tsunamisword -> Cestis (3/6/2009 21:27:57)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/df/banners/ThatAWay.png[/image] Cestis Location: No Horsing Around, The Cold Hand of Death Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue No Horsing Around Cestis: I hope his end was a noble one! Like staring Death in the face, maybe, or wrestling one of those three-headed dogs roaming around. Cestis: Ugh. You look like something one would find leftover in a tissue. I would appreciate it if you'd kindly move! Cestis: Can you help me? I want to go home. I miss my husband. But Death will not listen to my pleas. Cestis: Then you'll help me? Cestis: My hero! Did my husband request your help? I never thought I'd be free of this place. Cestis: Did some benevolent god intervene and decide to send you? Cestis: And you, you must be some demi-god, no? More powerful than ordinary mortals? Cestis: You don't act like a hero. The Cold Hand of Death Cestis: Can you help me? I want to go home. I miss my husband. But Death will not listen to my pleas. Cestis: Then you'll help me? Cestis: My hero! Did my husband request your help? I never thought I'd be free of this place. Cestis: Did some benevolent god intervene and decide to send you? Cestis: And you, you must be some demi-god, no? More powerful than ordinary mortals? Cestis: You don't act like a hero. [image]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DF-Pedia/DF-Pedia/master/npcs/Cestispic.jpg[/image] Thanks to -- Stephen Nix for quest and shop info, missing banner and the new image. -- Voodoo Master for correction.