BlackAces -> RE: Dragon Partisan (11/18/2011 3:36:04)
[image][/image][image][/image][image][/image] Dragon Partisan Also see other Dragonbane weapons ( Dragon Blade, Dragonbane Scepter, Dragon Bow). Location: Dragon Blade? > Found in RA below level 50 and in the Quest for the Dragon Blade at any level. Type: Ranged Element: Earth Damage: 3-13 BTH: 2 SPECIAL None SCALING The Dragon Partisan deals additional damage based on your Level. When you equip the Partisan, you are told its stats*:0-19Base: (1 + Level/30)*100% Random: (1 + Level/50)*100% BTH: +(Level*3/20) 20-39Base: (5/3 + [Level-20]/60)*100% Random: (1.4 + [Level-20]*3/200)*100% BTH: +3 + (Level-20)/15 40-59Base: 200% Random: (1.7 + [Level-40]/100)*100% BTH: + 13/3 + (Level-40)/20 60-79Base: (2 + [Level-60]/60)*100% Random: (1.9 + [Level-60]/100)*100% BTH: +16/3 + (Level-60)/30 80-99Base: 233.(3)% Random: (2.1 + [Level-80]/200)*100% BtH: +6 + (Level-80)/20 100-119Base: 233.(3)% Random: (2.2 + [Level-100]/200)*100% BtH: +7 120+Base: 233.(3)% Random: (2.3 + [Level-120]/100)*100% BtH: +7 + (Level-120)/10 *The Dragon Partisan glows in your hand as it powers up to match you! It does «» damage with +«» to hit! TRIGGER On Monster Category "Dragon", the weapon deals 120% Base, Random, and Stats damage. Also, the element becomes Lesser Element Seeking (Void, Harm, Fire only). If the element is Void, then the damage is doubled (to a total of 240% Base, Random, and Stats damage for the Trigger). On Monster Category "Dragonkin" or "Drakel", the weapon deals 105% Base, Random, and Stats damage. Also, the element becomes Lesser Element Seeking (Harm, Fire only). On anything else, the weapon deals 95% Base, Random, and Stats damage. EFFECTOn Monster Category "Dragon"/"Dragonkin"/"Drakel", the weapon can Poison the monster. The monster receives -20 on its Save Roll. The Level of the poison is Your Level +20 against Dragons, or just Your Level against Dragonkin/Drakel. (See the entry on Poison for details.) - Level: YourLevel vs MonsterLevel
- Major: [5*Round((2.1462*YourLevel + 10.399)/5)]† vs MonsterEND
- Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
DESCRIPTION This legendary weapon is made of Dragonbane, which is poisonous to the dragon-blooded! While an average weapon against most monsters, it is very powerful against dragons and dragonkind! [image][/image][image][/image] *******************Untriggered***********************************************Triggered Images from Sora Aeragorn (triggered) and Koree (untriggered). Update from rock4life, vezha, Genoclysm, Koree, and Knightstar2001. Numbers from Kalanyr, Aelthai, and westwind.