Dragon Scepter (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Dragon Scepter (3/1/2009 3:24:33)

Dragon Scepter

Also see other Dragonbane weapons ( Dragon Blade, Dragon Bow, Dragon Partisan and Dragon Staff).

Location: Dragon Blade? (found in RA below level 50) ; Quest for the Dragon Blade at any level.

Level: 0
Power Level: CharacterLevel when Triggered (versus dragons, drakels, and dragonkin); CharacterLevel-5 against anything else (with a minimum of 0)
Type: Magic
Element: Follows the element of your no-drop equipment
Damage: 3-5
BTH: 0

Hits: 4
Type: Magic
Element: Follows the element of your no-drop equipment
Damage: 1.02*round(100 + PowLvl*3)*85/91/4% for Base and Random each
Stats: 1.02*round(100 + PowLvl*6.6)*85/91/4% each
BTH: +(PowLvl/8)+6, rounded down plus stats

  • While wielded, you gain Dragonbane Blast as a temporary spell. The spell disappears if you un-equip the Dragon Scepter.
  • The weapon's Base and Random damage increase based on your Level. This affects all normal Player attacks and weapon Specials.

    Base:= round(1*(0.00375*PowLvl^2 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 5.25)*0.75/2/(1+0.03*PowLvl))
    Rand:= round(2*((0.0075*PowLvl^2 + 1.125*PowLvl + 10.5)*0.75/2/(1+0.03*PowLvl) - Base))
    BTH := round(PowLvl/8)
    *See Appendix

  • On Monster Category "Dragon", It deals 120% Void damage. Note that the monster's Void resistance is (usually) 200%, so it really does double damage.
  • On Monster Category "Dragonkin" or "Drakel", it deals 105% damage, and element-seeks between Harm and Earth (whatever your default element is).
  • On anything else, 90% damage.

  • Against Dragons/Dragonkin/Drakels: After your attack, there's a (# of hits that connected and dealt > 0 damage) / (# of hits attempted) chance of Poisoning the monster (1 round; 2 power; Level=YourLvl; Harm damage). The monster can resist with a save, with a +0 bonus (if against Dragons) or +20 bonus (if against Dragonkin/Drakel):
      Level: YourLevel vs MonsterLevel
      Major: [2.1462*PowerLevel + 10.399] vs MonsterEND
        Minimum 10, maximum 200, rounded to the nearest 5
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    *The weapon rages against your draconic foe! It does «Damage» damage with +«BtH based on level» to hit!
    **The weapon grows in power to match you! It does «Damage» with +«» to hit!

    This legendary weapon fires a magical stream of pure Dragonbase essense, which is poisonous to the dragon-blooded!While an average weapon against most monsters, it is very powerful against dragons and dragonkind!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Appendices thanks to Ello. Typo correction from Watashig and Ward_Point. Image thanks to Tep Itaki. Corrections from Nex Del Vida, UltraGuy, Watashig and KlawdStrife. New Description and and Popup thanks to Storm. Update and Popup thanks to In Media Res. Link update thanks to afterlifex.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Dragonbane Scepter (3/4/2009 23:29:25)

    Against Dragons, Drakels, and Dragonkin:

    Numbers are per hit.
    Level	PowLvl		Damage	BTH		BR%	LS%	+BTH
    0	0		2-6	0		23.8	23.8	6
    5	5		3-8	1		27.4	31.7	6
    10	10		3-10	1		31	39.5	7
    15	15		4-11	2		34.5	47.4	7
    20	20		4-13	3		38.1	55.3	8
    25	25		5-14	3		41.7	63.1	9
    30	30		5-15	4		45.3	71	9
    35	35		5-17	4		48.8	78.8	10
    40	40		6-17	5		52.4	86.7	11
    45	45		6-18	6		56	94.6	11
    50	50		6-20	6		59.5	102.4	12
    55	55		7-20	7		63.1	110.3	12
    60	60		7-21	8		66.7	118.1	13
    65	65		7-22	8		70.3	126	14
    70	70		8-22	9		73.8	133.9	14
    75	75		8-24	9		77.4	141.7	15
    80	80		8-25	10		81	149.6	16
    85	85		8-26	11		84.6	157.4	16
    90	90		9-26	11		88.1	165.3	17
    95	95		9-27	12		91.7	173.2	17
    100	100		9-28	13		95.3	181	18
    105	105		10-28	13		98.8	188.9	19
    110	110		10-29	14		102.4	196.7	19
    115	115		10-30	14		106	204.6	20
    120	120		10-31	15		109.6	212.5	21
    125	125		11-31	16		113.1	220.3	21
    130	130		11-32	16		116.7	228.2	22
    135	135		11-33	17		120.3	236	22
    140	140		11-34	18		123.9	243.9	23
    145	145		12-34	18		127.4	251.8	24
    150	150		12-35	19		131	259.6	24

    Against anything else:

    Numbers are per hit.
    Level	PowLvl		Damage	BTH		BR%	LS%	+BTH
    0	0		2-6	0		23.8	23.8	6
    5	0		2-6	0		23.8	23.8	6
    10	5		3-8	1		27.4	31.7	6
    15	10		3-10	1		31	39.5	7
    20	15		4-11	2		34.5	47.4	7
    25	20		4-13	3		38.1	55.3	8
    30	25		5-14	3		41.7	63.1	9
    35	30		5-15	4		45.3	71	9
    40	35		5-17	4		48.8	78.8	10
    45	40		6-17	5		52.4	86.7	11
    50	45		6-18	6		56	94.6	11
    55	50		6-20	6		59.5	102.4	12
    60	55		7-20	7		63.1	110.3	12
    65	60		7-21	8		66.7	118.1	13
    70	65		7-22	8		70.3	126	14
    75	70		8-22	9		73.8	133.9	14
    80	75		8-24	9		77.4	141.7	15
    85	80		8-25	10		81	149.6	16
    90	85		8-26	11		84.6	157.4	16
    95	90		9-26	11		88.1	165.3	17
    100	95		9-27	12		91.7	173.2	17
    105	100		9-28	13		95.3	181	18
    110	105		10-28	13		98.8	188.9	19
    115	110		10-29	14		102.4	196.7	19
    120	115		10-30	14		106	204.6	20
    125	120		10-31	15		109.6	212.5	21
    130	125		11-31	16		113.1	220.3	21
    135	130		11-32	16		116.7	228.2	22
    140	135		11-33	17		120.3	236	22
    145	140		11-34	18		123.9	243.9	23
    150	145		12-34	18		127.4	251.8	24

    Corrections thanks to Xrai and KlawdStrife.

    BlackAces -> RE: Dragon Scepter (11/18/2011 3:40:30)

    Dragon Scepter

    Also see other Dragonbane weapons ( Dragon Blade, Dragon Bow, Dragon Partisan).

    Location: Dragon Blade? > Found in RA below level 50 and in the Quest for the Dragon Blade at any level.

    Type: Magic
    Element: Earth
    Damage: 3-11
    BTH: 2


    The Dragon Scepter deals additional damage based on your Level. When you equip the Scepter, you are told its stats*:
        Base: (1 + Level/30)*100%
        Random: (1 + Level/40)*100%
        BTH: +(Level*3/20)
        Base: (5/3 + [Level-20]/60)*100%
        Random: (1.5 + [Level-20]*3/160)*100%
        BTH: +3 + (Level-20)/15
        Base: 200%
        Random: (1.875 + [Level-40]/80)*100%
        BTH: + 13/3 + (Level-40)/20
        Base: (2 + [Level-60]/60)*100%
        Random: (2.125 + [Level-60]/80)*100%
        BTH: +16/3 + (Level-60)/30
        Base: 233.(3)%
        Random: (2.375 + [Level-80]/160)*100%
        BtH: +6 + (Level-80)/20
        Base: 233.(3)%
        Random: (2.5 + [Level-100]/160)*100%
        BtH: +7
        Base: 233.(3)%
        Random: (2.625 + [Level-120]/80)*100%
        BtH: +7 + (Level-120)/10
    *The Dragon Scepter glows in your hand as it powers up to match you! It does «» damage with +«» to hit!

  • On Monster Category "Dragon", the weapon deals 120% Base, Random, and Stats damage. Also, the element becomes Lesser Element Seeking (Void, Harm, Fire only). If the element is Void, then the damage is doubled (to a total of 240% Base, Random, and Stats damage for the Trigger).
  • On Monster Category "Dragonkin" or "Drakel", the weapon deals 105% Base, Random, and Stats damage. Also, the element becomes Lesser Element Seeking (Harm, Fire only).
  • On anything else, the weapon deals 95% Base, Random, and Stats damage.

    • While weilded, you gain Dragonbane Blast as a temporary spell. The spell disappears if you un-equip the Dragonbane Scepter.
    • On Monster Category "Dragon"/"Dragonkin"/"Drakel", the weapon can Poison the monster. The monster receives -20 on its Save Roll. The Level of the poison is Your Level +20 against Dragons, or just Your Level against Dragonkin/Drakel. (See the entry on Poison for details.)

      • Level: YourLevel vs MonsterLevel
      • Major: [5*Round((2.1462*YourLevel + 10.399)/5)] vs MonsterEND
          Minimum 10, maximum 200
      • Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    This legendary weapon is made of Dragonbane, which is poisonous to the dragon-blooded! While an average weapon against most monsters, it is very powerful against dragons and dragonkind!


    Images from Sora Aeragorn (triggered) and Koree (untriggered). Update from rock4life, vezha, Genoclysm, shadow dragon666, Crimzon5, and Knightstar2001. Numbers from Kalanyr, Aelthai, and westwind.

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