Issue 40 - Mage, Fighter, Thief - Part 5 (Eldron) (Full Version)

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Eukara Vox -> Issue 40 - Mage, Fighter, Thief - Part 5 (Eldron) (3/11/2009 16:05:29)

Mage, Fighter, Thief - Part 5
By Eldron

8 Profits

Once again we were up with the sun. After we shared a light breakfast, Ramalad dispelled the shelter and we set out. It was a beautiful day and the sun soon rose warm and high. We exchanged some idle talk about plants and animals, and in general, acted more as if on an afternoon stroll then on a mission. We hit the pass around mid-day and made the western slopes without any problems. By dusk, the outline of a settlement could be seen.

"Is that the settlement of our employer?" I asked, indicating the settlement we were approaching.

"No," said Ramalad. "That is, in fact, the settlement of our intended victim: the enemy."

"Then why do we approach so openly?" I inquired.

"To see what they have to offer," replied Ramalad.

"You would switch sides so readily?" I questioned in disbelief.

"If the price was right." Ramalad looked on. "However, that is not my intent in this case. You see, both families would like to see this relationship ended. There is no reason why we cannot turn a little profit from them both."

I just shook my head. I was still having a hard time coming to grips with this. Yet, in the time I have known him, Ramalad usually had good reasons, if not obvious ones, for the things he did. I could only accept this was true in the present case as well.

The settlement was typical of humans. It lacked any of the refinements of an elfin settlement - no evidence of appreciation for art, beauty, or sophistication. A dwarven settlement showed much more refinement. Another throw back I suppose to being such a short lived species. We entered the main gates and were immediately greeted with an interesting mixture of fear and respect. The humans made every effort to get out of our way. It was almost comical how they tried desperately not to be seen looking at us and at the same time staring. It would seem from the bits and pieces of conversation our elfin hearing could pick-up, they had heard the enemy had engaged a very powerful elfin mage. And now they shook with anticipation of their annihilation. The fact we actually showed up in the middle of them had to be most un-nerving. We approached the main house in the center of town and knocked at the gate.

"Who's there and what do you want?" a trembling voice said from behind the barred gate.

"I am Ramalad." replied Ramalad. "I seek an audience with the master of this house."

There was only quiet from within. We waited for about five minutes and the voice returned. "You are the wizard hired by Stonewall?" it asked.

"I am," replied Ramalad.

"What do you want here then?" inquired the voice. "Have you come to destroy us?"

"If that was what I sought," answered Ramalad, "you would now be ashes instead of standing there bringing me to anger."

There was a gasp and loud whispering from the other side. A loud clang of the bolt being drawn back sounded and slowly the gate opened. Inside stood a grey-haired, shriveled human male. "Follow me," he said, putting a body to the voice.

We entered the main house and were led to a large dining hall.

"My master will be with you presently," he said as he left us backing away, never taking
his eyes off us.

Ramalad made a quick gesture with his hands and the human paled, squeaked, and hurried off. We both laughed at the poor specimen. A few minutes later a short, rather rotund, hairy human entered.

"My lord Ramalad," he said, "I am Togar, son of Taliesh. By what honor do you grace our house?"

"Quite simply," said Ramalad, "I have been given the task of finding a solution to the current dilemma. Seeing as you have a stake in the outcome, I have decided to give you the opportunity to present your side."

"Most gracious of you," said Togar bowing. "Quite simply, we want this accursed relationship ended."

"And what," asked Ramalad, "is it worth to you?"

"I am afraid I do not understand my lord," replied Togar.

"Don't be dense man," said Ramalad. "What do you offer me to see this settled in your favor?"

"My lord, are you not hired by Stonewall?" asked Togar puzzled.

"I am," said Ramalad. "But it occured to me I can settle the matter in several ways. I could simply wipe this settlement out of existence and complete my task, or, I can find a solution more to your liking. Either way, I end the relationship and meet my obligation to Stonewall."

Togar paled and nodded in understanding. "I have 500 gold pieces," Togar said. "They are yours."

"Five hundred?" questioned Ramalad. "I suspect then the rumors I have heard of your, shall we say thrifty nature, must be inaccurate. By all accounts you should have many times that amount on hand. It would be most upsetting to me to find you have been dishonest with me."

A mixture of fear and rage shown in Togar's eyes. "Very well my lord," he said, "1500 pieces, more than that I can not do."

"That will do," said Ramalad.

We stood there silently staring at each other for a few moments.

"Do I have to find it for myself?" asked Ramalad.

"No, of course not," said Togar as he left.

He returned a few minutes later with the gold. "The settlement will be spared my lord?" he asked handing Ramalad the gold.

“Let us say a more equitable solution will be found," replied Ramalad.

As we left the house and the settlement, we experienced much the same reaction as when we arrived.

"Humans!" said Ramalad as we left the gate. He spat into the dirt as if trying to get rid of a foul taste in his mouth.

9 The Other Side

A short time later we found ourselves approaching Stonewall's settlement. The reception we received there was quite different. We were greeted with cheers and fanfare. We did not have to wait either, and were quickly ushered to Stonewall's office.

"My good lord Ramalad!" said Stonewall rising to greet us with out stretched hand. "So good of you to come so soon."

"Let us dispense with the niceties and get down to tasks," said Ramalad.

"Of course, as you wish," replied Stonewall genuinely hurt. "What do you require?"

"An understanding," replied Ramalad, "that you understand the terms of our arrangement."

"Indeed," said Stonewall. "I will pay you 2000 pieces of gold. In return, for which, you will destroy my enemies."

"I see it differently," said Ramalad. "I will, for your 2000 pieces, end the relationship between your daughter and her lover."

"Mere semantics my lord," said Stonewall, "mere semantics."

"Have you given any thought as to how you would have this done?" asked Ramalad.

"Oh yes!" said Stonewall. "I have given it much thought. I would like something, exotic."

"Exotic?" asked Ramalad.

"Yes," said Stonewall. "My priest tells me something of a spell that grants wishes. Can you grant wishes?"

"I am not a Genie, and I do not live in a magic lamp!" replied Ramalad angrily.

"My lord?" puzzled Stonewall.

"Never mind," said Ramalad. "I can work a wish spell. I must warn you, however, that this is a very dangerous choice. You may end up getting what you wished but not what you want."

"I do not understand," said Stonewall.

"You may wish," explained Ramalad, "for the young man to be dead. This may be accomplished by the earth opening up and swallowing both settlements, killing everyone else as well. The wish would be granted. I would urge you to find another solution."

"No," said Stonewall adamantly. "A wish is what I want. I simply wish that they had never met."

"Still," replied Ramalad, "I must warn you one more time of the danger in even so simple a wish."

"Be that as it may," said Stonewall, "you have my wish."

"So be it," said Ramalad. Ramalad waved his hands in the air and made an incantation. "It is done."

"Splendid!” yelled Stonewall. "You will stay with us and celebrate."

"I am afraid," said Ramalad, "that is not possible. We will take our gold and leave."

"As you wish," said Stonewall, indicating for someone to bring the gold forward.

We thanked our host and left. Stonewall turned to his page and said. "Fetch my daughter, we will celebrate!"

"My lord?" questioned the page.

"Fetch my daughter," repeated Stonewall.

"Your daughter, my lord?" questioned the page.

"Yes, are you daft man," yelled Stonewall, "or do I speak some strange tongue?"

"But my lord, the accident," said the page.

"What accident?" questioned Stonewall getting very hot.

"When your daughter was eight my lord. She was thrown from her pony," said the page.

"Yes, yes, I remember that," said Stonewall. "She was bruised and sore for weeks. What does that have to do with anything?"

"My lord," said the page cautiously, as if in doubt of Stonewall's sanity, "She broke her neck and died in the fall."

As Ramalad and I left the gates of the settlement the scream could be heard echoing off the mountains to the east.

Falerin -> RE: Issue 40 - Mage, Fighter, Thief - Part 5 (Eldron) (3/11/2009 17:25:00)

Ooh... the perils of a Wish spell realized. Thats gotta hurt.

nosey123 -> RE: Issue 40 - Mage, Fighter, Thief - Part 5 (Eldron) (3/12/2009 0:12:57)

Ouch, his poor daughter. [&:]

Lazo -> RE: Issue 40 - Mage, Fighter, Thief - Part 5 (Eldron) (3/12/2009 22:02:49)

Be careful with what you wish for.

Atriax -> RE: Issue 40 - Mage, Fighter, Thief - Part 5 (Eldron) (3/31/2009 13:44:19)

*sniff* YOU FOOL!!!!!!!
She didn't deserve that....
Silly Stonewell...

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