Dragonbane Blast (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Dragonbane Blast (3/1/2009 4:20:12)

Dragonbane Blast

Location: Available while equipped with the Dragon Scepter and Dragon Staff. This spell disappears if you un-equip the Scepter or Staff.

Power Level: CharacterLevel when Triggered (versus dragons, drakels, and dragonkin) against anything else CharacterLevel-5 (with a minimum of 0)
MPLevel: Power Level
Element: (Follows the element of your no-drop equipment)
Cost: (38.1 + 2.3375*MPLevel + 0.01125*MPLevel*MPLevel) MP (rounded normally)

Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: (Follows the element of your no-drop equipment)
****Base: (0.00375*PowLvl^2 + 0.5625*PowLvl + 5.25) Base, rounded normally
****Random: (2*(0.0075*PowLvl^2 + 1.125*PowLvl + 10.5 - Base)) damage, rounded normally
****Stat: (100+6.6*PowerLevel)%, rounded normally to the nearest %
BTH: +(0.25*PowLvl) (rounded down)
*See Appendix

  • On Monster Category "Dragon", It deals 120% Void damage. Note that the monster's Void resistance is (usually) 200%, so it really does double damage.
  • On Monster Category "Dragonkin" or "Drakel", it deals 105% damage, and element-seeks between Harm and Earth(whatever your default element is).
  • On anything else, 90% damage.

  • Against Dragons/Dragonkin/Drakels: After your attack, there's a (# of hits that connected and dealt > 0 damage) / (# of hits attempted) chance of Poisoning the monster (1 round; 2 power; Level=YourLvl; Harm damage). The monster can resist with a save, with a +0 bonus (if against Dragons) or +20 bonus (if against Dragonkin/Drakel):
      Level: YourLevel vs MonsterLevel
      Major: [2.1462*PowerLevel + 10.399] vs MonsterEND
        Minimum 10, maximum 200, rounded to the nearest 5
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The Dragon Scepter has granted you knowledge of this spell, which will send a cloud of dragonbane at the enemy!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Appendices thanks to Ello. Typo correction from Watashig. Correction from Nex Del Vida and Watashig. Updated Trigger thanks to In Media Res.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Dragonbane Blast (3/15/2009 20:17:48)

    *Against Dragons, drakels, and dragonkind*
    Level	Plvl	Dmg	Stat	Bth	MPCost
    0	0	5-16	100	0	38
    10	10	11-34	166	2	63
    20	20	18-54	232	5	89
    30	30	26-77	298	7	118
    40	40	34-102	364	10	150
    50	50	43-129	430	12	183
    60	60	53-158	496	15	219
    70	70	63-189	562	17	257
    80	80	74-223	628	20	297
    90	90	86-259	694	22	340
    100	100	99-297	760	25	384
    110	110	113-338	826	27	431
    120	120	137-381	892	30	481
    130	130	142-426	958	32	532
    140	140	158-473	1024	35	586
    150	150	174-522	1090	37	642

    *Against Anything Else*
    Level	Plvl	Dmg	Stat	Bth	MPCost
    0	0	5-16	100	0	38
    10	5	8-24	133	1	50
    20	15	15-44	199	3	76
    30	25	22-65	265	6	104
    40	35	30-89	331	8	134
    50	45	38-114	397	11	166
    60	55	48-143	463	13	201
    70	65	58-173	529	16	238
    80	75	69-206	595	18	277
    90	85	80-240	661	21	318
    100	95	93-278	727	23	362
    110	105	106-317	793	26	408
    120	115	120-359	859	28	456
    130	125	134-402	925	31	506
    140	135	150-449	991	33	559
    150	145	166-497	1057	36	614
    *Note that they change every level these were done in intervals for convenience.

    BlackAces -> RE: Dragonbane Blast (11/18/2011 3:46:31)

    Dragonbane Blast

    Location: Available while equipped with the Dragon Scepter. This spell disappears if you un-equip the Scepter.

    Power Level: (0.0008*YourLevel^2 + 0.84*YourLevel + 10.375), rounded normally, to a minimum of YourLevel+3
    MPLevel: (0.0006*YourLevel^2 + 0.8816*YourLevel + 7.4731), rounded normally
    Element: Earth
    Cost: (38.1 + 2.3375*MPLevel + 0.01125*MPLevel*MPLevel) MP (rounded normally)

    Hits: 1
    Type: Magic
    Element: Earth
    ****Base: 4 + 0.5*PLvl + 0.0050*(PLvl^2) damage (rounded normally)
    ****Random: 13 + 1.25*PLvl + 0.0050*(PLvl^2) damage (rounded normally)
    ****Stat: (100 + 4.4*PLvl)% (rounded normally)
    BTH: +(0.25*PLvl) (rounded down)
    Effect: If the spell hits and deals non-zero damage, then the monster may be poisoned, as long as it's in Monster Category "dragon", "dragonkin", or "drakel". The monster takes -20 to its save it it's a dragon, or +0 otherwise. The Level of the poison is equal to your Level+20 (against dragons) or your Level (against dragonkin/drakel).
      Level: YourLevel vs MonsterLevel
      Major: [2.1462*YourLevel + 10.399] vs MonsterEND
        Rounded to the nearest 5, minimum 10, maximum 200
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    Note: PLvl is equal to the spell's Power Level.

  • On Monster Category "Dragon", the spell deals 120% Base, Random, and Stats damage. Also, the element becomes lesser element seeking (Void, Harm, Fire only). If the element is Void, then the damage is doubled (to a total of 240% Base, Random, and Stats damage for the Trigger).
  • On Monster Category "Dragonkin" or "Drakel", the spell deals 105% Base, Random, and Stats damage. Also, the element becomes lesser element seeking (Harm, Fire only).
  • On anything else, the spell deals 95% Base, Random, and Stats damage.

    The Dragon Scepter has granted you knowledge of this spell, which will send a cloud of dragonbane at the enemy!


    Image from Crimzon5. Stats from Crimzon5 and shadow dragon666. Stats from Aelthai. Corrections from jack90, Blue Revenge, Zebac64, and the people in Game Balance Issues.

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