YoBG -> B. ShakeSpear (3/17/2009 10:45:02)
[image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/df/banners/FridayThe13th.jpg[/image] B. ShakeSpear Location: Thievilchauns Quests given None Shops owned None Dialogue B. ShakeSpear: Bill is a perfectly fine name. It has an illustrious history, if you must know. B. ShakeSpear: And I knew he was right! So we approached our new friends and asked what they were up to. B. ShakeSpear: We told them that Zorbak was up to no good and was likely only using them to further his nefarious necromantic ends. B. ShakeSpear: Well, I never! B. ShakeSpear: I think it will take DOUBLE the gold to get us to go back to fighting now. B. ShakeSpear: Pay us double? [image]http://i.imgur.com/e2TzgTD.png[/image] Thanks to -- Stephen Nix for corrections. -- Karika for the rare tag and a correction. -- Peachii for corrections and image.