Elaric -> RE: THE MECHQUEST ADVANCED TACTICS GUIDE! (5/29/2009 2:58:42)
Do you plan on updating this? Would love to see something about the 4th challenge.... Anyways, bull layout that got me through soluna: bull chassis thunder head/web walker for stunners FA: bloodthirsty slicer BA: default FS/BS: 8 shotguns/jones' bombs I found opening with the head worked better for me than the advice I got here , specifically on page 22 where one poster listed weapon order. Other than that, I followed his advice to the letter. Going 50 acc and rest reflex is key. Also, on the earlier battles, if the head proc def, I might go straight to the DOT weapons and then the body, just to kill them faster. I advise practicing on the boss fight on crystal astaroid to see what you are up against from the decimator. It all comes down to lucky RNG. I survived decimation and stun after landing all effects, but I missed FA the 2nd time and got damage from the head. I got lucky with the damage roll on his last attack, afterward killing him with 7 hp left. Basically, if you get all your DOTS off, get defense both times on the head, and everything else lands, your good [:D] I generally tried to land the DOTs first here before the head/body, trying to land the arms first then the daves bombs. Killing this guy comes down to timing and luck, its really up to you weither you go body first or head next, as you want both be active when he decimates, and the head does no damage. These decisions come down to experience, go practice first some, so you dont end up a bloody mess from pounding your head against the wall from grinding through the challenges to get to him. Yes, I tried going 2x shotguns, the dot on the daves shoulder is invaluable. Go get a duck and park him in one of the lower corners for the dive, you wont die. Just suck some jellyfish down and watch some TV or something while you wait the timer. I couldnt beat decimator w/o them on the astaroid. I dont know if the rest could be done w/o the web head, maybe, I didnt try. I got owned so bad at 31 and 32 in my nova raven by the hoverscythes (randomly) from stuns that I just went and spend the time and got it. I'll come back and update if I find anything interesting when I do the other challenges :)