Elder Water Dragon Form (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Elder Water Dragon Form (3/1/2009 23:26:39)

Elder Water Dragon Form

Also see other Water Dragon Forms ( Water Drayk, Baby Water Dragon, Young Water Dragon, Water Dragon, Ancient Water Dragon).

Level: 108
Price: 650,000 824,352
Sellback: 325,000 412,176
Location: Law of the Dragons
Element: Water

Melee: 43
Ranged: 43
Magic: 43

Fire: 147%
Water: 48%
Wind: 80%
Ice: 53%
Earth: 80%
Energy: 152%
Light: 80%
Darkness: 80%

If you have at least 317 SP, you can choose between the Attack and the Breath Weapon. If you don't, then you automatically use the Attack.
    Hits: 1
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Element: «As Weapon»
    Damage: 350% Base, Random, and Stats damage
    BTH: +13 plus Stats

    Breath Weapon: Mana Jet!
    Hits: 1
    Type: «Melee converts to Ranged; else As Weapon»
    Element: Water
    Damage: 64-177 damage plus 575% Stats
    BTH: +27 plus Stats
    • This is treated as a Spell, and thus does not use any of your weapon's statistics (other than Type).
    • If the attack hits, your opponent loses MP* equal to 1.5* the damage dealt.
    Cost: 317 SP

    *Your opponent's mana is washed down the metaphysical drain!
Like the ebbing of the tide, magic flows at your whim as a Water Dragon!


Stats from BexnDan, Isphus, Zevith, and Koree. Numbers from Aelthai. Image from Windy.

Ianthe -> RE: Elder Water Dragon Form (3/5/2009 0:57:24)

Elder Water Dragon Form

Location: Law of the Dragons (given to characters of level 108-115)

«Otherwise, EXACTLY as above»

Stats from BexnDan, Isphus, Zevith, and Koree. Numbers from Aelthai.

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