Fingerbone Belt (Full Version)

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Joseph3194 -> Fingerbone Belt (3/13/2009 20:16:06)

Fingerbone Belt
You HOPE those fingerbone-looking thing ornaments are carved from ivory. The belt was dropped in battle and a scavenger tossed it into this shop.
(No DA Required)

Location: Unlucky Holiday Shop
Price: 400 Gold
Sellback: 40 Gold

Level: 10
Element: Darkness
Bonuses: Magic Def +3, Pierce Def +2, Melee Def +1, DEX +3, Bonus +2, Fire +1, Darkness +3

Rarity: 4
Item Type: Belt
Equip Spot: Waist
Category: Armor

Thanks to
-- .Shadow// for shop link.
-- Pink_Star for info.

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