my first day. I'm getting used to them.

Drumchucks are awsome
It's not very hygienic, hitting dirty monsters with food...

whats is you favorite color, i like this
Dark red, blue or grey.

marvin_the_robot -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/22/2009 19:22:04)

Hello, Kosefira!

Is it weird that I know/recognize you and you don't know me?
A little. Sorry.

Omnomnom or munch-munch-munch?
Nibble, munch-munch.

Have you ever heard of Watchmen? If so, are you going to see the movie? If not, you should must read the book :)
I might see the movie, depending on whether I have the time.

How 'dem shackles? They chafing yet?
They've been chafing for a while...

That's all... FOR NOW.

I can't wait for more.

Zhukai -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/23/2009 18:31:02)

Hi there

Fan of FMA?

Yellow :P

I like your avvy

Randon FTW
Randon? What's Randon?

If u died and had to pick which animals u could be, of the following..which would u pick?
Llama or Alpakah
Um...can't I just die?

What do u think "spam" is?
Unnecessary words or pictures. Also a variety of tinned ham.

If u were promoted to a moderator wat would the first thing u'd do be?

Well I guess this is too random...nah
Nothing's too random. Except a Random Number Generator.

I'm gonna now bye

tflo -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/23/2009 20:57:15)

Hey! we havent met [>:] but nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too.

So, you play AQW?

Favorite AE Game?
Dragonfable or AQWorlds.

Who promoted you?
Icemaster Yeti

What color are the shackles?
Cast iron with spikes.

Where are you!!? I'll come and save you!
Don't worry, I'm fine.

How's the AE Cell Complex?
It can be a bit cramped, but you get used to it.

How have they been treating you?
Quite nicely really.

How's the food there?
It's quite nice, but I bring my own food. Pies and cookies everyday gets a bit boring.

Well, I'm gonna keep it simple for now, so Good Luck with the new responsabilities, and have fun!
Thank you.

Apocalyptic Silence -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/23/2009 21:45:46)


Good Luck!


Nice and [;)]
I can see that.

StormCrow -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/24/2009 1:54:26)

Hiyas!! (this doesn't as question, does it? D:)
Hi (Not really.)

Try to make your voice a little more forward to sound like a crow.

Have a cookie!!

Shh.. the cookie was poisoned!! *gasp*
I know. It's not often you come across purple cookies.

Why Alphonse ?
A few of my friends said I'm a lot like him. And he's cool.

Do you have a pet? If you don't, what would you like it to be?
My family has pets: 3 cats and a dog. I don't have any of my own.

Favourite Book?
The Silver Tide by Michael Tod

Which Homunculi (spelled that right, right?) do you like the best?
Hm...probably Wrath.

What did/will you pick? (don't tell me none...[&o])

I forgot...Congratulations!

Is the cake a Lie?

Seeya in the UCaG !!
See you.

alexmacf -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/24/2009 5:28:15)

&) Are those shackles chafing yet?
Yes. But I'm used to them now.

*) I've not been giving you a hard time, have I?
No, not really.

() How old are you?
Old enough

)) What continent do you live on?

!!) Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. Good luck

Icemaster Yeti -> RE: =AK= Meet the UCaG ArchKnight: Kosefira (2/28/2009 16:52:17)

And that would bring this MtAK to a close :)


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